Fever and Tummy Troubles (Harry)

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"Haz, come on you need to eat something." Niall frowned, combing his fingers through Harry's curls. "You need food in your belly. No more refusing."
Poor Harry had been sick with a burning belly ache for a couple of days now. He had hardly left his bunk, unless absolutely necessary and had been avoiding food at all costs. His stomach was in knots. He wasn't nauseous, he didn't have diarrhea, he was just in pain. Intense pain.
"No..." Harry groaned in response to Niall, curling up into the fetal position.
Niall shook his head, "You need eat Harry. What's wrong? Why aren't you accepting food?"
Harry just groaned in response, "Not hungry."
Niall sighed, and went off to find Liam, who was cooking breakfast. "Leeeeeee" he whined. "Helllp."
Liam chuckled, "Whatdya need Nialler?"
"It's Harry. He won't eat again."
Liam rolled his eyes, "That boy." He threw some buttered toast, eggs, and fruit onto a paper plate and groaned. "He's probably just stressed."
Niall nodded, not paying that much attention to Liam anymore and snacking hungrily on some grapes.
"Time for breakfast Hazza." Liam pulled the curtain open and Harry sighed.
"Didn't Niall tell you I'm not hungry?"
"Yes. But I don't really care. You didn't eat anything yesterday, and your body needs nurients." (A/N I can't read or write that word with out hearing it in Nacho Libre's voice. Idk why)
"I'm not eating." Harry replied calmly.
"Either you're going to eat on your own, or I'll force this food down your throat." Liam threatened.
"Fine." Harry huffed, snatching the plate from Liam.
Liam smiled as Harry ate the food, but little did he know Harry was literally choking down every bite. It hurt so much. He felt his stomach growing tighter with each bite.
Finally he finished the food, and Liam grinned at the victory, before walking away. "Today's a travel day Haz. You can stay in bed as long as you like!" He called over his shoulder.
As soon as Liam was gone, Harry shut his curtain, and removed his shirt. He placed both of his hands over his bloated belly, trying to soothe it. He could feel his insides moving under the tight skin.
"Mmmmmmmm" He moaned, squeezing his eyes shut in pain.
"What was that Haz?" A high pitched voice questioned. Louis. 
"Mm nothing." Harry groaned, he hadn't realized he'd been so loud.
Louis flipped Harry's curtain open, revealing the curly haired boy lying on his back, rubbing his swollen belly.
"Harry?" Louis' eyes widened, "What's wrong? Are you sick?"
"My stomach huuuuurtsss...." Harry whined as his belly tightens. He's tired of trying to hide it.
"Ohh..." Louis placed his hand on Harry's tummy gently, "It's very swollen." He noted.
Harry clenched his teeth, and took a sharp breath. His stomach was on fire inside of him and he didn't know what to do. Tears fell from his eyes, and he screamed.
"Whoa... Harry! You okay?" Louis was getting worried.
Harry was sweating profusely, and his arms were wrapped protectively around his torso. "It hurts!" He gasped.
Louis started to panic. Harry was dying. He was sure of it. "NIALL!! LIAM!!!" He shouted, "GET OVER HERE NOW! HURRY!!"
Niall shoved one last grape in his mouth, and he and Liam headed for Louis.
"What's wrong?" Liam asked, panting slightly.
"I think he's dying!" Louis exclaimed, tears in his eyes. He was legitimately afraid for his friend's life.
Liam smiled softly, placing a hand on Louis' shoulder. "I don't think he's dying Lou. Don't worry."
Louis nodded silently, but he was still very worried.
"What's wrong bud?" Liam queationed.
"M-my stomach." Harry whimpered through his tears. "Agh!" He yelped, an intense pain
"Oh Haz... where does it hurt?" Liam asked. "It might be appendicitis."
Harry groaned, "Everywhere."
Well that ruled out the appendix possibility. Liam knew if it was his appendix the pain would be mostly in his lower right abdomen.
"Do you feel like you're going to throw up?" Liam asked.
Harry shook his head.
"Do you need to... you know... go?"
"No!" Harry shouted. "What I need is for you all to stop fussing over me!!"
"Whoa.. easy mate. We'll leave you alone." Liam nudged Louis and Niall away from Harry's bunk, "But please let us know if you need anything."
Harry groaned, "Just go away already." He pulled his curtain shut angrily, and fell into a fitful sleep.
"Wonder what's got him feeling so poorly..." Louis spoke, taking a bite of his toast with jam... or rather... jam with toast, the sticky sweet substance was piled high on the cooked bread.
"I don't know. But it's sure got him in a mood." Niall grumbled.
Liam sighed, "He's probably got some sort of stomach bug." He said, sipping his orange juice.
"Aw. Poor Hazza." Louis replied sadly. After breakfast the three boys decided to go play some FIFA. A couple of hours had passed, when they suddenly heard yelling. Harry.
"I'll go check on him." Liam volunteered, pausing the game.
"Don't you dare think of cheating while I'm gone..." He warned.
Niall and Louis laughed but nodded.

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