Feverish and Delusional (Zayn)

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Hello loves!! This is a request for shadslover1216 :) hope I somewhat captured what you wanted! Here it goes!! Sorry it's slow at first, I had writers block:/
(Disclaimer: this is not a bromance, but it focuses mainly on Zayn and Liam. Also in this fic Zayn is still a part of the band.)
Enjoy! And don't forget to request;)
I awoke drenched in sweat, with a pounding in my head. I sighed and shoved my face in my pillow, determined to stay in bed. All day if I could help it. It was true that I never wanted to get up in the morning, but it was especially true today. I wasn't feeling too terrible yet, but I could sense that I'd be feeling like death by the end of the day, possibly earlier if we had a busy day. I rubbed my forehead, trying to clear my foggy mind in an attempt to remember what we had planned for the day, but it was no use. My brain was totally scattered and all I could think about was the pain in my head, and the chilled air surrounding me. I shivered, and snuggled deeper into my cacoon of blankets.
Just as I was drifting off to sleep again, Liam burst through the door of our shared hotel room, having just got back from his early morning trip to the gym. "RISE AND SHINE SLEEPY HEAD!" He exclaimed way too loud and cheerily for my liking.
"No..." I moaned, throwing my arm over my eyes as he pulled the curtain open, revealing the bright Orlando sunlight. Even with an arm over my eyes, I could feel the burning brightness. This day was not off to a good start.
Liam tugged on the the blankets that I had tightly wrapped around myself, yanking them off my slightly shaking form.
"Come on mate! I can't believe you're not up yet! We've got twenty minutes 'til go time!" He informed, jogging towards the bathroom. "Gonna take a quick shower. You better be up by the time I get back!"
I nodded, and rubbed the sleep from my tired eyes. "Hey wait Li!" I called after him, squinting from the light.
"Hm?" He hummed, glancing back at me over his shoulder.
"Um, well, er, what do we have going on today?" I asked, trying to make it seem like a very casual question.
"Funny Zee," Liam rolled his eyes, "Now get up! We really don't have time for messing around, not today."
I bit my lip, rubbing my arms up and down trying to draw some warmth, "Liam, seriously. What's the schedule for today?" I repeated.
This time he turned his whole body to face me, "You're serious Zayn?"
I nodded, immediately regretting it as it felt like my brain was bumping against the inside of my skull.
He huffed, "We have a fitting at 8, an interview at 9, another interview at noon, rehearsals at 2, a meeting with management at 4, sound check and final preparations at 5:30, and by 8, it's showtime." Liam spoke quickly, nearly a mile a minute, and it was hard to catch everything he said. I managed to do it though, seeing as how we had been best friends for years now.
"Oh great..." I grumbled as he hurried off to the bathroom. Today was our busiest tour date thus far, and I had been dreading it for months. How could I have forgotten such a big day? And more importantly, how was I supposed to make it through such a big day, feeling as badly as I did?
I stood warily, and dizzily made my way toward my large suitcase that was lying on the carpeted floor. I fumbled with the zipper a bit before finally managing to open it.
I carded a hand through my dark hair, as I desperately searched for something warm to wear. Eventually, at the very bottom of my suitcase I found a thick sweatshirt and some gray joggers. I was feeling so bad that I shockingly didn't even try to do anything with my hair. Lou will just end up changing whatever I do to it anyway, I thought to myself as I slipped on a red beanie.
Realizing I still had quite a bit of time before Liam would be ready -since he would probably actually try to look nice- I lay back on my bed and dozed off for a bit.
"Zayn, mate!" Someone was shaking my shoulder, I jerked awake and saw Liam hovering above me, his brows furrowed in concern.
"Hmm? Yeah?" I sat up, propping myself up on my elbows.
"It's time to go." He spoke gently,
and quietly, which I was extremely grateful for.
I nodded slowly, remembering the great deal of pain this simple action had caused me earlier.
"Are you feeling alright?" He inquired, as I slowly climbed off my bed.
" 'Course I am!" I lied, sliding on my tennis shoes.
Liam didn't look convinced, "Well then, how come you're wearing a sweatshirt and joggers on a summer day in Florida?"
He wasn't going to let this go, and I knew it. "Okay." I admitted, "I'm feeling a bit under the weather, but it's just a small cold. Nothing to worry about."
Liam frowned and pressed a cold hand to my forehead. "You're feeling a bit warm mate..." he clicked his tongue in thought, "you gonna be alright with all we've got going on today?"
No. I just want to sleep. My head is throbbing, my body aches and I'm freezing. That's what I'd say if I had it my way. Of course, I knew management would never let me do that, so I was going to act like I was fine. "Yup! I promise, just a slight cold. Now let's get going!"
Liam took a deep breath and placed his hand on my shoulder, "You promise you'll tell me if it gets any worse?"
"Promise," I lied. I knew by tonight, I'd be feeling absolutely terrible.
He squeezed my shoulder, "I'll be looking out for you today alright? It'll be okay."
I rested my head on my friend's shoulder, "Please don't tell the lads." I whispered as we headed toward the elevator. I didn't want anyone fussing over me.
Liam nodded understandingly, and we silently headed down to the tour bus where the boys were waiting.
"Took you long enough!" Louis snorted shoving a McDonald's bag into my arms as we entered the bus. "Here Paul brought breakfast. Eat up!"
I held the hot bag in my arms as we took our seats on the red couch.
"I'm not really hungry." I muttered, handing the food over to Liam, feeling a sudden nausea come over me.
"Not hungry?!" Niall asked from the couch directly across from me.
I chuckled a bit, but stopped abruptly, noticing the pain it caused to my head, "Yes Niall. It is possible. Sometimes a person isn't hungry."
Everyone laughed, but Liam gave me a worried look. He grabbed an egg Mc'Muffin from the bag and handed it. "You really should eat something."
I shook my head, afraid the food would come straight back up.
"It might make you feel better." Liam whispered, so only I could hear.
Not wanting to worry him farther, much to my disliking, I took the breakfast sandwich from his hands.
He gave me a small sympathetic smile as I took a bite, before digging into his own.
I managed to finish the Mc'Muffin, but almost immediately felt it making its way back up.
I excused myself from the group and hurried to the bathroom at the back of the bus. Liam rushed up to me, "Hey you okay?"
"Oh yeah," I hated lying to my best friend but it had to be done, "just gotta take a poo."
Liam rolled his eyes heading back towards the rest of the guys. "Didn't need to know that!" He laughed.
I smiled to myself, proud, and slightly shocked that I'd actually fooled him. I assumed it was the stress of the day ahead that caused his oblivious behavior. Normally he was very observant, nothing got past him.
After he was out of sight I shut the bathroom door, flicked on the overhead fan -to hopefully drown out the retching sounds- and collapsed in front of the toilet.
I took a deep breath, desperately hoping this was a false alarm. It wasn't. I gagged a couple of times, my knuckles turning white from gripping the toilet so hard. Soon enough I let out a disgusting sounding retch and up came my breakfast, tasting much worse than it had the first time. When I finally let out a dry burp, I knew I was finished. I sighed, how was I going to continue hiding this from the boys? If my stomach decided to pull another stunt like this, I knew I'd be done for...
Luckily for me the rest of the day went by without any incidents. At least not to my remembrance, everything that happened after our meeting with management was kind of a blur.

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