Hiding It (Niall and Harry)

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Hello everyone! Courtney here :) This is a request for the lovely DHMORREGO Hope you enjoy! As always, please comment, vote and request! Xx love you all tons!! I'm trying a different style format with this one, let me know what y'all think!! Xx

Niall was hiding the fact he was terribly ill. Harry was hiding the fact that he felt just fine.
It had been a long day, full of photoshoots, interviews and a concert. The lads were definitely ready for a good night's sleep. They had another busy day in the morning.

Harry was tired. Tired of dealing with the paps, the fans, the press... he was tired of interviews, concerts, and simply having to put forth effort at all. He was just so done. He wanted a break. Just for one day. He wanted a day to rest, he was going to do everything in his power to get that, and he had a plan. He went to bed that night with a smile on his face. He was going to wake up 'sick' in the morning.

Niall too, was tired. He however wasn't sick of the fans, or concerts. Out of the boys, Niall actually loved their job the most. So unlike Harry, he wasn't tired of his duties, no, he was physically tired. His body was worn down, and he could tell he was getting sick. They'd had a very busy schedule, and he was extremely sleep deprived, and his body was very persistent about making sure he knew it. He was already feeling pretty icky, but he didn't let that dampen his spirits. He'd heard having a positive attitude could help heal a person. He went to bed with a smile on his face. He was going to wake up well in the morning.

Harry awoke to the warm sunlight spilling through the curtains of his bunk. He grinned, pulling the curtain open and scooting closer to the window. He pressed his face against the hot window, and wrapped his blankets tightly around his body, surrounding himself with heat, trying to make himself seem feverish.

Niall too, awoke to the bright sunlight shining through his bunk curtains. His head was pounding and the light did not help. He scooted as far away from the window as possible. He tossed his blankets on the ground, trying to lower his temperature, trying to make himself feel less feverish.

"Lads why aren't you up yet?!" Louis came running towards the bunks, he'd been in the shower and assumed the others would be up by now.
"I am up!" Liam called back from the kitchenette, walking towards Louis.
Louis sighed, at least two people were up. "Niall! Harry! Wake up!"

Harry had meant to sleep in. It was all part of his 'act.' Louis pulled the curtain open. "Harry rise and shine!" He chirped.
Harry groaned and rolled over. "I don't feeeeeel welllll." He clutched his stomach in curled up tightly into a ball.
"Aw are you ill?" Louis felt his forehead, "You don't have a fever."
Harry frowned, he clearly hadn't spent enough time heating himself up.
"B-but I feel siiick.." Harry whined, rubbing his eyes with his fists, and starting to have a 'coughing fit.'
"Oh Hazza, you really aren't feeling too well are you?" Louis asked.
Harry shook his head, trying to appear miserable.
Louis frowned, "I'll see if management will let you stay on the bus for the day."
Harry nodded. "Okay. Thanks."
He was hoping management would let him have the day off. If they didn't not only would he have to everything he was desperately trying to avoid, but he'd have to exhaustingly enough, continue with his sick act.

Niall on the other hand, hadn't meant to sleep in. He had thought he'd be feeling better by now. Boy, was he wrong. Liam pulled his curtain open. "Morning Niall!" He exclaimed happily.
Niall smiles weakly, trying to appear normal. "Hey Li!" He tried to sound as enthusiastic as possible.
Liam notices Niall's pale complexion and bloodshot eyes. "You don't look too good Ni."
Niall chuckles, ignoring the pain in his head, "Well I just woke up. Haven't had time to get ready. Cut me some slack!" He teases, trying to keep that positive energy, even as his stomach flips uncomforably.
Liam places a hand to Niall's forehead. "You've got a fever Nialler."
Niall sighed, wanting to admit how poorly he felt. But he'd heard Harry saying he was sick too, and he didn't want to be an extra burden. "Nah, I don't have a fever. I slept under too many blankets and overheated."
Liam frowned, "But your blankets are on the floor Niall..."
"That's why they're on the floor. I got too hot."
Liam gave him a worried look. "I'm fine. Honestly." Niall protested.
Liam nodded, seeming to accept his answer.
"I'll be up in a couple minutes." Niall explained.
Liam nodded and headed out of the bunk area.
"You sick Haz" Niall asked.

1D SICK FICS Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang