Helpless and Sick (Harry)

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This is a request for whenhazzametboo :) Hopefully it's kind of what you wanted!! I did my best!! Any way, thanks for reading! Enjoy!!
(Also still editing so ignore typos :) )

Harry awoke with a jolt, startled at the pillow that had been thrown at his face. "WAKE UP!" His bandmate Louis yelled, "It's our day off today! We've got lots of big plans!!" He was grinning from ear to ear.
Harry groaned and shoved the pillow off his face, suddenly noticing the burning sensation in his throat, and throbbing in his head, he could almost hear the blood rushing through his brain as it pulsed against his skull. "Just five more minutes Lou..." Harry croaked burying his face under the fluffy, white comforter.
Louis frowned, Harry was usually an early riser. "No Haz! Come on, five more minutes of sleep is five less minutes of fun!" He threw the comforter Harry had tried to hide under, off of the curly haired lad, sending him into a fit of shivers.
"Are you cold Harry?" Louis asked, noticing how much his friend was shaking.
"J-just a bit..." he rasped, his throat feeling as though scalding hot, barbed wire had been mercilessly shoved down it.
"Oh you don't sound good mate..." Louis looked down at the younger lad, "and you're sweating like crazy, how can you be cold?"
Harry shrugged, curling up into a ball, trying to draw some warmth, too tired to grab the comforter Louis had thrown on the floor.
Louis gently pressed his hand to Harry's forehead and frowned, "I think you have a fever buddy."
"I-I-I'm fine..." Harry replied, his teeth chattering.
"Right, sure." Louis grumbled, "I'm gonna get Liam. I'll be right back." He picked up the comforter and wrapped it around the shivering boy, before turning to go find Liam, being 'Daddy Direction', he'd know what to do.
"Wait..." Harry whimpered, "Please don't leave."
Louis pouted his lip a bit at the sight of Harry feeling so sick. His nose was red as a certain holiday reindeer, his eyes were swollen and puffy, his cheeks were a dark pink, all while the rest of his body was a ghostly white. "Aww Haz... I'm just fetching Liam. I'll be back in a jif."
Harry nodded sniffling a bit, "Okay... please hurry. I d-don't want to be alone."
Louis nodded, before exiting the large hotel suite (which was more like a miniature apartment than a hotel room) he and Harry shared, and scurrying across the hall to Niall and Liam's room.
He frantically pounded on the door, "Liam! Niall! Open up, it's me! Please, hurry!"
Niall, who appeared to be half asleep, wearing only a pair of sweatpants, opened the door yawning. "Yeah?" He asked, scratching his bare belly. Liam sauntering into the room a few feet behind him.
"I need help. Harry's sick." Louis blurted, "I think he's got a fever."
Upon hearing that, Niall immediately became more alert, and Liam pushed through the two boys, making his way toward Louis and Harry's suite. He was not messing around, now in full on 'Daddy Direction' mode. "Did you get his temperature? What are his symptoms? Is he throwing up? Is he awake?" He was spitting questions a mile a minute.
Niall put a hand on his older friend's shoulder, "Slow down mate. Maybe you should hold off on your diagnosis until you actually see the lad's symptoms in person."
Liam nodded slowly as they entered the suite, and rushed to Harry's room where he lay curled up in a tight cacoon of blankets.
"Whoa." Niall commented, "He looks bad."
"I feel bad..." Harry retorted, his voice raw.
Liam gently placed his cool hand on Harry's forehead, "Definitely a fever. What hurts bud?"
"M-my head is killing me, I h-have a stuffy nose, my throat is o-on fire, and I'm f-freezing."
"Sounds to me like you have a nasty cold." Liam clicked his tongue, "Luckily for you, we have the day off, so you can rest."
"B-but what about all the stuff we had-" Harry stopped mid sentence, sneezing loudly into the crook of his arm. "planned for today?" He finished, wiping his nose on the back of his hand.
Louis ruffled the boy's curly hair, and handed him a tissue, "Your health is more important."
Niall nodded in agreement, "Yeah. Besides it'll still be fun. We can have a lazy day and just watch movies!"
Harry smiled at that idea. He wanted nothing more than to relax, and sleep off this illness. "O-okay." He replied quietly.
"I'm gonna get dressed quick and run to the store." Louis said, "You know to get a thermometer, some meds, and movies!"
Harry pouted, grabbing Louis' arm, "No Lou. Don't go!" Harry loved all the boys, but Louis was his best friend. What Harry really wanted was to be back in Holmes Chapel with Anne and Gemma taking care of him like they did when he was young. However, that obviously wasn't a possibility, and Louis was his next best option. He looked up at the older lad with pleading eyes.
"Harry I-" Louis began, but Niall cut him off.
"I'll go. You stay here with Harry. You're his best friend and he needs you."
"You sure Ni?"
He nodded, "'Course! Besides, I gotta get some groceries!"
Of course he did. It was Niall. He always needed groceries. "Okay, thanks mate!"
"No prob! Any movie requests Haz?" Niall asked, making his way towards the door.
Harry shook his head, he could care less what they watched. He just wanted some sleep.
"Ooh I have a request then!" Liam piped up, "How about-"
Niall stopped him, "I'm not taking requests from you! You have horrible taste in movies Li!"
"In that case-" Louis began, but Niall interrupted him as well.
"Same goes for you buddy. Since Harry is feeling unwell, I was going to let him pick, but he didn't want to so I'm going to!" Niall smirked, and hurried off to change his clothes, "Be back soon!" He called over his shoulder.
Harry curled up tighter under his blankets and moaned, "Hey, you okay?" Louis inquired.
Harry coughed, "N-no. It's so c-cold."
"Well you're wearing nothing but a pair of basketball shorts, I'll grab you some warm clothes." Liam cooed, patting the blanket-swaddled boy's thigh.
Harry nodded, and reached for Louis. "Cuddles?" He whined.
Louis nodded at the poor, shaking boy and pulled him into his arms.
Harry buried his head into his friends chest, "You're w-warm...." He sighed in contentment.
Louis chuckled at the irony of the statement, he was the warm one, yet it was Harry who had a raging fever.
Meanwhile, Liam dug through Harry's suitcase, looking for the warmest pj's he could find. He eventually settled upon a pair of gray sweatpants, and a big blue sweatshirt. He also found a soft black beanie and some fuzzy socks. He gently shook Harry's shoulder, "Found you some warm clothes Haz." He whispered.
Harry smiled weakly, and lifted his head a bit, "Thanks Liam." He croaked.
"No problem. Do you need help getting them on?" He asked as his friend appeared to be struggling just to keep his eyes open.
Harry's cheeks flushed and he nodded.
Liam and Louis shot each other sad looks. "It's okay. We're happy to help. It's no fun being sick huh?" Louis assured Harry, releasing his grip on the boy so he could help Liam dress him.
Harry let out a small whine as Liam gently pried the blanket from his sweaty body. "I know buddy... I know." Liam soothed, "You'll be all nice and warm here real soon. Can you sit up for me Hazza?"
Harry tried with all his might to sit up, but his body failed him. His muscles were just too achy. Defeated, he shook his head.
"We'll help you then." Louis concluded as he and Liam gently put their arms around the boy, propping his weak body up against his pillows.
"Thanks." He whispered.
"It's no problem at all mate." Liam replied, "Now let's get that sweatshirt on. Louis would you help hold him up?"
Louis nodded, and held Harry's torso firmly to keep him from falling as Liam slipped the sweatshirt over his head. Louis then proceeded to guide Harry's limp arms through the long, soft sleeves. He continued to hold the boys arms, keeping him steady as Liam adjusted the sweatshirt over the sickie's bare tummy, before slipping the knit beanie on his feverish head.
"We're gonna have to stand him up." Louis said, realizing that was the only way they'd be able to get their friend into his sweatpants.
Liam nodded and turned to Harry. "Okay," he instructed, "Louis and I are gonna help you stand up now."
Harry coughed, "Why?"
"We're gonna get you into some cozy warm pants. Doesn't that sound nice?" Louis asked, wrapping an arm around Harry.
The curly haired boy shook his head, leaning on Louis shoulder.
"Why not?"
"I J-just want to stay right here and cuddle. I don't w-wanna move. It's too cold..." He explained, squeezing his eyes shut in pain.
Louis looked down at the poor lad, "Harry, you'll be warmer in sweatpants. Now come on, we'll help you."
Reluctantly, the youngest boy gave in and nodded.
Liam smiled sadly, "I'm so sorry you're not feeling well." He said as he grabbed Harry's long legs and carefully moved them so they were hanging over the side of the bed.
"S'okay." Harry mumbled, clenching his teeth at the pain in his throat.
Liam pouted his lip, and grabbed Harry's arm wrapping it around his shoulder, "Here Lou, I'll take his right arm, you take his left. We'll lift him on three."
Louis nodded, and Liam counted, "One, two, three." They slowly pulled a quaking Harry to his feet.
Harry could hardly hold his own weight. Technically he wasn't even standing, his feet were merely touching the floor as he relied heavily upon his two friends.
Louis and Liam managed to shimmy Harry out of his shorts, and into his sweatpants one leg at a time. Liam lay the boy back down, and Louis slid the fuzzy socks over his feet.
"Alright Haz, we're going to help you walk to the couch okay. It's just right outside the door." Louis whispered.
"N-nooo..." Harry curled into himself, not wanting to move.
"C'mon Harry. I know you're not feeling well, but you don't want to just stay in here all day do you?" Louis replied.
"Yes I do..." Harry whined, sneezing immediately after.
Liam sighed, "Well I guess you'll just miss out on the movie marathon with the lads!"
"Yeah," Louis chimed in, "You'll just be in here all alone..."
Suddenly Harry felt very emotional, "A-alone? Please don't leave me alone!" Tears welled up in his eyes, "I'll join you."
Liam and Louis immediately felt bad for teasing him when he felt so sick, "Hey no need for tears," Louis cooed, "How about I carry you?"
Harry nodded silently, the tears he had held back now slipped from his eyes.
Louis wiped them away with his thumb, "It's alright bud. I know you don't feel well. Come on." He scooped Harry up like a baby and carried him over to the large couch, Liam trailing close behind, several blankets and pillows in hand. Harry nuzzled his head into the crook of Louis' neck as they walked, trying to draw some warmth.
Liam laid out a spread of cozy blankets and pillows, and even Harry's soft stuffed kitten he keeps in his suitcase.
Louis bent over, attempting to lay Harry on the couch, but the feverish boy clung to him like there was no tomorrow.
Liam smiled as he watched Louis struggle to pry Harry from himself.
"Harry," Louis said, "You gotta let go bud."
Harry shook his head and held to him tighter, "No." He mumbled.
Liam laughed to himself, Harry looked much like a baby koala, holding on to his best friend the way he was.
Louis sighed, "A little help here Li?"
Liam nodded, thinking of how he could get Harry to let go before poor Louis collapsed. (Despite being older, Lou was definitely much smaller than Harry.) Of course Liam could fairly easily pull Harry away, but he didn't want to upset the lad... he thought for a second more before it came to him, he grabbed Harry's stuffed kitty. "Harry," he smirked, "Mr. McFluffy is lonely..."
Harry peeked his head up from Louis' neck, and tiredly blinked a couple of times, debating his options.
"Now, if you want him, you're going to have to let go of Louis."
Harry frowned, but nodded and allowed Louis to slowly lay him across the couch while Liam handed him his beloved stuffie.
Harry cuddled Mr. McFluffy close to his chest, and held him tightly for a moment, before erupting into a painful coughing fit.
"Harry are you okay?" Louis asked frantically, as his poor friend nearly hacked up a lung.
"Lou, will you go grab him some water?" Liam asked, sitting down beside Harry and patting his back rhythmatically.
Louis nodded and ran to the kitchenette.
Liam continued patting Harry's sweaty back, whispering soothing words.
By the time Harry finished, he had tears streaming down his red cheeks. Liam wrapped an arm around him, "It's okay Haz... shhhh... you're okay. It's over now. You're alright."
"W-water..." Harry rasped, reaching out for Louis who was walking toward him with a glass in his hand, and Niall, who had just returned, on his heels, a worried look on his face. Louis rushed to Harry and handed him the cool glass of water.
Harry took it with shaky hands, and attempted to drink it, but spilt a bit on his chest, causing more tears to well up in his eyes.
"Whoa, what's with the tears mate?" Niall inquired, "Don't cry. Here, I'll help yeh." He carefully took the cup from Harry's trembling fingers, and raised it to the boy's chapped lips.
"Thanks Ni." Harry muttered after managing to choke down his water.
Niall nodded, "No need to thank me buddy. That's what friends are for. "
Harry nodded, offering the blond a weak smile.
"Now," Niall dug into the grocery bags he had brought, "I got a thermometer, a heating pad, orange juice, cough drops, Nyquil, and a whole bunch of movies, and by the looks of it, it seems like everything I bought will be put to good use."
Harry giggled a bit, but regretted it as it sent him into yet another coughing fit. Louis ran his fingers through the boy's curly locks, Liam rubbed his back, and Niall spoke calmly to him, a gentle hand on his thigh.
"How about a cough drop?" Louis asked, as the coughing finally subsided.
"Yes please..." Harry whimpered, resting his head on Louis' shoulder, and cuddling his stuffie tightly under his chin.
Niall reached into the bag and handed Harry a cough drop before turning on a movie.
"Can I have another cough drop please?" Harry asked quietly, as the movie came to an end.
His three friends looked at each other warily. "Haz, I know yer hurtin' but are you sure another cough drop is a good idea?" Niall asked.
Harry pouted, terrified he'd have another coughing attack, "I need one. P-please." He was on the verge of crying yet again, and the boys hated to see him suffering so much.
Liam sighed, and handed the boy yet another cough drop. There were only a few left....
Harry held the cough drop in his hand as he sneezed into his elbow a good five times. Louis handed him a tissue and he took it gratefully, wiping his raw, red, nose before popping the strawberry flavored lozenge in his mouth.
A few minutes later, soft snores were coming from the youngest band member, and the other three were glad he was finally able to doze off. He had been so miserable.
Harry awoke to a searing pain in his belly. He let out a small whimper to signal the boys. Immediately his friends who had been cuddling him, looked down to see what was wrong.
Liam frowned, seeing the pained expression on Harry's face as he clutched his kitten in one hand and his belly in the other.
"Hey, what's the matter Hazza?" Louis asked sadly.
"M-my belly hurts....." He moaned, tears sliding down the sides of his face... he was crying yet again. Louis reached under Harry's shirt, and began rubbing circles on his tummy.
"Aww Haz." Liam cooed, "Do you feel like you're going to throw up?"
Harry shook his head no, sniffling a bit.
"Okay.." Liam thought for a moment, "Do you feel like you need to do a number two?" He asked seriously, though Niall and Louis couldn't hold back their giggles.
"No." Harry mumbled, "It just... hurts." He cried.
"It was probably the cough drops...." Niall realized.
Liam and Louis nodded in agreement as Harry sobbed in pain.
"Aw, come on Harry let's get you to your bed." Niall said, lifting Harry up off the couch.
Harry's lip wobbled, "B-but I don't wanna be a-alone." He looked at each of his friends with pleading eyes.
"Hey," Niall spoke softly, "We won't leave you alone. How would you feel if we all came and cuddled with you?"
Harry nodded, smiling a bit and wrapping his arms tightly around Niall's neck as they headed for his bedroom.
"Don't worry Haz." He whispered, "We'll have you feeling better real soon."
The four lads spent the rest of the night taking care of a very sick and helpless Harry. He was always so emotional and needy when ill. The boys didn't mind though, they just wanted their younger friend to feel better! And after always few days, several cough drops, and lots of cuddles he finally did.

Sorry this one kinda sucked! I tried though!! The next request I'm doing will be a Liam fic for shadslover1216 :) thanks for reading everyone!! Please give me feedback, vote, and REQUEST 😄 It really means alot!! I'll do them all!! I cam write friendship style fluff betweem the boys or y/n stories :) but remember I don't do gay fics or smut! Thanks loves 😘😘😘

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