Severe Back Pain (Harry)

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Hello my loves! Hope you are all doing fantastic! For anyone who would like an update, my dad is okay. He's home now. He has a kidney stone, and his heart is healing but he's alright.
Anywho, this is a request for TaylorSwift15 :) she's a lovely author! Check out her amazing stories!!
Also, please remember to vote and comment!! Thanks lovelies!! X

Harry was sitting peacefully on the soft hotel couch, reading a romance novel. He was in his cozy sweats and fuzzy socks, his freshly washed curls in a damp messy bun (a/n I know he cut his hair but this is fiction, and besides he cut it during the hiatus), and his warm herbal tea with honey sitting on the end table next to the dimly lit lamp, illuminating a soft orange glow. He had a heating pad wrapped all the way around his middle, soothing the aching in his back. He loved moments like this. Constantly being on the go, it was extremely difficult to find time to properly relax. It was rough on all the boys, but particularly Harry, as he suffered from chronic back pain.
The boys knew about his back problems, but didn't think of it as something serious. Of course, they believed that he suffered from minor pain, but in their minds he was too young to have major back issues, so they took the situation lightly. They even tended to tease him about it. And despite his laughing along, it hurt Harry. He felt absolutely pathetic.

Louis burst through the door, and chuckled at the sight of Harry curled up with a book and a cup of tea. "Harry?!" He laughed, "What are you up to there?"
Harry jumped, startled. The book he had been totally engrossed in, falling from his large hands and landing on the ground. "Reading." He replied calmly, mentally preparing himself to retrieve his book. His back hurt so badly, and he knew bending over would not be a fun or easy task.
Louis continued giggling, "Haz, that's not what you do on our nights off! You go clubbing, party it up, live the high life!"
Harry sighed, he would honestly rather sit on the couch and read, and enjoy the soothing heat on his back. "I'd rather just relax." He replied, twiddling his thumbs.
Right at that moment, Niall walked in. "Lou, you ready to- Haz?? Aren't you coming clubbing with us? You can't go dressed like that!" He chuckled.
Harry shook his head, "I'm not going."
"He wants to stay and relax.." Louis stated sassily. 
Niall smirked, "Really? You'd rather stay here and read, sipping tea?"
Harry's cheeks flushed pink. "Y-yeah. My back hurts." He spoke quietly, unsure of how his friends would react.
"Whatever man." Louis chuckled, "Just don't get too wild while we're gone." He winked.
Harry didn't find his comment too funny. It hurt his feelings that his friends were laughing at him when he was tired and in pain. Was it such a bad thing to want to relax? He slowly lowered his upper body toward the floor, reaching for his book. He took a sharp breath in at the pain. He was moving dreadfully slow, and it hurt.
"Harry?" Louis laughed, "Why ya moving so slow? Just grab the book already!"
Harry frowned, "Like I said earlier, my back hurts."
Niall snickered, "It's like you're an eighty year old woman trapped inside a 22 year old man's body! Reading, sipping tea, moving slow... oh it's the whole package!"
Louis cackled like a hyena, "Oh that's good Ni! Don't forget Grandma Styles' 'back pain'!"
The two howled with laughter.
Harry managed to grab his book, the tears in his green eyes threatening to spill.
"Grandma Styles, ooh that's a good one Lou!" Niall wiped his eyes, trying to compose himself.
Louis pat his back, calming down a bit himself.
Harry, ever so slowly, lifted himself back up to a sitting position, vertebrae by vertebrae, his back throbbing. He managed to keep his tears in his eyes, much to his relief. He didn't want Louis and Niall to laugh more.
"Boys! The van's ready!" Liam walked into the room. "You coming H?"
"Nah...he's gonna stay here and read." Niall chuckled.
"Let's go!" Louis chimed in, "Bye Grandma!"
Niall burst into a fit of giggles, "Don't stay up too late now nan!"
Liam rolled his eyes, and ushered the boys out the door. "Bye Haz!" He called.
The moment the boys were gone, sobs wracked Harry's aching body. He didn't know which hurt worse, his back or his heart... his friends had gone too far this time, and he didn't know how much longer he could handle their teasing.
He tried to continue reading, but he had lost his focus. He huffed, and cautiously stood up, careful not to jostle his back too much.
He hobbled toward the small kitchen, and took some ibuprofen, although he knew it wouldn't do much, and then headed off to bed.
He lay completely flat, on top of his heating pad, and silently cried himself to sleep, wishing he could end this misery. He'd seen countless doctors and specialists, but nothing helped. It seemed in Harry's case, there was just no cure. And the worst part was, all that Harry wanted was cuddles and a bit of sympathy from his friends, but instead he received endless teasing. Harry knew that the lads meant no harm, but that didn't make it hurt any less.
Months passed and Harry's pain only got worse. He was always walking slowly and slightly hunched over. Concerts were getting harder and harder, but for the fans... he managed.
As time went on, the pain in his back started to affect his poor tummy, leaving him with a constant feeling of nausea.
"Harry! Time to get up!" Louis chirped, shaking Harry's shoulder. They were currently on a short holiday in New Zealand.
Harry's eyes fluttered open, and he immediately smelt bacon. His stomach flipped, and he rubbed it softly.
"I made breakfast!" Louis exclaimed, "Eggs, bacon and pancakes!" He stated proudly.
"Um it sounds great but uh.. I'm not really hungry." Harry mumbled.
Louis frowned, "Harry I haven't seen you eat hardly anything in days."
Harry shrugged, "You probably just weren't paying attention."
Louis sighed, "Don't lie." He said sternly, "Is your stomach upset?"
Harry didn't want Louis to laugh at him, so he shook his head. Tears pricked his eyes as he lay there, his stomach churning and his back aching. He didn't even realize that he'd let his tears fall.
"Harry... are you... are you crying?" Louis immediately sat down beside  the lad, and cuddled him kindly.
Harry shook his head, leaning on his older friend's shoulder.
"Yes you are." Louis noted, noticing his shoulder growing slightly wet. "Tell me what's wrong Haz. I hate to see you cry."
Harry sniffled, and in a moment of such pain, he finally let his walls come down. "I feel nauseous. I've felt nauseous for weeks, and I think it has to do with my b-back pain." His sentence got quieter by the word. He was terrified Louis would make fun of him again.
"Aw Haz. I'm sorry. You've got to eat though. You're belly needs food." Harry stared at him wide eyed, shocked he hadn't made some joke about his back pain that he was apparently too 'young' to have.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Louis questioned.
"You didn't make fun of me!" Harry blurted happily.
Louis' heart broke. "Of course I didn't... why-"
"You always make fun of my back problems." Harry whimpered, cutting Louis off.
"Harry. I'm so sorry...I-I didn't realize I was hurting you. I was just trying to have fun.... gosh I'm a horrible friend."
Harry shook his head, "It's okay."
Louis sighed, "C'mon. Let's get some food in your tummy."
Harry shook his head, "No. Louis pleassseee." He whined, his belly was not agreeing with him.
"Louis. I said no." Harry stated folding his arms across his chest, before wincing a bit, the pain in his back suddenly intensifying. "Can we cuddle?" He asked softly.
"Of course H." Louis quickly sent Liam a text, worried about the youngest band member.
Louis held his best friend close, massaging his sore back, and rubbing his poorly tummy. He could feel it was significantly smaller. "You've lost weight Hazza." He whispered.
"Have I? I didn't notice." Harry shrugged it off.
Louis frowned, "When did you last eat?"
Harry thought for a moment, "I ate some toast yesterday."
"That's it?!"
Harry nodded, "Please don't be mad." He whimpered, resting his head on Louis' shoulder, "I've just felt so sick."
"I'm not mad Harry. I'm worried. You need to eat."
Harry closed his eyes, done with that conversation.
Liam walked in a moment later, a tray of eggs and pancakes in his hands, and Niall hot on his heels.
"Louis told me you haven't been eating." Liam said, worried.
"Louuuu!!" Harry whined angrily.
"Don't be mad at him Haz. He's concerned, and quite frankly, I am too."
"Me too!" Niall piped up.
"Point is we are all worried about you, and you need to eat."
Harry sighed, but nodded. His stomach was so queasy, but he knew the boys wouldn't give up.
Harry slowly at his eggs, his stomach protesting with every bite but he managed to finish.
"Great Haz! How are you feeling?" Liam asked.
Harry shrugged, his stomach temporarily forgotten as his back pain flared up.
"Well, I hate to break it to ya Haz, but you need to get up now. We're leaving today remember?" Liam asked quietly.
Harry nodded, and slowly sat up, breathing through his clenched teeth.
"Harry, are you okay?" Liam supported the boy's back as he prepared to stand.
Harry nodded, "I'm used to it Li. I deal with back pain everyday."
"Is it always this bad?" Liam choked.
"Most of the time... but I'm okay. Really." Harry steadied himself on his feet, and Liam frowned seeing how hunched over poor Harry was when he stood.
"How did we not notice before?" Louis whispered.
Harry slowly walked over to his suitcase, one hand on his back.
"What are you doing H?" Liam asked.
"Grabbing my things." Harry stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"No! Let me do it! Please. You need to rest your back!" Liam fussed, grabbing Harry's suitcase and escorting the boy to the couch.
Harry felt guilty watching his friends do all the work.
A tear rolled down his cheek. He was in such immense pain, nauseous, and his guilt was eating him away. 
Louis walked over to Harry and pulled him in for a hug. "I know you're feeling guilty but don't. Please. You are not a burden. We would do anything for you, you know that right?"
Harry nodded sniffling. "Thanks Lou."

There's part 1! Hopefully you liked it, part 2 should be up tomorrow around the same time xx (part 2 will be a lot better btw)
Anyways, please vote and comment!!! It means so much I love you all! Xx
(Requests will be opening again sometime within the next week)

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