"I'm not Sick" (Liam)

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Hello loves! This is a request for shadslover1216 hopefully I captured what you wanted! I tried my best! Thanks for reading everyone!! Kisses 😘 Please comment and vote!

Liam stared down at his food distastefully, he'd woken up with a mild tummy ache, but it was nothing he couldn't handle. Despite his stomach's protests, he decided it'd probably be best if he tried to eat something.
"Hey what'd those poor eggs ever do to you?" Niall chuckled from beside him, noticing how Liam was glaring at his food.
Liam laughed, slowly raising a bite to his lips, "Nothin! I was just thinking."
" 'Bout what?" Harry chimed in, sipping his banana smoothie.
Liam shrugged, "I dunno just life I guess." He forced another bite into his mouth, wincing as he realized how badly his throat hurt.
"You okay?" Louis inquired, Liam seemed a bit off this morning.
Liam nodded his aching head, "M'good. A bit tired, but nothing to worry about."
Louis smiled, seeming to accept the answer and dug into his whipped cream covered chocolate chip pancakes. They looked sickeningly sweet, and Liam's belly flipped inside of him just at the sight. "Having dessert for breakfast Lou?" He asked with a forced smile.
His eyes widened, "This is not a dessert!! It's pancakes! A very nutritious breakfast food!" He responded, his mouth full of gooey chocolate and whipped cream, making Liam extremely nauseous.
He gulped, "Don't talk with your mouth full Louis.... it's not polite."
"And it's gross!" Niall added, while stuffing his face with bacon.
Louis raised his eyebrows, "You're doing the exact same thing!" He retorted, sticking his tongue out at the blond who had a mouth full of bacon.
After about five more bites, Liam decided he couldn't hold any more food. He took a sip of water, and massaged his temples, trying to tune out the loud banter of his friends.
"You sure you're alright?" Harry asked, looking at the older lad in concern.
"Yeah," Liam replied quietly, trying not to hurt his throat, "Like I said just tired."
"Alright, if you say so." Harry said with a shrug, finishing off his smoothie, "We'd better get going. We have a photo shoot thats two hours away."
The four boy headed out to the bus, Harry, Niall, and Louis playfully messing around as they walked, and Liam quietly trailing behind, rubbing his churning belly under his shirt. He wanted so badly to just curl up in bed and sleep, but he couldn't appear weak. He was the protector of the group, the strong one. He couldn't be sick.
The long ride to the photoshoot was rough. Every time they hit a bump, Liam's stomach lurched. His head was throbbing as the boys chatted loudly around him.
He lay, belly first, on the long leather seat, his face buried in his crossed arms. Suddenly his body jolted as he hiccupped rather loudly and painfully. It hurt his aching stomach, congested chest, and sore throat. He whimpered a bit, but not loud enough for the boys to hear, before he hiccupped again, feeling quite nauseous.
Louis laughed from the seat across from him, "Got the hiccups mate?"
Liam nodded miserably, sitting up. "Yeah, *hic* got any good tricks to cure 'em?"
Louis smiled micheviously, "Yeah, I'll be right back."
Uh oh. He could already tell this wouldn't be good. What was he thinking asking Louis of all people for a hiccups cure? He should've asked Harry, or even the bus driver!
After a couple of minutes, he started to think Louis wasn't coming back.... boy was he wrong.
He lay back down, this time on his side, facing the large window. He was feeling so tired he could fall asleep, that is if he wasn't hiccupping every five seconds.
Suddenly, Liam felt a cold and wet sensation overcome his body. He yelped, and turned, to see Louis standing there with a large empty bucket in his hands, laughing under controllably.
It took Liam a moment to process what happened, but when he did, he glared at Louis. "W-what was th-that for??" He asked, teeth chattering, as he shivered. The cold water was doing absolutely nothing to help his achey muscles.
"I scared your hiccups away!" Louis cheered.
Liam immediately regretted asking Louis for help. "Yeah," Liam grumbled, "But now I'm soaking wet!" Yes, maybe he was being a bit grumpy, but he had good reason to. He was already sick, cold, and downright miserable, and now he was drenched in freezing water.
"Alright then..." Louis scowled, "Just trying to have a little fun... lighten up Li!"
Liam merely furrowed his eyebrows and curled up into a ball. Louis huffed and walked away, "You're no fun today..." he muttered under his breath.
Liam knew he needed to grab some dry clothes, but he just didn't have the energy. Maybe if he waited a few minutes.... Liam ended up falling asleep in his wet clothes, and wasn't awoken until they arrived at their photoshoot, an hour and a half later.
Liam's eyes slowly fluttered open as the bus pulled to a stop. We're here already? He groaned, as he realized he was still wearing his wet clothes. How long had he been asleep? Sleeping in wet clothes, that couldn't be good, especially when he was already feeling so poorly. He shivered and coughed a couple of times, clenching his teeth at the searing pain in his throat. He obviously didn't have time to change now, so he just sat there pathetically, waiting for the others.
Harry, Louis, and Niall soon trotted into the living space, having been playing video games at the back of the bus the whole ride.
"Hey we missed you back-" Louis stopped mid sentence at the sight of his friend, "I thought you would've changed by now! You've just been sitting up here in your wet clothes?"
Liam looked down sheepishly, "Well I kinda fell asleep.."
Harry looked at him strangely, "First, how did you even fall asleep like that? And second, you're gonna get sick mate!"
I already am. Liam thought, as his belly was turning somersaults. That's the reason I fell asleep. "I was just tired I guess," he replied casually, "Nah, I'll be fine. A little cold water won't hurt me." Liam lied. The water had made his illness ten times worse, and he knew if he didn't already, he'd very soon have a fever.
"You call that a little cold water?" Niall chuckled, helping him up, "C'mon, let's get you to wardrobe, they can get you changed and warmed up."
Liam nodded, trying to pretend he was fine, but he knew sooner or later he'd be seeing his breakfast again.
Liam sat in the chair as Lou did his hair, a warm fluffy blanket wrapped around his still shivering body, despite his warm sweater and dark jeans.
Suddenly, his stomach gurgled audibly, and he frowned, feeling his eggs and juice sloshing around in his poor belly fighting to find their way out. He gulped and squeezed his eyes shut, willing himself not to get sick.
"You sick love?" Lou asked, noticing his green complexion.
"Nope, I'm just great!" He chirped, though his voice cracked at the end. No. He thought, I cannot lose my voice. They had a concert that night, and he was going to sing in it, no matter what.
Lou sighed and finished up his hair, she shook her head. "Don't push yourself Li. I know you're not feeling well."
Liam nodded, embarrassed.
"I'll be checking up with you again before the concert." She added as Liam hurried off to have his pictures taken.
The photoshoot went about as well as can be expected for such a sick lad. The photographer kept getting after him for not standing still enough, not looking happy enough, and basically told him he just wasn't trying hard enough. During group shots, Liam had to keep swallowing to avoid puking all over himself and his friends, and the boys started to worry as they watched the pale boy gulp every couple minutes, a pained expression on his face.
"Okay, one last group photo and I'll have you on your way!" The photographer exclaimed, "I want you in a line, in the following order from right to left: Louis, Niall, Liam, Harry. Alright! Chip chop!" He clapped his hands together and the boys hurried to their assigned positions. "Now, this will be just a simple pose," the photographer continued, "Just wrap your arms around eachother, and smile big!"
The boys did as they were told, and as they did so, Niall and Harry couldn't help but notice how warm Liam's skin was.
As they were heading back to the bus, they decided to ask him about it. "You feeling okay Li?" Harry asked.
Liam inconveniently felt a burp coming, and he quietly let it out into his fist, trying to muffle it as best he could, he was feeling really nauseous. "S'cuse me." He muttered, "Yeah, I'm fine! Why?"
"Your skin was really warm," Niall began, "It felt almost feverish."
Liam cleared his raw throat, and blinked a couple of times, startled at how much the pain had intensified. "I was just hot. All the cameras flashing and such, plus I was wearing a sweater."
The boys didn't look convinced, but didn't press it, recognizing that he was already in a pretty foul mood.
The lads all headed to the back of the bus to play fifa, while Liam decided to get some sleep. He crawled into his bunk, and sighed, sleep immediately washing over him.
He woke up about 20 minutes later, feeling his stomach jump. His hand flew to his mouth and his cheeks puffed out as he gagged, he could already taste his breakfast. He tactfully avoided the boys as he stumbled to the bathroom, quietly locking the door behind himself.
He let out a sickly acidic burp, and a couple tears fell from his eyes as the acid burned his throat.
He gagged and sobbed, saliva dripping from his mouth. He wanted comfort, but he just couldn't tell the boys. They wouldn't let him perform. He burped again, painfully, before all of his stomach's contents came pouring out of his dry mouth and nose, in a sticky orange mess.
By the time he finished, his throat was on fire, his eyes were red and puffy, his lips were chapped, and his head was pounding. He hadn't felt this sick in years.
He whimpered, and wiped his face with a piece of toilet paper. He flushed the toilet and leaned back against the wall, not wanting to move yet, as his stomach was dancing around inside him, and he kneaded it with his hand, trying to soothe it.
Eventually he was able to stand up, and he slowly walked to the sink, one hand still on his swollen gut. He rinsed his mouth out, and splashed some water on his pale face, before heading back to his bunk.
He slid under the covers, after checking his phone and realizing they still had about an hour until they arrived, and silently cried himself to sleep.
He awoke to Louis gently shaking his shoulder, "Hey Li," he said quietly, "You okay?"
Liam lifted his head, noticing the side of his face he had been laying on was soaked with snot and tears, he wiped it off, embarrassed, and smiled, "M'just great!" Liam rasped. Shoot, he thought as his voice was giving out on him.
"You sure don't sound okay..." Louis replied with a frown, "Got a frog in your throat? Let me get you some water." He hurried off to the bus' mini kitchen and grabbed a water bottle, before returning to Liam. "See if that helps." He cooed, handing him the water.
Liam sipped it slowly, loving the effect it had on his throat, but hating how he could feel it splashing around inside his tummy. He drank about a quarter of the water bottle, before deciding he'd probably had enough.
"Thanks Louis." He said, his voice still pretty gravelly.
"You done?" Louis asked, "You should probably drink some more..."
Liam shook his head, "Thanks but I'm finished."
"Alright... well, I was coming to wake you up to let you know we are almost to the stadium. You'd better get up and ready." Louis replied, before heading off to freshen up.
Liam slowly got out of bed, feeling rather unsteady, and made his way to the bathroom where he fixed his hair a bit, although he knew Lou would be fixing it again in a matter of minutes.
"You sure you can do this?" Lou asked worriedly, as she finished off Liam's stage makeup.
"Yup!" Liam replied, popping the p to prove his point.
She shook her head, "You boys..." she muttered, rolling her eyes.
Liam gave her a quick hug when she finished, "Thanks Lou!"
She nodded, "Anytime! Now I want you to come back here right away if you start feeling worse. Understood?"
He nodded, "Understood." He replied, though he knew he wouldn't be needing to come backstage, he'd be just fine.
Just as they were about to go on stage, Liam felt a familiar churning in his belly. He knew he couldn't hold it in, "I'll be right back lads!" He exclaimed, running toward the bathroom.
"Where are yeh goin?" Niall called after him, "We've got four minutes to showtime!"
"Just taking a tinkle!" Liam fibbed, "I'll be but a minute!"
The boys nodded, accepting his answer as he made a beeline for the bathroom.
He locked the door, and turned on the faucet to drown out any sound of vomiting, before kneeling in front of the toilet, grasping the seat so tightly his knuckles turned white and his fingers red. He took a deep breath, not wanting to get sick, but his stomach had other plans. His belly clenched and he heaved up whatever was left in his stomach, mixed with traces of bitter tasting bile.
The moment he knew he was done, he flushed and wiped his face quickly, before standing up. He swayed a bit, feeling rather dizzy, and hobbled out to where the lads stood waiting for him.
"You alright?" Harry asked, taking in Liam's pale features, "You look terrible."
"Gee, thanks Haz..." He retorted sarcastically, shocked at how hoarse his voice sounded. How on earth was he going to sing?
"Seriously Li," Niall added, "You look sick.... and sound sick too. Are you gonna be okay to do the concert?"
Liam nodded, wanting the boys to stop fussing over him. He was supposed to be the one who took care of them, "I'm just fine. Let's do this!"
The boys sighed, but went along with it. After all, Liam was old enough to make his own decisions.
The lights went up and they all ran on stage, well Harry, Niall, and Louis ran. Liam half jogged half stumbled, nearly tripping over his own feet.
"How are we tonight??" Liam croaked, the fans gasped, hearing the unusual roughness in the lad's voice.
"Let's do this!" Louis chimed in, putting a comforting hand on Liam's shoulder.
Liam survived the first song, without so much as a voice crack, but it was during the second when things came crashing down.
He smiled at the audience as he prepared to sing his solo, "Kisses like queen her walk is so-" he tried to continue but his voice had given out on him. All that came out was a mouse - like squeak. He cleared his throat and tried again, but with no luck. He sighed in defeat and looked helplessly at the boys, who finished the song, as he tried to keep himself steady. He was seeing spots, and finding it quite difficult to stay upright. He grabbed on to a stage prop to steady himself and he slowly lowered his body. He sat cross legged on the floor, trying to keep his breathing even. In. Out. In. Out. He rested his head in his hands, completely humiliated.
After Steal My Girl, Niall announced they'd be taking a short break to help Liam out, as Harry and Louis rushed to their sick band mate's side.
"Hey, Li," Harry began, but stopped when he saw Liam clamp a hand over his mouth, gagging. "He's gonna be sick!!" He whisper-shouted to Louis.
Louis immediately grabbed Liam's right arm, as Harry took his left, and they helped the boy off stage, moving as quickly as they could.
Lou was readily waiting for them backstage, and held a trashcan out to the slightly green boy. Harry and Louis rubbed his back as he doubled over and retched loudly into the can.
"That's gotta hurt his throat..." Harry whispered.
Lou nodded sadly, "I should've said something earlier.." she muttered.
"What're you talking about?" Louis asked over the disgusting sounds coming from his younger friend.
Lou sighed, "He hasn't been feeling well all day. I thought he'd be okay." She spoke softly, "Obviously though, I was wrong."
"It's okay, Lou." Harry said as Liam's heaving finally subsided and they guided him to the couch, "We had suspicions too, but there was nothing any of us could do, 'ole 'Daddy Direction' would never admit to being sick." He rubbed Liam's head, and Liam started to cry.
"Li, what's wrong?" Louis asked.
"It's just... like Harry said, I'm 'Daddy Direction' I'm supposed to be taking care of you.... not the other way around..." his squeaky voice kept breaking as he sobbed.
"Hey, it's okay. Everyone needs help sometimes, and we're happy to take care of you for a day or two, after all, you take care of us the rest of the time." Harry smiled sweetly.
Liam nodded a bit as his eyes started to close, "Mmmmkayy." He hummed.
Lou giggled, "I think his fever's making him a bit delirious. Why don't you guys go back on stage? I'll take it from here."
The boys nodded, each hugging the sick lad before heading back on stage. It wasn't the same without Liam. Hopefully next time he felt ill he'd tell them before it got worse, but they doubted that.
There it is!! I was really tired when I wrote it so it kinda sucks... but anyway please give me any feedback or criticims you have! And please REQUEST!! Remember I do friendship style fluff between the boys, and y/n stories :) but I don't write gay fics or smut. Thanks for reading loves!!! 😘😘😘 My next update will be a Louis request in my disorder book, if you haven't checked it out please do! Thanks all! ❤❤❤

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