Chapter 20: Sister?!

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     Her name was Azazel Athena. She was twenty one, a witch, and apparently the older sister Edgar and I never knew anything about. Her story was a bit simple to understand and it made sense. Her mom and my dad had been together a few years before he had even met Edgar’s mom. My dad knew a little about her but never mentioned her because her mother didn’t want her to be part of the war. She lived her life in Europe as a regular person; it’s one of the few lifestyles people in kingdoms could choose to live. She finished school and didn’t do anything for years up until now. She decided to get in contact with me when she missed my dad’s funeral because she received the news late. She said she started looking for me all over the United States but didn’t get any leads until she visited Nevada. The cleaners of the city told her about what happened and she found out where we were by breaking into our expenses history. She was in another city in the state up until yesterday, that’s when she arrived to the city. We all checked the paperwork my dad left and confirmed that he did have another kid; it was hard to believe though. Her nickname was the thing that made me believe that story. Her nickname was the same as the name of the casino I lived in Las Vegas.

     She reacted differently to our stories. She thought the idea of Kim and me, and Daniela and Edgar being couples and surviving was a romantic story. She said that Kim and I ending this far away and together meant that we were destined for each other. The two of us couldn’t help but smiling.

     Cynthia left us for a good while; she said she had a relative’s wedding to assist in the States. She told me about the whole thing in the hospital. She said she would comeback for a little after taking some time for herself. I didn’t know how to react but I was honest and said that she could do anything she wanted. She left a few days after that, saying goodbye was hard for al of us but we did so. I still remembered what she told us before she boarded the plane. She turned around and said “See ya, guys! Don’t worry about telling me where you are, I’ll find you anywhere you go! It’s a small world and this whole war makes it even smaller.” She turned and that was the last I saw of her.

     As for Zu, she took care of all of the paper work and got Ying’s body sent to China.(Like some other stuff, I didn’t care to know how that was possible) She left the country as soon as she got out of the hospital. I remembered her telling me that she couldn’t hold a grudge against me when she came to pick up the body from the funeral home we sent it to. She got her husband out of the country and left along with the Alchemist that came with her. Two weeks had passed since she left and things here were going back to our version of normal.

     I opened my eyes and stretched, careful not to wake up Kim. The two of us had been sleeping in the same bed since we got to the mansion. I finished stretching and cot comfortable again, putting my arm around her. I tried to go back to sleep, I enjoyed sleeping more than anything since I slept very little. I could feel Kim’s heart beating on my arm as we laid there. I could also feel her body as she breathed slowly. I felt her hand grabbing mine and holding on to it. I closed my eyes and went back to sleep. Part of me thought I was going to have another dream with the other me inside but he had disappeared ever since the fight. There was no trace of him anywhere in my mind; he must have become one with it.

     I woke up the instant a sudden burning feeling came over me. I screamed as I bolted up awake in pain. I fell off the bed and looked around panicked and disorientated. I looked around as quickly as I could but the sudden light had left me a bit blind. My vision returned to me quickly and I caught a sight of the scene. I found Kim on the bed also confused, looking around while covering her body with the blanket. We both found Azazel in the window holding the dark heavy curtains so that the bright sunlight could come in to the room. She wouldn’t stop laughing at me as I tried to get away from the light. She let go of the curtains and kept laughing until she was almost out of breath. “What the hell! What the freaking hell!” I said as she tried to stop laughing. I sighed and calmed down “What do you want?” I said.

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