Chapter 15: Under a spell

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    I was standing ready to fight. The witch was getting up at the end of the hall; my aura shot sent her flying all the way back that the elevator doors stopped her. She got up slowly and shook the hair out of her eyes. “That’s sweet of you to protect your little girlfriend but one of the other Vamps wants her dead. I’m getting paid big money to take her with me so please let me go and take her, I really don’t want to kill a leader.” She said looking at me. “I know it’s a hard thing to do but you should think of yourself first. The news of what happened last night spread like wild fire. I know that you’re in no shape to fight; it’ll be an easy thing to kill you. So whose life is more valuable to you, hers or yours?” I didn’t answer her; I just clawed my hand and formed a claw. “Ok, no hard feelings then!”

 She ran straight at me, when she was a few feet away from me she began to spin in a fast way like if she were dancing. As she was spinning she jumped a little off the ground and aimed a kick at me. I turned the claws back to normal and grabbed her leg with one hand before it reached my head and held it. She moved her leg and tried to kick me again. I also grabbed that leg and held fast to it with my other hand. I didn’t know why I had returned my energy back to normal and I didn’t expect what she did. Since I was holding tight too both legs, the witch was upside down with her palms as support. In one fast move she moved her palms and with that same movement moved her legs. She freed her legs from my hands and grabbed my head; I didn’t know how she did it but she threw my to the side using the strength she could in that position.

   She threw me in one fast move and I rolled a bit in the floor before I used my sense of balance to stop. I turned my attention to around the room, I thought Kim was still there but I was really glad when I saw she was nowhere to be seen. I got up and put my eyes on the witch who was also getting up. I scanned the room and found Cynthia coming out of the arsenal holding Shinnigami and another blade. She was about to pass me the katana when the red headed witch ran straight at her. Cynthia was about to move fast but the other witch was faster. Before Cynthia could react, the red head did the same thing she did to me. She spun rapidly and in those spins she went back and forward rapidly, either punching or kicking Cynthia in an odd way, the surprising thing is that she stayed in the same spot as it all happened. After a few seconds, the series of odd attack she gave Cynthia ended with a fast punch in the gut that threw her back at a rapid speed. Cynthia flew into the arsenal and it was then that I heard metal foot steps within the room, they belonged to two people. I smiled as I saw the red headed witch grab the door and slam it. It opened outward so I doubt she saw them inside. Kim and Daniela were also inside! The witch put her hand in the door and in a quiet tone chanted a spell. “Be locked! “ she said and at that instant heavy chains appeared from around the door and ran from where they popped out all the way to the center where a big heavy lock appeared. The chains and the lock were closed and a weird green fire began to be emitted from the pieces of metal. “Now that she’s out of the way, I just have to take care of you.” She said. I smiled at the fact that I knew Kim was safely inside the arsenal, she locked Cynthia in with her without knowing.

   “There’s no way you can get me…” I said forming an aura blade in my right arm. “And there’s one thing you really don’t know, Kim saved my life, I love her and I would kill or die for her.” I said forming another aura blade in my left arm. I was ready to go at her; I meant every last word I said. 

   “I was like you when I was your age, and I know what you mean. I feel bad for doing this but business is business. She’s worth a lot and I can’t disappoint the person that’s paying me. Don’t take it personal.” She ran at me with the same attack, this time I knew how to avoid it. I jumped back and then leaped at her, her attack was a hand to hand attack but a step cut should have done the trick. I used my right arm to cut her in a horizontal way but she ducked under me really quickly and when the blade flew past her she sprang up with a fist, I barely got to dodge the attack. As her hand missed me I brought in my left arm and began to slash at her with both blades. She kept stepping back but I wouldn’t stop slashing forward. She wanted to get some distance but I slashed with all my might, keeping her in a short space.

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