Chapter 2: Transformation

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I woke up and looked around, it was night time. I turned to the alarm clock and saw that it was almost going to be five in the morning. Wow! I’d just slept for around sixteen hours straight, I’d just a whole day gone in nothing but sleep! I turned on the light and looked over at the bed stand. And saw that the note was gone. The piece of paper was still inside the drawer just as I left it, meaning that no one went through my things. I didn’t know why, but I was relieved by the fact that no one had gone through my stuff.

     I realized that the effects the rose gave me were completely gone by now. The rose must have been a drug or something; I couldn’t think why I even agreed to eat it or why it was so important for me to do that. I stopped caring, I was back to normal as far as I knew. I actually felt great, whatever the rose did to me must have both good and bad.

    I ignored the idea of a flower doing anything to me and went through my backpack for my laptop. (I’d only brought three changes of clothes since we only came here for the funeral so there was no need for a suitcase.) I turned on my laptop and saw that the Wi-Fi signal was really good. I went online and checked my e-mail. I had a number of messages but I only paid attention to three of them, all of them from the same person, my girlfriend Kimberly Roma. I saw that they were sent in an obvious order, all of them yesterday, one before she went to school, one when she got home, and the other one before she went to bed.

Hows mexico? U ok? How was the funeral? When are you coming back? People here are wondering where you’ve been, very little know where you went. I still don’t know why you insisted on keeping it secret. I hope youre ok, rite back. Im sorry for ur loss.


How was the funeral? Everyone knows about ur dad dying, sorry, Emily has a big mouth. Its not that bad though. I hope your really ok, I cant imagine how much pain it is to loose your dad.


At what time are you coming back tomorrow? Its been weird not having you around, im going to sleep, sweet dreams, ttly


     I couldn’t help but smiling when I read them. I quickly replied to all of her messages with only one.

Hey sorry for not writing back its cuz I went to the funeral and when I got back 2 the hotel I fell asleep. Believe it or not, I just woke up. I’m ok, I haven’t broken down and cried or anything like that, yeah im sad but not depressed. I didn’t see much of mexico, and I wont get to tomorrow cuz were leaving in the morning. We should be over there at some time in the afternoon. I’ll try to text you when I get back. I cant believe Emily told everyone, I should’ve known she would when we told her, that’s how she is, but eh, who cares. I’ll see you and the others the day after tomorrow at school, im taking the day for myself tomorrow. 


     I sent the e-mail and began surfing the internet. I would’ve gone back to sleep but I felt that I had already slept enough. I saw a movie and downloaded a few things for my iPod. I turned off the laptop after the last download was completed. I got the remote control and began to check what was on TV. I flipped through the channels but didn’t watch anything because it was all in Spanish. I finally stopped when I saw subtitles. CSI with English subtitles, luckily for me that was one of my favorite shows. I heard knocks on my door after I saw two episodes. I opened it and saw that it was my mom. She told me to get my stuff ready and change clothes because we were going to go eat breakfast and from there we were going to the airport. She said we were all going to meet down at the lobby as she headed to her own room. I saw that she was a bit anxious about something, I didn’t know what, but the feeling I got from yesterday said that it involved me.

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