Chapter 10: Training

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     The elevator opened to reveal a hall that led straight to the large roof. We reached the door at edge of the hall and stepped into the outside. I walked around the roof and looked at the city in front of me; thanks to the city lights the roof wasn’t dark at all. I could hear the cars, the people, everything with my senses. “Do you know how to use your powers?” I heard Cynthia ask me.

    “Yeah, you already know that.” I responded as I got closer to the edge of the roof. I turned around and saw her walking over to one of the electric generators. I walked close to where she was and saw that behind the generator there was an armor pressed loosely against the wall. I couldn’t believe it that it wasn’t a fake armor; the thing was made out of real steel. “Where did you get that thing?” I asked her.

    “Ohh… It’s just a little something your dad got as a souveneir from Transylvania, it’ll help out with your training.” She said as she unsheathed the long sword. She passed her thumb gently over the blade. Her thumb then began to release small drops of blood. She got close to the armor and smeared the blood in its arm. “Possession” She said in an odd and quiet way after removing the thumb from the armor.

     The eyes in the armor began to glow in a mystic blue color. The armor stood up like if it had life of its own, picked up the long sword, and looked at me. “This is a witch’s power. I just made a spell to control this armor. I want you to fight it with your best moves.” Cynthia said as the armor stood still with the sword.

     “Sure, just don’t kill me.” I said.

     “Okay, here we go!” She cheerfully said as she took a step back and leaned against the wall. The armor without any warning jumped at me at a tremendous speed. It slashed its sword at me but by luck I was able to duck out of the way just in time. “Come on, Vampire show me those powers!” Cynthia said as the armor tried to punch me. I grabbed its fist right when it was inches from my face.

     I pushed the armor back and unsheathed my sword before it attacked me. I held the blade in my right hand and the sheath in my left hand. The armor gave me another slash which I instantly blocked with the sheath. “Now that’s more like it! You’re in a kingdom, fighting should be your instinct!” Cynthia yelled when she saw the way I fought back. “Now it’s time for full power.” She said snapping her fingers. The eyes in the armor then changed in a way that they began to shine like if they were a pair of blue fires. It jumped back and held a fighting stance.

     I ran at the armor and ran at it with my subhuman speed and gave it a swing up with my sword. (Cynthia was right, fighting felt completely natural for me to do) The armor blocked it in a swift move with its sword. With both blades still pressed against each other I then jumped off the ground and tried to give it a kick in the helmet. I didn’t get to touch it because the instant my foot got close to it the armor moved its sword forward. Both our blades were touching so he basically pushed me back. I landed with balance on my feet. I looked at the armor dead on and jumped. Thanks to my powers I managed to jump a great height of around seventeen feet. As I was in the air I threw the sheath at the armor which went straight at it like a spear. The armor blocked the sheath with a sudden movement from its sword. I landed in front of the armor and took the opportunity that it was distracted to slash at it wildly. I was surprised to see that the armor blocked all of my hits. I then focused on my left hand and began to feel the aura in it. I focused the energy in it and formed an aura shot. With my right hand I gave the armor a slash with my sword which it blocked with its own. I looked at the armor’s sword and saw that it had both hands in it. Easy victory! I brought my left hand close to the helmet and shot it clean off with aura.

The 4 Kingdoms: Rise of The VampireOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz