Chapter 8: Welcome to Las Vegas

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    Cynthia finally fell asleep at around midnight. The car was dead quiet for the rest of the night since Daniela and I didn’t make any conversation whatsoever. I got my iPod from my pocket and listened to music the whole night. In one of those moments I wondered off and my day dream brought me to a fully white room with dim white lights shining. The room was completely empty except for the mirror at the other end of it where I could see my reflection. My reflection moved and I noticed that it wasn’t my reflection, it was another me! “It was pretty stupid of you to put me away while you were fighting with Rodrigo.” He said upset. “Now stop being stubborn and let me take over for you” he said making his warm, I wanted to say yes but the same feeling kicked in and told me to reject him. I didn’t get to say anything; I began to slowly feel myself getting pulled away from the room. “Seriously? Well I won’t force you; you’ll let me in eventually, so long for now then. But seriously, you’re so stubborn.” he said as the room started to disappear.

    I went back to the reality. I was still in the same song as I was when I wondered off. The feeling was weird but at least it got shunned away. I stretched and went back to listening to music.

     The time passed by quickly after that; by the time I knew it was morning. Kim woke up a little after eight and Cynthia followed soon after her. The two woke up in a cheerful mood. We entered a town an hour later where Daniela decided to stop for breakfast. We found a café and parked outside. We all got out of the car and entered the place. I still didn’t feel hungry so I ordered a cup of coffee.

    “How much longer until we arrive?” asked Kim while they ate.

    “Not much, we might get there at two or three.” responded Daniela.

    “Are you sure, shouldn’t you sleep a little?” I asked her.

    “No, don’t worry I got the sleeping thing under my control.” She said. The waitress then came with three orders of coffee.

    “Who are the espressos for?” She asked.

    “Oh, They’re all for me” Daniela said softly. The waitress placed the coffees in front of Daniela.

    “You can’t be serious.” Kim said while Daniela drank the first cup like a shot.

    “That’s too much coffee.” Cynthia said as Daniela began drinking the second cup.

    “I don’t even think that’s healthy.” I commented as she finished drinking the last cup. We all looked at Daniela who was still very calm. We left the café shortly after that and resumed our trip.

    Ten minutes passed and the car was peaceful and quiet as it left the town. The instant we reached the high way Daniela pressed on the pedal and the car began to speed up at an extreme speed. I looked over at the speedometer and saw the needle reading 120. This girl wants to kill us! I thought.

    “Wee! At this speed we’ll reach Las Vegas in no time!” She said really fast as she held the stirring wheel close to her. I could see her aura go from a relaxed blue to a very lively clear green. We got close to a curb and the car didn’t slow down. As the car passed the curb I could feel how it wanted to flip over. “Time to speed it up!” she said pressing pedal. The needle on the speedometer reached its limit of 180 and began to go at a really deadly speed.

    “Slow down!” I said as I saw that we nearly drove off the road. She didn’t listen to a word I said and kept on driving. As we passed another curb the car didn’t have enough time to move so we didn’t turn the car just went head on. Daniela pressed the break the instant we were off the road and the car stopped after dragging a lot of dirt.

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