Chapter 6: Right hand

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     I told Kim about everything that had happened to me after she finished reading the notebook. I mentioned everything from my experience in Mexico all the way to my little practice time at night. She believed it all since she’d already seen all the evidence needed for that. I thought she would be freaking out; I wouldn’t blame her if she did. She witnessed a fight between two people with subhuman powers, she killed a man, and she found out her boyfriend was a vampire. It surprised me to see that she only seemed worried and that’s it.

   “Are you okay?” I asked.

   “So I might get killed … I don’t know how to feel about this.”

    “I’m sorry, I knew something like this could’ve happened but I never wanted to accept it.” I felt horrible for not believing Edgar when he first told me, if I had then this would’ve never happened. I looked at Kim who went back to looking in the note book. What now? What could Cynthia possibly do to have her spared in case some one did come after her? I thought.

  “Thanks for saving me.” I said getting up. My aches had begun to go away so I could move without much pain. She gave me a faint smile and went back to looking in the notebook. I kept on wondering why she was so calm about this. Something told me that I was looking at a new Kim. Even her aura seemed different, a certain different I couldn’t point out.

    I heard a car park outside. I opened the curtains, looked through the window, and saw a group of people getting out of two cars. The group was very small, it was made up by Edgar, the three people he introduced me to in Mexico, and my mom. (I could not stop wondering why she was here.) I felt the sun beating on me from the glass so I closed up the curtains and raced downstairs with Kim. I opened the door and let them in.

     “Mom, what are you doing here?” I asked her when she stepped in. She and Edgar grabbed my arm and gently pulled me away from the others without telling me a word.

     “Sorry but it’s a family thing” I heard the girl, Daniela, say as I was being pulled away. The two girls and the man began to talk to Kim as the other two pulled me into the kitchen.

     I began to feel the heat from the sun hit me as I was im the kitchen. Without saying a word, my mom went over and closed all of the curtains in the room. The place got darker and the feeling went away a little. My mom took a deep breath. “How did you know the sun bothered me?” I asked.

    “Because I know what you are.” She said going to the fridge and pulling out a beer. “I’ve known since the first day.”

    I was stunned. “How did you know?” I asked.

    “I’m your mother, I’ve known since you were a little kid.” She said. She opened the beer and drank. “Did I ever tell you why your father and I got a divorce?” she said looking at me.

    “My uncle told me he cheated on you.” I said in a low voice.

    “Not even close. That’s just something I told him to hide what really happened.” Said my mom looking at me straight in the eye “I left you and the others with your uncle that weekend because I wanted to follow your dad to the business trip he said he had. That’s where I learned that he went down to Corpus Christi instead of Austin.” She stopped and took another drink before continuing. “At first, I thought he was cheating on me. Now that I think about it, I would’ve rather that a hundred times over the real reason he went. I followed him around the city to confront him when I’d catch him in the act. I ended up following him into a shoot out. I saw him dodging bullets and killing people as he went around them.” She looked more serious. “I’m not lying when I say I wish it had all been a dream. I ended up receiving a stray bullet and passing out. The next thing I remember is waking up in a hospital bed and with him standing right next to me. He told me everything when I was alone with him. He told me all about the war and his experience with it. He lived in Mexico with Edgar and his mom until she died in a fight. After that he moved to the United States. He met me several years after that and we got married. He told me it was hard to, but he managed to stay hidden for five years up until three days before that day, when a friend of his warned him that a Vampire was after him.” She finished drinking the beer. “I couldn’t see him the same way after that. The things I saw him do changed the way I used to see him. We got divorced months after that and went our separate ways. I didn’t talk to him about until a year later after he told me that you were the next Vampire. That was the reason he began visiting you every summer, except this past one when I told him you were going to a camp up north.”

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