Chapter 3: Words of a Vampire

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     To my future generations who are reading this, let me explain everything from the very beginning by telling the origin of our Kingdom, the Kingdoms, Vampirism, our bloodline, the Great Royal war, the rules of this war, and how to awaken your power and how to control it. I am aware that you might be human so I know this must all be very hard to believe but you must trust my word.

     The genesis of our kind goes back to the legends that surround how this world came to the way it is. The story of our origin says that a long time ago, hell and earth used to be one as punishment to man many centuries after it had disobeyed in the Garden of Eden.  Mankind lived in misery surrounded by the demons from hell who would pray on it. One day God decided that mankind had suffered enough; it was time to seal away the legion of Satan. Four lights fell from the sky one night. Those four lights fell upon two men and two women, all of pure souls. Those four were given powers beyond mortal recognition by the grace of god. A woman amongst those four became the mother of our kingdom, the first Vampire. Those four beings were responsible for sealing away the evil that once walked the earth. God set down a prophecy that the four beings were to live on and survive for the future, for one day, they would be responsible for sealing evil once more or letting it rise and destroy mankind and this world.

      That is the legend that tells our origin, now let me tell you what we are. The descendants of the four that were given the all mighty powers formed families of generations and generations of their kind, spreading all over the world. Those four kinds refer themselves as Kingdoms. There are a total of four kingdoms, Witch, Vampire, Alchemist, and Shape Shifter. They are all made up differently and are the living symbol of something in this world. The Witch Kingdom is made up of only women and their powers are due to them being the living symbol of the connections between the worlds of the dead and our world. The Alchemist Kingdom is made up of both men and women and they are the symbol of the elements of the world. The Shape Shifter Kingdom, made up of only men, is the symbol of the animals in the world. Finally, our Kingdom, the Vampire Kingdom, is made up of both men and women and is the living image of sin.

     Something that all the Kingdoms share is the instinct to fight, their powers beyond those of mankind, a mark, and a weakness.

     All the Kingdoms have a natural mark that identifies them along with a weakness that reduces our powers. Our Kingdom’s mark is in the eyes of a vampire. Our eyes now have a purple colored ring that surrounds them. As for our weakness, it is a hard factor: what makes us vulnerable is the daylight.

    Being in a kingdom is a true blessing. We all have strength and speed that nothing mortal can compare with, even our five senses can feel more than humans.  As Vampires we are not required to sleep or eat as much as humans are, it takes nearly two days for us to go hungry and three days for us to feel the need for sleep. The burden that we all carry is that we al have to feed off humans. Because of our changed nature, we now take energy from humans by simply making contact with them. We call this by the simple name of “Feeding”.

     Every Kingdom has its own power. Our powers as Vampires depend on our bloodline. Our powers are what decide how often we have to feed. All of us in the four Kingdoms have bodies different from the ones that humans have. We don’t seem to die of any disease, our wounds heal at a faster rate, and our own bodies don’t burden us.

     As I have mentioned, our power depends on what blood line one is from. Our blood line holds the power of aura. Aura is a wave given by the soul that surrounds our bodies and changes color depending on the mood one is in. We have the power to dense that wave and turn it into anything we need. Do to the fact that our abilities have so much power, we need to feed more often than other Vampires.

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