Chapter 11: Assault in sin city

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     A month has passed since we came to Vegas. Both Kim and I seem to have adapted to the city. Our new lifestyle here was a pretty good one. In the morning Daniela would take Kim and train her on how to use firearms. (Apparently she used to be a cop before she met my dad.) I would stay inside and wait for Kim to come back since the sun here was too strong for me to go anywhere. I would watch TV or play the video games I bought. Kim would come back in the afternoon, after she came back Cynthia and the two of us would go out into the city once the sun went down.

     The situation about Kim and me murdering Rodrigo and his follower went cold. The investigation revealed that Rodrigo and his followers all belonged to a powerful mafia syndicate so the followers that were found alive were sent to prison. We were not found and the followers decided to remain silent so the police back at home had no choice but to declare us dead on the case. If the reporter from the news is right, that meant that the police thinks that we might be either dead or alive somewhere. I didn’t know if it was luck or a set up, we were dropped by the Interpol and everyone else after us. We didn’t even have to change our appearance when we went out, the only thing I did was wear shades even in the darkness to keep my glowing purple eyes hidden.

     The three of us even made friends out in the city. We would usually meet up with them at the shopping district. We would all hang out until it got too late for them to be out. After they would leave we would go to night clubs. We could go inside the clubs because my followers usually ran the place; all I needed to do was show my tattoo, it was like a free card. After being in the club for hours we would return home at around three in the morning. Every couple of nights we would cancel so Cynthia and I could train. She practiced new spells and I tried to get a better control on my powers. So far I could do more tricks than the ones I could do when I practiced alone at home.

     I could do more amazing things with my power. I could shoot aura in different ways besides the way I shot it in aura shots. I could also form the barrier the clone made. Not only that but I could even move stuff using aura. Small bits of aura stay with whatever life less items we touch so I could move the aura in the things that I keep close to me like Shinnigami and anything else I kept with me.    

     Being the owner of the hotel gave me an advantage when it came to taking energy from souls. I would just get access to the room information to find out who my victim would be. I looked for the rooms where there was only one person. After I found my victim I would get the key and sneak into their room. With my subhuman skills I walked in, took their energy while they slept and walked out without anyone seeing or hearing me. Life in Vegas was pretty good, as for the war, nothing had happened so I stopped worrying but to be sure nothing like what happened at school is repeated, I brought six small knifes hidden in my jacket whenever I go out. Kim also kept a gun in her purse same as Cynthia.

     Kim, Cynthia, and I were out downtown one night with the others we met. The friends we made were a group that consisted of four guys and four girls. They all went to the same high school. The three of us lied to them when they asked us about which school we went to, we simply told them that we went to a private school. They all seemed to believe that.

     “You two make such a good couple! It’s so sweet!” one of the girls said pointing at Kim and me. The two of us were holding hands as we leaned against the wall of store.

     Kim stuck her tongue out at the girl. We all kept on talking until one of the guys checked his phone and told them all that it was time to go. The group left and the three of us ordered a taxi which drove us to a party in a hotel ran by my followers. The hotel was the same height as Ace. We went inside and headed to the roof where the party was. The roof had a large bar and a huge pool which shined with the party lights and the full moon above us. A good distance away from the pool and bar there was a VIP room surrounded by two security guards at the entrance. Kim and I went up to the security guards, I removed my gloves to show them my tattoo, the instant they saw it they opened the door for us. I went into the crowded VIP room with Kim and sat down with her in an expensive looking sofa in the room. She was really clumsy when it came to dancing so she never tried to dance at the clubs we went to. The two of us made out in the sofa while Cynthia stayed outside by the pool.

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