Chapter 5: Phone call

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    Before I could do anything, a sudden feeling of power came over me. It was not the same feeling I got from feeding, it was completely different. It felt like if I was suddenly woken up from a dream. All my energy felt like if it came back to me and went away in a few seconds, taking all the other feelings in the world away. The feeling of great power passed and the pain returned. My body ached every where I got hit but I had to ignore the pain, taking Kim to a safe place was more important right now.

    I turned my head to face the body. A pool of blood was growing under Rodrigo’s body and I could see why. He had multiple gun wounds in the back of his head. What surprised me to see was that he was still alive. Without saying a word, Kim walked close to me and gave me her hand for me to get up. I got up and before I could say anything, she walked close to the body and gave it another shot in the head. “Just to be sure” she said coldly as she lowered the gun. I saw Rodrigo’s aura turn black, he was definitely dead after that last shot. It didn’t bother me that she delivered the final blow, even if she hadn’t, he would’ve still died from the first few bullets she shot at him.

    “We need to get out of here.” I said grabbing her arm. She didn’t move and looked at me in doubt.

     “I’m not going anywhere until you explain this to me!” She said as she yanked her hand away from mine and looked at me differently. “What was that? And don’t lie; I’m the one with the gun here.” She said pressing the gun against my body. “I don’t want to do this, but need to know. Now tell me everything.”

    I grabbed the gun’s cannon and gently move it away from me. Her hand moved along with it but kept its firm grip. “I know you’re not capable of killing me over something like this, especially since you just saved my life.”

    “Yeah, and I know you’re not capable of lying to me. Now explain this to me.” 

     “Kim, please we need to get out of here; I’ll explain everything later.” I said looking at her eyes. I gave her a kiss to make her know that I meant it. “I swear. Right now, let’s just get to my house, we should be safe there.”

     She was quiet for a few seconds. “Sure” she said. “But how are we going to get there?” she asked

     “I’ll show you in the parking lot. Let me make a quick call before we go thought.” I reached into my pocket for my cell phone. (Luckily I didn’t drop it during the fight.) I looked at the contacts list for Edgar’s number and called it. The phone rang for around ten seconds before he answered it. I put the phone on speaker so that Kim could also hear the conversation.

    “Gerard, you there?” He said. I could hear sirens in the back; he must have also run into trouble.

     “Yeah, hey, where are you? I got a bit of an issue right now and I need help dealing with it. By the way, what happened? I hear sirens in the back”

      “The people you told me about, they knew we were here. We got in a shoot out, but thanks to Cynthia we killed them all. The cops are at the place they were so we’re running away from there. What happened with you, did you fight Rodrigo?” The sirens fainted in the back ground so I could hear him much better.

     “How did you know the guy’s name was Rodrigo? And yeah…The guy’s dead.” I looked at Kim “Edgar, we seriously have problem. I need you to go to my house; you called us so I bet if you know the number, you know the address.” At that moment I realized that the text message I sent him must have been useless unless he actually knew where I went to school. “You do know where I live right?” I asked.

     “Close to some school, no?” He responded.

     “Yeah, well go there, I’ll be there waiting.” I said. I felt reassured that my text message had been a useful thing. “Now can you tell me how you know about Rodrigo?”

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