Chapter 19: Ying Tao

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    I turned on my back with my eyes closed. I opened them slowly and began to look around without being able to move. I could only see with one eye, there was a black cloud in the sight of the other eye, making it hard to see. I could see that the mist was gone but I was still short of breath. I closed my eyes again. My head was pounding hard, it was painful.

    “Are you alive?” I heard a voice say, it sounded in pain and almost gone. It didn’t take me long to realize who’s voice it was. He’s still alive!  I didn’t feel like he was a threat to me anymore, if he wanted to kill me he would’ve done it while I was unconscious.

     “Yeah, I’m alive.” I responded.

     “That’s good.” he said sincerely. I couldn’t believe what he had said; it seemed a bit odd that some one who had just fought me to the death was saying that.

     “Why’s that good for you?” I asked.

     “I thought the poison had already done its effect when I began to cancel it in you.” He said, I still couldn’t see him, considering the wounds I gave him, I don’t think he could move either.

      Now I was even more confused. “What do you mean?”

     “My powers allow me to create poison and control the way they affect my enemies. I can even cancel the effect of the poison. I canceled the poison that went into you so that you wouldn’t die.”

    I wanted to ask but a horrible taste came to my mouth. I turned my body and began to spit out a lot of my saliva. The horrible taste went away before I had to throw up. I turned my body back to the way it was and kept looking at the sky. I took a deep breath of air “Why did you do that for if you knew I was about to die?” I asked.

    “You beat me, it would be an insult for both of us if you would’ve died along with me. You’re young and strong, I just couldn’t take away your chance of winning this war just because mine was gone. I don’t think I have much time left, I can feel my soul leaving my body.”

     “Thank you then.” I said with an odd feeling in me, it felt like if a heavy load had been taken off my shoulders. I began to relax. It was then that I decided on doing something I couldn’t picture myself doing. “So why don’t you tell me your story. Where are you from and how was it that you ended in the Royal war?” I asked trying to talk to him in his last moments of life.

     “Why is it that you’re asking?” he asked.

    “I think my own story of how I became involved in this is interesting, so I want to hear how you got into it.” I asked and waited for him to start.

     He took a deep breath “I was born in Beijing, China. My father was a well connected business man and the leader of the Order of the Dragon, a criminal syndicate in China. I never met my mother, and my father was never home so I was basically raised by the family of my father’s best friend, the Yun family. It wasn’t until I was twelve that I learned about the war. My father was killed a world away from me so I went to live with the Yun after that. It was there that I met Zu”

      “The family trained me to fight for many years. I received the C mark and got transformed when I hit the age of sixteen. Zu and I became really close and she ended up taking the other mark.”

      “So, how many Vampires have you fought?” I asked. He was probably in his twenties so I needed to know how much he’s fought in so little time.

     “If I remember right, there’s been a total of eleven, that includes you. Of all of them I have only killed five.” he said. I could now hear the life slipping out of him. I knew the wounds I gave him were making him bleed out.

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