Being Punished Results in Glory

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Tobin's P.O.V:

"GET UP!" I hear Mrs. B.L.A come in and shout. I slid out of my bed and went to check on Hunter. He was beaten badly yesterday, and he came out of it not looking well. I let him sleep as soon as he got out of the "Room of Hell". I hate that they have to punish him for his small build. I've been working with him to increase his muscle capacity, but it never seems to leave a dent on him. He's just small, and I'm not going to try to change that (well not anymore).

"Hey, Hunter, buddy."

"Hey, Tobs," he replied in a raspy voice.

"How are you feeling?"

"I've had better days."

"Sorry bud, I know it hurts" He just laughed at this. He knows I've been in that room plenty of times. Maybe more than he has. I lead, but I pay the price if my group screws up. One time I let Hunter stay behind because the night before he went into the room, and he was so beat up he couldn't even stand. I let him sleep the rest of the day, and when I didn't show up for dinner, Mrs. B.L.A took me from taking care of Hunter. I went into the room that evening.

I've learned that my group's decisions affect myself, and myself ONLY. Mrs. B.L.A tried to bring my group in one at a time and whip them because the bathrooms weren't done properly. I told her that they don't deserve to be hurt. I was the one who didn't go and check if they were clean. I now take a beating every time the whole group slips up, but like I said before. They're battle scars, and I always win my battles.

"LINE UP!" Mrs. B.L.A shouted. We all lined up in order from tallest to shortest. I'm not the tallest, I'm actually the third tallest.


"I am, ma'am."

"DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT, OR I'LL SLAP THE LIVING CELLS OUT OF YOU." I grimaced at her, and she kicked me in the pit of my knee. I fell to my knees, and she had me carried out of the room. I already knew where I'm going.

I looked back at my buddies, and they all seemed worried. This isn't the first time this has happened. They all know that I have a bad tongue that I can't keep to myself. My emotions always end up to be on my face, and they also get me in trouble.

The supervisors brought me to the room, and threw me to the ground.

"Ouch," I said to them.

"We're finally going to whip some sense into you this time, little boy," one of them said.

"Oh yeah?" They picked me up and ordered me to take my shirt off. I listen, God knows how much more pain they're gonna cause if I don't cooperate. They put both of my hand in cuffs and attached them to the ceiling. I hung with both my hands cuffed, and my feet touching the floor.

"You need to show respect towards your superiors."

"She doesn't have control over me", I said with anger.

CRACK. The whip found my back. It hurt, it stung. It dug deep. I don't give in, I put my head down in pain.

"Yes she does, little boy, and you WILL listen," one of the supervisors said.

"Don't call me 'little boy'," I mumbled.

CRACK. The whip buried itself in my back. I won't give in. I won't lose this battle.

"We will call you anything we chose to call you." I don't respond. I just hung my head low, and put on my battle face. One of the supervisors came to my face and grabbed it. He told me that Mrs. Anders and his friends will be respected. I told him that they are loaded with crap, that no one cares about.


"AHHHHHHHHHH," I screamed in agony.

"You will learn to respect us." I heard the door open and in comes Mrs. B.L.A. She's with a guest. A guest that I recognize. Ashlyn Harris? No, no way. Why would she be here? This isn't reality. I'm being wiped, of course, I'm being delusional. She walked in and put her hands over her mouth when she saw me. There's also another guest next to Ashlyn, Ali Krieger. Ali Krieger broke down into tears, and Ashlyn put a comforting arm around her. I know these people. They play soccer for the USWNT. I used to watch them all the time, and then I got thrown in here.

"Ladies, this is Tobin Torrie Tyler III. She is being punished for not respecting her superiors, as well as her supervisors. She's the leader of the clan here at the orphanage. She leads well, but she doesn't know how to keep a civil tongue," Mrs. B.L.A said.

"I'd appreciate if you take Mrs. Harris, and Mrs. Krieger out of this. This is my punishment, not theirs," I said with confidence.

Ashlyn and Ali looked surprised. I don't think they expected me to know who they were.


I hung my head low, embarrassed for looking so weak. 

I saw Ashlyn look up, and we made eye contact. She nodded at me and asked if she could speak to me.

"Yes, after she is punished," Mrs. B.L.A responded.

"Haven't I been punished enough?," I asked weakly.


"STOP." I heard Ashlyn yell. 

"I asked you to TAKE THEM OUT," I said while raising my voice. 

"Why should I do that?" Mrs. B.L.A asked.

"They do not deserve a kid who's weak. I don't deserve a chance for a real home," I said quietly.

"You're sure right about that," one of the supervisors said. 



"Okay boys, I think that's enough," Mrs. B.L.A said. The supervisors uncuffed me, and I fell to the floor in a heap of agony. I am now on my knees. Blood poured from my back. I looked at Ashlyn and Ali. They were shocked.

"We will let you ladies tour the behaved side of this facility," said Mrs. B.L.A.

"We want to talk to this one," Ashlyn said, looking at Ali for reassurance. Ali nodded, and I looked up at both of them and gave them a curt nod of thanks.

"If you insist."

Broken PiecesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora