Anxious Meeting

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*Photo above is a reference photo of what Sean looks like. Hope you all enjoy.


I jump when Ricky placed a cold hand on my tight. "Take a deep breathe baby." He said to me and I nodded and did as he said. 

There was nothing that was going to calm my nerves though. My mind has been racing since last night when it all finally hit me, I was going to get to see my brother today. We didn't call or anything, Ricky and I decide just to show up there and hope for the best. This way if he doesn't want to talk to me I still get the closure from seeing that he is okay for my own two eyes.

"What if he doesn't want to see me?" I ask him in a quiet voice. I felt like I couldn't talk above a whisper, my brain just couldn't seem to handle it today. 

"Then we leave. If he wants to hold a grudge for something that you couldn't control then he isn't worth your time. Everything is going to work out just fine I'm sure of it." Ricky said in a soft soothing voice. I hope he is right about it going okay because I don't think I could just walk away from this.  

We had been driving for hours now. My brother may still live in the same city area but he is out in the middle of no where. The rest of the drive Ricky just tried to reassure me and I zone out well looking out the window. It was a nice view to stare at at least, there was a lot of farmland and open space.

"We're here." Ricky said quietly and looked over at me. I could tell he was waiting for me to make the decision to get out of the car and he wasn't moving till I did. 

The exterior of the house was nice. It was a lot smaller then Ricky and I house but I can't really judge on that because Ricky pays the bill and the only place I could afford on my own was a shoe boxes of an apartment. 

The house was a little farm house and it may of had a large field behind it but I could tell by how the fence was place someone else owned it. There was a little garage off to the side that looked like it had a room over it. I could see an vintage car sitting in the driveway and a motorcycle parked next to it. Looking through the yard I saw a little pink bike leaning against the wall and toys scattered around the porch. I remember reading that he had a kid so I was expecting to see some reticence of one around the house.

Taking in one more last deep breath I open the car door and step out. Here goes nothing. I think to myself as Ricky and I make our way up the driveway. Ricky had wrap his arm around my waist as we walked and it was giving me a sense of comfort and reminding me he was there for me and I was thankful for his action. 

Once we were on the porch we stood there for a moment and I just starred at it, mentally preparing myself for what could happen next. I felt Ricky lightly squeeze my side to comfort me and I finally knocked on the door. 

"It's all going to be okay." Ricky mumble by my ear before the door was pulled open. 

"Who are you?" I heard a small child's voice ask. Looking down I noticed there was a little girl that couldn't be any older then four years old staring at the door.She had little blonde hair that was pulled into pig tails with big, dark brown eyes and tan skin. 

I guess I should refer to her as my niece instead of thinking of her as just some random kid I would see in public right? I mean that's what she is after all even if I don't know her.  

"Um is your Dad home?" I ask her and she nod and ran off somewhere.

"You see it's all going well." Ricky mumble to me well we were alone. 

"For now. We can't really judge it on talking to a child who probably just thinks were sales people." I responded back with an eye roll. I wasn't doing optimism right now. 

|Can I help you two?" I heard a man ask once he got to the door. He had long black hair with light blue eyes and a lip ring on the right side of his mouth. He had changed a lot since I've last seen him. Then again the last time he was a ten so I don't really know what I was expecting.

Ricky looked over at me and I noticed that I was frozen in shock. "Are you Sean?" He ask him for me. 

"Ya that's me but you still didn't answer my question?" He stated back at us and he cross his arms and I could tell by the stance he was taking he was getting a bit defensive. "If you're someone from CSP you can leave you didn't call before hand and you have no reason to come by here anymore." Okay I guys his defensiveness is making sense with that being said. 

"I'm your brother." I said quickly. Ya that wasn't the most subtlety way go about that it but I had to calm him down some way because with the way everything seemed to be going he was a moment away from slamming the door in our face. 

His face softened and he looked shocked. "Devin?" He ask softly. 

I smile lightly at him. "Ya it's me." I said uncomfortably due to the fact that I was still unsure of where this was all going.  

It was silent for a moment but then he leaped at me and wrap his arm around me in a hug. I was shocked for a moment and didn't react. This was fully opposite then how I expected it to go but once I adjust I wrap my arm around him in a hug and shortly after he pulled away. 

"I've missed you so much. Come in." He said at a fast pace before gesturing for both of us to come into the house which we quickly followed. "Who are you?" Sean ask Ricky once we were in the house. You think he would of done that before inviting us in but there was a lot to take in so I think he just kind of glossed over him.

"Oh I'm Ricky, Devin's boyfriend." Ricky said to him sticking his hand out in his direction. Sean quickly grasp it and shook it and smiled at him before turning to me and laughing.

"I guess some things never change. You get kick out for being with a guy and you stay with one. It nice to see that you didn't change to much. I would hate if what happened would of effected you badly." He said with a laugh. What he didn't know is being kicked out did affect me but not in the way I viewed myself and my sexuality.  

"Ya I guess some things will never change." I said sharing in his laughter. "Considering how longs it's been I'm guessing you've changed a lot." I said to him, wanting to open the conversation up to hear more about his life. I was still a bit wary that he would throw me out any moment but so far everything seems to be going well. 

Sean opened his mouth as he was about to speak but he was cut off. "Babe who is at the door?" I heard someone call from the other end of the house and I could hear foot steps moving in our direction. Well I guess this was going to answer a part of my question. 

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