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I was sitting on the bed cross legged as Ricky walk back and forth throughout the room making sure he had everything he needed. It was early in the morning and I was just in a pair of booty shorts and a tank top. Ricky on the other hand was dressed in black jeans and a t shirt. He had gotten up before me to take a shower and once he was ready he woke me up to spend time with him.

"How long are you going to be gone for?" I ask as I watch Ricky make sure he has everything he needs packed. He was gong on a small business trip and I knew I was going to miss him too much. 

He did say his next one I would be able to go along with him if I wanted but this one he had too many meeting. He said it wouldn't be any fun for me which he was right about. I think he could tell his work bored me. 

He let out a sigh as he finished zipping up his suitcase. He walked over to me and sat down next to me on the bed, pulling me onto his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair and I curled up into his chest. I wish we were able to stay longer so we could just sit like this all day. 

"I'll be home before you know it kitten." He said and I let out a whine. His phone buzzed next us and he pulled it up looking at the screen and he tap my head and moved me off of his lap. "My ride is here baby." He said and I followed him as he made his way to the front door. 

He wrap his arms around my waist and pulled into a deep kiss. Once he pulled away from me I let out a whine. 

"I love you and I'm going to miss you so much baby." He said well reaching for the door handle. 

"I love you too." I said and he gave me a soft smile before walking out the door. I moved forward to look out the window and I watch as he pulled away. I wave at him as he went. I stood there until the car was completely out of sight. 

I let out a sigh and made my way into the living room and flicked the TV on. I didn't know what I was going to do with myself for a few days. This was so strange to me. I had spent so much of my life alone and now out of no where I didn't know how to survive on my own. Well I could survive but I didn't want to. Plus it's not like now I was constantly getting fucked by strange anymore so I was going to have to wait for Ricky to get back. That might be the most difficult for me lets be honest.

Curling up on the couch I grab one of the blankets off of the back of the it and wrapped it around myself. Flipping through the channels I noticed there was a Tim Burton marathon on which immediately brought up my mood. Maybe today wouldn't be too bad. 


It had been a few days since Ricky had left and I was bored, lonely and horny which I hated being. Ricky had been busy with meeting and business related stuff that he has barely talked to me. I had gotten the usually goodnight and we talked a bit from that.  I need more attention then that though. 

I had been spending all day in the house and I was starting to go crazy. At least I uses to have to work which got me out of the house at some point. 

Having enough of my loneliness I starting getting ready to go out.I  was putting on some makeup to make myself feel more presentable then how I have been looking recently. 

I had no idea here I planed on going but anywhere sound fine to me about now. Ricky had said I could borrow one of his cars if I wanted to go anywhere while he was gone. I hated driving but Ricky lived a far walking distance from the city and I was way to lazy to do that much walking.

Throwing on a black jacket over the thine shirt I was wearing and slipping on a pair of boots I made my way out in to the garage with one of the keys on the rack by the door. Ricky did have a few cars but I didn't really care much about which one I grab. All that matters was it wasn't the truck because I don't think I have any chance of driving it without crashing. 

Getting in the one sports car by that happened to by the door I set my phone up with the car and pulled out. Driving around it took me a few moments to understand how the street was set up because I ever really didn't paid much attention on how to get out of the subdivision and I swear they made it like a maze. It may of took my awhile but I eventually got out and made my way towards one of the malls near by which wasn't that far of a drive.  I probably wasted more gas trying to get myself out of that maze. 

I just wander around buying a few things as I went. I need some new makeup anyways. This felt weird for me. Never in my life have I ever been able just to buy things without having to worry if I would need that money for food. I don't think ever in my life have I ever bought this much at once either. Well excepted that time when Ricky took me shopping but I have never been alone spending this much money.

Coming to the end of my small little shopping trip I made my way to the Starbucks that was by the entrance I parked near. After ordering my drink I stood waiting for my order well going through my phone to past the time. It was taking a while because they were busy as always. 

"Devin?" I heard a deep male voice ask from behind me. They placed a hand on my shoulder and I tuned around to look at them and I couldn't believe who was standing behind me.

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