Bright Side Of The Storm

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He pulled into the parking lot of a local Chinese Restaurant and park before turning to look at me. "Is this okay?" He ask looking between me and the building.

"Ya it's fine." I said in a harsher tone that I expect to come out, getting out of the car.

He quickly got out of the car basically running after me due to how fast I was walking. I felt bad for being bitchy towards him but hopefully he will go away after this after. As much as I appreciate his good tipping I don't think I can deal with someone caring about me. I always seem to fuck that up and I don't need more heartache in my life right now.

He walks in front of me and pulled the door open and it felt my heart flutter a bit. No one has treated me with any sense of class in years. I quickly composed myself and continued walking barely acknowledge his kind act.

We walked over to a table and sat down. A waitress quickly come over to our table laying two menus down in front of us before leaving once again.

"You know in all the years I've worked at that club I don't think anyone of of my clients has taken my out for food." I said with a snarky laugh.

He look up from his menu with a smile. "You know you have a really pretty laugh and now that I think of it I don't think I know your real name. I'm assuming your amusing isn't actually Ghost."

"Well now that you mention it I don't know you name either." I said with a smirk.

"It's Ricky. Now why don't you tell me your beautiful name." He said leaning closer to me.

"It's Devin." I said with half assed smile.

"You said you work there for years. If you don't mind me asking how long have you work there?" He ask cautiously.

"I've worked there for around three years now." I response. Maybe he isn't that bad of a guy.


Walking out of the restaurant I felt a lot more at ease. I could tell that he was honest about not expecting anything from me. Although I haven't let my guard down I was treating him a lot better then I do most people.

Getting in there car again we finally started to make our way back to my place.

"This is definitely different for me." I said with a laugh after the car had fallen silent.

"Whys that?" He ask with a smile on his face.

"With my job there is always someone wanting something from me. I don't think I can even remember the last time so just took me out to eat, even before all of this." I told him looking out the window.

"Well someone as beautiful as you should be taken out more often then." He said and I felt a blush creep up my cheek and I didn't dare look at him.

"Looking the way I do I don't need someone else to remind me when I could just look in a mirror." I said in a smug tone.

"Cocky and beautiful. You really are just perfect." He said in a mumble tone.

Pulling into the parking lot behind my building I felt him rest his hand on my thigh and I turned to look at him.

"You said no one takes you out often so why don't we do this again?"

"Like a date? Really you want to date a whore." I snit. Why would anyone with this nice of a life want anything to do with me?

"What you do for a living doesn't bother me at all. Plus as I said your beautiful . Now give me your phone." He said stretching out his hand for it. I placed my phone into his hands and saw him start to type something in. "Here's my number I'll text you next time I'm going to take you out."

"I just might like that. Have a nice night." I said taking my phone out of his hands and getting out of the car.

"You too beautiful." He yelled out the window before driving away. I just shock my head with a laugh and kept waking.

Making my way into my apartment I went through my normal nightly routine, actually having energy to do it for once, before curling up in bed. The strangest part about all this was the smile plastered on my face.

He truly isn't that bad of a guy. I think to myself before drifting away to sleep.

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