Every Action Has A Consequence

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"I dealt with it." I heard Ricky mumble as he curl into bed and pulling me to him. 

"Hmm." I mumble being pull from my sleep. I didn't even notice he was gone.

"You now no longer owe anyone any money. You can relax now." he said kissing my temple. I turn around so I was facing him as his words completely woke me up.

"Are you serious?" I ask in a shock tone. I wanted to start jumping up and down with excitement but it was too early for that. "You know you didn't have to do that." I said quietly.

"I wanted too. Now are you ready to get up or are you just going to lay around on my day off." He said while playing with my hair,

"It's too early to get up." I whined burying my face into his chest. 

"It's pasted noon." He said with a laugh. 

"But you left me well I was sleeping so now you have to stay longer." I said, pushing him onto his back so I could lay on top of him.

He looked up at me with a smirk. "Well someones in a forceful mood." 

"That I am." I mumble as I kiss along his neck. "You haven't been paying me enough attention recently."

"I haven't have I." he said as he ran a hand through my hair. 

"So I'm going to give you a reason too." I said as I slowly crawl down his body.

"Go right ahead then kitten." He said with a smirk. 

Once i was low enough I brought my head down so my mouth was at level with his crouch and I mouthed at him through his boxers.

"Someones being a bit of a tease." He said gripping my hair in a tighter hold. "Are you going to be a good boy and suck Daddy cock?" 

"But I'm having fun." I said in a whine continuing to tease him. 

He pulled my head back by my hair and he pulled his cock out and start to stroke himself in front of my face and I let out a whimper as my lips parted slightly. 

"Do you want to suck Daddy cock Kitten?" He ask in a smug tone. 

"Yes. Please may I suck your cock Daddy." I plead looking up at him with the most innocent expression I could mange. 

"Are you going to stop being a tease?" He ask, letting out a moan as he continued to stroke himself by my face.

"Yes Daddy." I said batting my eyes at him. 

He pulled my head down towards his cock and I quickly took him into my mouth and I heard him let out a groan as he shoved my mouth further down on him till I let out a gag. He tighten his grip in my hair again and held me down where I was as he start to thrust into my mouth in quick, harsh motion. This went on for a while until I felt him shove my down until he was completely in my mouth and he let out a loud moan as he came down my throat. Once he finished he released my hair and I pull off of him. 

"Thank you Daddy." I said cutely as I crawled over him so I could curl up next to him. 

He lent forward to give me a kiss. "No, thank you Kitten." He said pulling away from me with a smirk.


We spent most of the day wrap up in each other arms. I never really liked spending the day in bed before but I think that was because I never was spending it with anyone. This is something I could get use to.

"We should probably get out of bed soon." Ricky mumble well brushing the hair out of my face.

"No I'm comfy." I whined, wrapping myself around him. 

He let out a laugh. "You may look adorable right now but it almost dinner and neither of us have eaten all day. You need food." He said.

"I used to go weeks with barely eating anything, I can survive." I mumble into his chest. 

"You no longer have to do that though and you need food. So come on." He said as he slip his way from under me and getting out of bed. 

"No come back."I whined.

"Nope." He said as he picked me up and pulled me out of bed. "We're going downstairs and I'm going to make you something to eat." He said as he threw me over his shoulder and processed to walk out of the bedroom. 

Wow he's stronger then I though. I think to myself in amazement.

Once we were in the kitchen he set me down on the counter and he start to grab things out of the refrigerator. I really wasn't paying much attention to what he was making I was more just starring at him as I let my mind wounder aimlessly. 

He walked over to me and gave me a kiss which pulled my out of my trance like state. "Dinners done. Come on." He said and I hop off the counter and followed him over to a small diner table on the other end of the kitchen which face a large window. Out the window I could see a tree line that looked like the beginning of a small forest. I may not be the biggest fan of nature but I did have to admit it was beautiful.

Looking down at the bowl in front of me I notice that he had made spaghetti. "I didn't know you could cook." I said and I watch him smirk.

"I can do a lot of thing s I never told you. What you thought just because I had all this money I couldn't take care of myself."He said with a laugh. "I don't have a personal chef or anything I do it all myself."

"I bet I can make better spaghetti then you." I said with a joking manner.

"Oh is that so? Well maybe you'll need to cook it for me sometime." He said with a smirk.

"I deferentially will. I'll put yours to shame." I snit. 

"We do need to talk about a few things though." He said in a more serious tone. 

"Oh? Like what?" I ask.

"Well I know it's kind of soon but I was wondering if you would consider moving in here. You don't need to make that decision right now it's just I see you spending a lot of time here and at the end of the day I would rather spoil you then be paying for an extra apartment." He said. As much as I was afraid to give up my apartment I knew where he was coming from. 

"I'll think about it but I can see myself moving on here at some point that's for sure." I watch his face light up at my words. He really does care about me.

"Also I feel like we should disuses the money situation." He said and I roll my eyes in response. "Devin." He said in a warning tone.

"But like what's there to talk about?" I complain. I hate taking about money, I always have and always will. 

"Well I'm going to give you a set limit, like monthly." He responded.

"And what would that be?" I ask, picking at my food.

"Well I was thinking about $5525. If that's fine with you?" I felt my heart stop at the amount. I have barely surveying for the last few years and even into my childhood my family was never was that well off and now  I'm making above average a month for just being with him. Why even ask me if that's okay? There was no way I was going to turn that down. 

"Of course that's fine." I said in a gasp. 

"Well, I also just feel the need to establish this if you go over that amount, which I don't feel like you will, come talk to me before it happens and we'll assess the situation and I'll give you more money. If you don't deal with it that way there will be a consequences. Do you understand?" I could tell by the tone of voice he was using I shouldn't test him on this. 

"Yes I understand." I responded quickly.

"Now that's out of the way. So what were you saying before about being a better cook then me?" He ask with a smirk which change the atmosphere intently. 

I think I'm going to like it here.

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