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"Ricky look how good I look in this." I said in a sing song voice as I open the dressing room door and twirl from him. He smirked and looked me up and down. He couldn't keep his eyes off of me in the black, lace crop top and black shorts.

"You look amazing in it, just as you do in everything you wear." He told me as he pushed off of the wall that he was lent against and he walked over to me. He slid his arms around my waist, pulling me close to his body.

"So what do you say are you going to buy it for me?" I ask him, batting my lash as I slid my hands down his chest.

He smirked, gripping my ass in his hand. "Of course I will. You look so good in it how could I not buy it for you, kitten." He looked around to see if anyone was there before he slowly started to push me back into the dressing room I had come out of and closed the door behind us.

"What do you think you're up to?' I ask him with a smirk as I pushed away from him to remove the clothes I had just put on to get dressed back into my own clothes. I had bent down to pick up my top from earlier that had fallen onto the floor. As I was bent over his hands started to grope at my ass before landing a hit.

I jumped up with my shirt in my hands and I turn around to look at him. He had that sly smirk on his face and I could tell he was proud of himself for that. I smack his chest playfully and I went to go turn back aroudn to finished getting dressed but he seemed to have a different idea in mind for what he wanted from me right now.

He grab my hand in his and turned my back around before placing his hands on my shoulder. He shoved me down onto my knees in front of him. He put a hand in my hair and pulled my head back to look up at him. I glared at him and all he did was smirk. As much as I wanted to go along with this I couldn't just let this go. Nothing was that easy and I won't let it go that way for him.

I went to go stand back up again but he shoved me back down. He wasn't being too rough with me but rough enough to let me know he wasn't letting this go. I know if I were to really tell him no he would back off but he could tell I was just playing right now.

"If you want that outfit so much kitten you're going to have to work for it a bit." He said to me as he started to unbutton his jeans for me.

"Is that so Daddy?" I ask him with a smirk as I lent forward, kissing along the front of his jeans as he tried to remove them as fast as he could. The two of us were trying our best to keep our voices hushed so no one would catch on to us.

As he pulled himself out of his pants I sat back on my knees at bit with a smirk, putting myself further away from him. "Come on Kitten get to work." He said, tightening the hold he had on my hair in a warning.

I cocked my head to the side, playing dumb with him. "What was it you wanted from me again?" I ask him and he let out a low growl. "Oh ya was it something like this you wanted from me Daddy." I said with an overly enthusiastic voice. I brought my hand up and started to stroke him with a light hand to get a rise out of him.

He tighten the grip he had on the back of my head again but this time he pulled me forward so my lips were just are brushing against the head. I looked up at him, bating my lashes before I licked at it and down the underside of his cock.

He slap the side of my check to get my attention. "Come on be good for me and suck it and I won't punish you for being such a little tease later." He said trying to bate me into this. Either way he was going to punish me in some way as a form of payback so I think this is the point I give in to what he wanted from me. I've had my fun anyways and if we're in here much longer people might be suspicious of what's going on anyways.

I took him into my mouth, gripping him at the bottom of his shaft to stroke what I wasn't putting in my mouth. This way this might go over quicker then usual. If he last as long as he normally does this will start look suspicious. I didn't really being that many clothes back here with me. Even right now we might be pushing it with time.

He grip the back of my hand, moving me quicker on him. He let out a hush moan as I tongued at his slit. He caught himself quickly and quieted himself.

He lasted a while longer before I felt him tighten the hold on my hair again, holding me in place this time as he released into my mouth. I slid my tongue along him as I pulled him out of my mouth, making sure to get every last drop not letting it go to waste.

He pet the back of my head as he calmed down and composed himself. I stayed on my knees in front of him as he did that, cleaning himself up. Once he was done he helped me to my feet and to get dressed so we could walk out of here.

He turned to look at me before we walked out of the dressing room. "I guess you earned those clothes now." He said with a chuckle and I rolled my eyes, walking out of the room in front of me leaving him to carry everything. He took this opportunity to slap my ass as I was in front of him. Should of expected that.

Walking out of the dressing room area the two of us did get a few stares but no one said a word to us. The man working in this area of the shop didn't even ask that horrendous question of "how did everything go?"  or "Did everything fit okay?". I guess I need to do this more often so I can stop hearing that for now on. 

On our way throughout the store Ricky had a smirk plastered on his lips and I couldn't help but roll my eyes with a smile. This is why I love this man.


Okay I know I haven't updated this story in awhile but I'm back. I've noticed some new people taking notice to this story and voting on it so I just wanted to say thank you for that. Also to everyone who has read this from the beginning I give you a huge thank you. Since I have lasted updated this story I have started a few other stories and I would love for you all to check them out. They are called Still Here, Still Standing and Daddy's Brat.

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