Dysfunctional Home

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I saw tears start to well up in Sean's eyes against he was probably reliving whatever had happened before that lead him here. He slowly looked up at me. " I didn't have anywhere else to go right now and I'm sorry or just showing up without calling. Matt kicked us out and everyone else in my life is sick of this always happening. I can't blame them for that anyways. I mean he always comes back around and we make up but I just don't know anymore." He said in a sob. 

"Okay let's go back to the beginning. What happened to with Matt?" I ask him with a concerned filled voice. I had my own opinions on him and I was trying to not let them cloud my judgement on the situation because I had my own idea on what had happened that had my little brother so upset.

"We got into a fight over me being out late last night with some friends after work. He doesn't really like when I go out but he said that he was fine with it before I left. I guess I should of known better. He hadn't talked to me all day till I ask him what was wrong once I had put Lidia down for her nap and he went off on me. 

"He started accusing me of cheating on him and that's where I was last night. Eventually he told me to get out and told me to be gone before he got back or I was going to regret it. He stormed out after that. I packed some of my things and woke Lidia up and we came here." he told me, leaving out some details. As he shifted I could see some bruises on his neck and arms that I didn't notice before.

"That isn't all he did to you is it?" I ask him quickly, in shock of what I was seeing. He looked scared as he noticed I had my eyes consecrated on the bruises on him.

"I mean it was my fault I should of none better that he wouldn't like me going out. I should of just stayed home last night, I made him angry." He said as he shifted, uncomfortably. He was now trying to hide the bruises on his body from me to the best of his ability. A lot of them would of needed makeup to cover them and from the sounds of his story he obliviously didn't have the time to do that. Maybe that was why I hadn't notice any on him before this, he always had them covered and I know this wasn't just some one time thing. Matt has for sure done this before.

"None of this is your fault okay? And you can stay here as long as you want as you don't go back to him." I told him. I knew if that condition was there I could keep him away. I wasn't too sure if he would go along with this but I was hoping he would. 

"I can't do that I have to go back to him. I love him  and he loves me. Also Lidia needs both us in her life. I don't think I could do this all on my own." He said sounding panicked.

"What Lydia needs is a safe environment to live in and what happens when she gets older and starts to notice how he treats you? And if he loved you he wouldn't treat you this way." I told him, trying to challenge his thought process. Both of us knew what it was like to grow up in a dysfunctional home and I was just hoping he would want better for her. The situation wasn't the same but the outcome could be.

He looked down as he realized I was right. He knew she deserved better. "Can I think about it before I make any argument about leaving him?" He ask me softly and as much as I wanted to tell him no I knew that wouldn't get me anywhere. He would possibly leave right now at least with this I can continue to talk some sense into him.

"You can think about it but he isn't aloud to know you're here or be here at anytime. I want you to be able to make these choice without his influences." I told him. My influence was okay though becasue I was trying to help him.

"I can understand that. I am staying in your house right now so whatever rules you have I can follow them." He said putting his hands up in defeat, showing me he understood. I really hope he was being honest with me about following them. I didn't want him here at any point and I wasn't afraid to call the cops if I see him here.

I got up from where I was sitting and wrap my arms around him. It felt strange to hug him but also I could feel him relax a bit when I did this. When we were younger and I was still at home whenever things got to much for him I always did something like this to calm him down. I guess it was refreshing for him.

"Thank you for everything Devin, I don't know what I would of done if you didn't become apart of my life again." He said as I pulled away from him. 

"Your my brother, you don't need to thank me and I'm just as grateful to have you back. You can stay as long as you need to." He smiled when I told him that. I hope things start getting better for him soon. He doesn't need Matt in his life and he is going to start seeing that soon.

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