Empty Threats

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"Are you sure you're fine with this? I mean I don't want you to feel like you have to go along with this but this is my family." I said as I was coming back into the bedroom after I had removed my makeup. I had slipped into one of Ricky dress shirts, finding it comfortable to wear. 

I sat down on the bed next to Ricky and before I could even lay down Ricky wrap his arms around my waist, pulling me so I was laying across his chest. "Of course I'm fine with it baby. Like you said it's you family. You have every right to feel protective no matter how long he's been in you life. They can stay as long as they need too." He told me sweetly, kissing the top of my head.

I let out a sigh, leaning into his hold. I don't think I was going to stop feeling guilty for letting them stay here. Ricky may let me stay here without having to worry about money but he doesn't have to let them. I guess he really does love me.

"How did I not pick up on that when they were here though? Like I knew there was something I didn't like about him but I never thought that it would be this bad." I made my sick to my stomach to think about how bad it might of been behind closed doors. I thought he had an amazing life at first, they seemed so happy.

Ricky stayed silent behind me and I could tell he was thinking of his response carefully, not wanting to word it wrong and upset me further then I already was. "You know we don't always know what goes on behind close doors. They did seem like the perfect couple at first but I guess that should of been a red flag. Whenever you are trying so hard to be perfect you're trying to hide something else that's happening."

I let out a sigh. I knew he was right but I couldn't help but blame myself. "I guess you're right. I just hope's he see he doesn't need that in his life." 

Ricky let out a sound of acknowledgment before letting the topic drop. He ran his fingers through my hair and I let my eyes slip shut, just enjoying the feeling of it. I let myself just enjoy this moment, knowing the peace that surrounded us wouldn't last, it never seems to. The evens from yesterday defiantly reminded me of that fact.

"Speaking of family issues how would you feel about coming to meet mine?" He ask me reluctantly. And this is exactly what I mean about peace not lasting with us.

I turned a bit so I could look up at him with a shocked expression. "You mean the family that never acknowledge you? Ya I'm fine with going as long as you don't mind me yelling at them for being horrible to you." I said to him, getting a little bit riled up. I couldn't help it, they damaged him and I can't stand it.

"I mean only if you don't mind me hunting down your parents and killing them for hurting someone so precious." He said, making the both of us laugh. I don't even think he was completely joking about it. The only reason I would stop him from doing that anyways would be so he doesn't get himself in trouble. They have been dead to me for years now and I won't ever turn back.

"I mean go right ahead. Chances are they're already dead. They have had to OD on something at this point. The weren't the smartest people." 

"I mean there is no way they're smart since they didn't see how amazing you are." I started giggling well he said. He was the only person who could get me to respond this way to a compliment. 

"I'm fine though going with you to your families house if you really wanted to go." I told him with a shrug, bringing us back to where we started. I hope he know though I will go off on his family if they treat him badly in front of me. He has been too perfect to me for me to let him go through all of that again. 


The next morning I followed Ricky downstairs as he got ready to leave for work. Coming into the kitchen I saw Sean at the stove making him and Lidia breakfast. I swung our hands back and forth as we walked over to the coffee maker and then I jumped up on the counter top.

"Do you want anything for breakfast either of you?" Sean ask us as he set a plate down in front of Lidia who was coloring at the table. Once the plate of scramble eggs and toast was set in front of her she quickly pushed the drawing aside.

Ricky started to pour himself a cup of coffee, looking back at Sean as he sat with his daughter well she ate.."I'm good. I have to good now anyways. Have a good day though." He told him before turning back to look at me. He gave me a quick kiss beofre he pick up his mug. "I'll see you when I get home" 

"I love you." I told him, batting my lashes a bit. I knew he had to go to work but somedays I really wished he didn't. I wanted to be able to spend all of my time with him. Before I was with him I would never of thought this way and I don't think I'll ever think that way about anyone else. He made me forgot about everyone else around us. When we're together it's just him and I. 

"I love you too Kitten." He said, giving me one last kiss before he started rushing out the door. 

I swung my legs a bit as I bent forward so I could open the cupboard above me and I grab a mug. Filling the mug up before setting it aside to let it cool down a bit. "Do you want any." I ask Sean. I would be easier just for me to do it since I was sitting right in front of everything.

He scrunched his eyes and pursed his lips well shaking his head."No it's fine I don't drink coffee, I've never liked the taste of it. Also I'm sorry for us eating your food. I'll go grocery shopping tonight after work for the two of us." 

I could tell he felt bad and I quickly started shaking mt head as he said it. "It's fine, really. Neither of us mind and we go out to eat a lot so there is usually way too much food around here for us to eat." 

"Still I feel bad with taking advantage of your space and all. I don't really want to add this to the list" He stop talking for a second as he cocked his head to the side. " Shouldn't you be leaving too?"

I was confused by what he meant and it was quite obvious to him. He let out a sigh, seeming to not want to pry but he had already brought it up and he can't take it back now. "I mean didn't you two say before that you worked for him." That lie seems to already be coming back to bite me in the ass.

"Um I usually don't go in everyday." I told him, not wanting to admit that I live here for free with Ricky taking care of me. I wanted it to look like I had gotten somewhere on my own. It wasn't that I was embarrassed of our situation I was more just that I was ashamed of it I think.

"Well I guess that makes sense. I should be getting her ready to go to day care because I need to be going to work soon." Sean told me as he picked Lidia up out here chair once she had pushed her plate aside.  

I saw he was struggling to pick up the plate on the table as he had her in his arms. He probably should of done that before he took care of her. "Leave it and go get ready. I'll deal with it." I said with a smile as I jump down and made my way over to the table. Not like I had anything else to do.

"Isn't she in school yet?" I ask him as I brought the plate to the skin. He was about to leave the room before I asked but he stop in the doorway. 

"No she is going to be going to school next year. She just turned three." He said to me as he started to bounce her in his arms a bit. I never really liked child or even wanted them for that matter but I have to admit it's cute to watch when children are well behaved. The second they start crying though I'm done. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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