Chapter 43

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"Mama! I can't breathe! You're squishing me!" Ladd said as he wiggled free.

James chuckled and Millicent leaned into him. It was then that she realized he had a few wounds of his own. She tried to stand up and felt the decks roll beneath her feet. She reached out and Clay caught her.


"It's nothing." She mumbled. "It's this damned leg. I just need a few stitches."

"You look pale." James said sounding a little concerned as he wavered and Bailey rushed over to support him.

"You both look like you could use rest."

"Aye. I could sleep for a week." Millicent chuckled.

"Well you're in luck." Bailey laughed. "The Charlotte's barely afloat and it will take us a week or more to limp back to Lisbon for repairs."


She was just so grateful to be alive and to be back with her family that she didn't even protest when her "doctors" told her to stay abed. James was with her as he'd been stuck a few times and needed the rest as much as she did. Ladd was untouched. He and the boy that Bailey saved became fast friends and worked hard to help with repairs.

Clay and Bailey took turns sitting with them.

"Mostly," Clay admitted, "we're staying here to keep you two abed. Ladd warned us what terrible patients you were."

She chuckled.


"You've removed every stitch of clothing. Rising with anyone else in the room would be a mite awkward, I'm sure."

"That was the idea. Although Ladd didn't think you would mind snuggling as he put it."

Clay laughed at Millicent's blush.

"Hmm?" James stirred and put an arm around her waist to pull her toward him.

He groaned and rolled away as he came full awake.

"Oh." He blushed as he saw Clay looking at them with laughing eyes.

"It seems our son warned them we were terrible patients."

"He would know." James laughed and winked at Millicent.

"I guess there are worse things than being forced to stay abed with our husband." She let her hand stroke James shoulder.

The look she gave him fairly smoldered. She gasped as desire pooled in her belly.

"None of that!" Clay laughed. "Ladd said if you started to get all kissy faced to call him in to watch you because you wouldn't do that with him in the room."

"That boy is far too observant." James chuckled as he looked at Clay.

"Where is Ladd?" Millicent wondered.

"He's around here somewhere. You remember the boy you and Bailey rescued from the Loxley?"


"His name is Walter and he and Ladd have become thick as thieves. They've been helping with the clean-up."

"I'm glad he's found a friend. He's been alone for so long."

"It seems that he's talked Bailey and Masters into coming home with him. Masters so he can take care of you two and Bailey so he can take care of Walter."

"Bailey?" James chuckled. "A father?"

"I suppose I couldn't be much worse at it than you." Bailey laughed as he closed the door behind him.

The Charlotte Series: Book 1: The Pirate's TreasureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang