Chapter 37

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Two days later Masters and Bailey left the Charlotte to search for Lisbon's finest surgeon. James was surprised to see them return with a stout little man with a shock of white hair. As they boarded James saw intelligent blue eyes beamed from behind his spectacles.

"Captain." Bailey began the introductions. "This is Doc. Doc, this is our Captain. Lord James Grayson."

"I am pleased to make your acquaintance, your lordship. I understand my patient is your wife?"

His voice was authoritative and boasted confidence.

"Thank you Doc. And yes. Lady James Grayson is your patient. I think you will find we are...not much for formalities. Please, call me Captain. Everyone else does."

James smiled and reached out a hand. He liked this broad-shouldered short-legged man. He looked solid and James sensed he would have an excellent bedside manner.

"Captain, lead the way."

James turned and the three of them went toward Captain's quarters. Masters had things to do, as he was acting as captain and letting James spend all of his time in his quarters with his family.

"She is here." James said as he opened the door and let Doc in.

He followed and was about to close the door when he noticed Doc looking around.

"Leave us. All of you. I wish to make an examination of the patient." Doc said in his strong voice. "And if you have more lanterns, please bring them. I need good light."

"Bailey, Bring the lanterns." Bailey nodded as he followed the other two visitors out the door.

Ladd crossed over to James and hid behind him. James felt his palms curling around the tails of James untucked shirt.

"My son and I will give you the space you need, but we will not leave." He announced in his best Captain's voice, one that brooked no argument.

"Very well." He nodded and headed toward the wash basin. "Might I get some fresh water? I will need it for washing myself. I would like a bucket of fresh water for washing my patient as well."

Bailey returned with four more lanterns. He hung them from the various hooks about the room and made sure two were close to Millicent. James sent him for the water. The small room was filled with the brightness of the day spilling from the full bank of windows and every corner was illuminated with the brightness of its six lanterns as well as several candlesticks.

James took Ladd's hand and they crossed over to the table. James sat and Ladd leaned against him. James wrapped his arm around his son, pulling the boy close. His eyes were wide and his little body trembled. He was obviously terrified but he hugged his Mr. Binks tight to his side and didn't say a word. James squeezed his shoulders and smiled down.

"She's going to be okay." Ladd's eyes were shiny but he didn't cry; he just looked up and nodded.

First Doc rolled up his sleeves and washed his hands. Then he began his examination of Millicent. After checking her eyes and her pulse he gently removed the bandages and began cleaning her wound. All the while he spoke softly to her in a calming voice. James appreciated the man's gentle nature.

"What caused the injury?"

"We were in a sea battle. Our ship was taken by pirates. We were making our escape. I'm not sure if this is from sword or knife."

"So you are not able to tell me if the blade was tarnished or tainted in anyway."

"Oh, I've no doubt it was. We were all of us bloodied. I imagine the blade had at least one other person's blood on it." He frowned.

The Charlotte Series: Book 1: The Pirate's TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now