chapter 16

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Millicent was a terrible patient. She knew this and she truly felt sorry for Lad. She tried to cooperate but by the end of her fourth day abed the idleness was driving her to madness.

"I am very grateful to you for the gentle care you gave me while I was asleep. And I understand that Captain Smith ordered you to keep me abed a fortnight..."

Lad frowned and crossed his arms. His feet were set apart. She couldn't tell if it was for balance or to look intimidating. It made her feel a little guilty for what she was about to do to him.

"The fact remains that I am bigger than you are. So whether you like it or not I am getting up now." She threw the covers off and swung her legs to the floor. "Besides, I'm sure a little sunshine and fresh air will do me much good."

Lad remained unmoved. At that particular moment Smith appeared in the doorway and stood behind Lad. He crossed his arms unconsciously. She blinked from Smith to Lad and smirked. The two were so very much alike! She thought suddenly of the paper tracings she made as a child, and giggled.

Smith raised an eyebrow. Lad just looked at her as though she had lost her mind. She laughed louder. She just might lose her mind if she stayed idle any longer!

"I do realize that I am to mind my place and hold my tongue—" she began.

"As precisely you should. You were feverish nigh unto a week. You must give yourself time to recover fully or you may relapse."

"As you wish, sir. May I humbly point out that I have been abed ten days now?"

"Humbly?" Smith growled.

Lad was casting worried looks her way. She would be wise to let the matter drop. Smith promised to be kind, but she still didn't know him enough to push the limits of his patience. Lad (she liked that he had taken a name) seemed to trust the man implicitly. That was enough for her to be open to the idea of trusting him.

"I am sorry I must be mistaken."

"You are not mistaken, Millicent. You have in fact been abed for ten days. Six of those days you were in a fever induced stupor. If Lad hadn't been there to spoon broth and water into your weakened frame you would be very bad shape indeed."

Millicent felt remorse for her arrogant behavior toward Lad and regretted her bullying.

"Lad's been worried these past ten days. He's developed an attachment to you and was anxious over your health. I believe he feared that you might be lost to us."

Millicent was humbled.

"Forgive me Lad...please? I don't wish to cause you any alarm."

Lad nodded at her and then winked. Millicent smiled and looked at Smith with the meekest, most humble expression in her arsenal.

"Sir, if it pleases you I should very much like to take in a little warmth from the sunshine and breathe the fresh sea air. Perhaps I could sit upon the deck for a short while?" He seemed unaffected and she looked down blushing as she hurried on. "In your company of course...and I shall retire again to my bed as soon as you say."

Millicent felt trapped again. She wanted to trust that Smith was kind. Yet she was dealing with a pirate, a man she knew little about. He had treated her kindly and she wanted to believe he would continue to do so. She didn't think he would strike her, but her sense of self-preservation was deeply ingrained and she had no desire to have her head throttled about.

She tried to frame her request in such a way that it would break none of the rules. Smith had assured her that the rules were mostly for show and mainly for her protection. Still he felt the rules should stand. And if there were rules, there would no doubt be consequences for breaking them. She sighed as she waited quietly worrying the ruffle on her sleeve.

The Charlotte Series: Book 1: The Pirate's TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now