chapter 23: I tried to avoid Nathan

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I woke up with a headache as all the memories from yesterday flooded my head. I felt like someone was pounding on my head with a basket ball bat. I unsurprisingly was feeling a little sore on my walls.

 I tried to sit up but a major pain stung me in my head making me scream and fall back down.

“what’s wrong.” I heard someone yell from beside me. I looked over to see Nathan standing up in his protective stance with just boxers. Man he looks hot….. wait I’m mad at him remember?

“it’s none of your concern.” I snapped. I could see the protective stance go away and the hurt in his eyes show making him slump over a little. I turned around in the bed slowly so I wouldn’t get attacked by anymore pain.

I saw him exist the room with some basketball shorts in his hands a part of me wanted to go grab him by his ear drag him in this room throw him on the bed and make him wrap his arms around my waist. But I stood my ground.

I decided I needed to get up and walk the pain off remembering I also had a hangover. Oh how I love those. Note the sarcasm.

I slowly stood up to feel more pain than the 1st making me fall to the floor and scream. I heard feet running up the stairs and into my room. The 1st person to bust through was Nathan then Nicole, Jacob, Chris, beautiful, cristina, Xavier, Lucas, Jake, scarlett, and so on. Yea we have a pretty big family.

“are you okay?” Nathan said approaching me to help me up.

“don’t touch me.” I yelled which made my head hurt. I grabbed my head and groaned.

“she has a hangover.” Scarlett said a little relieved.

“I’ll go get some aspirin.” Jake said running out the room to go get some aspirin.

“don’t forget the water!” Isaac yelled after him.

Chris and Jacob gentle came over and picked me up while Nathan backed away hurt.

“thanks.” I groaned. They nodded their head.

“do you need anything else?” Nicole asked handing me the aspirin and water.

“no….this is fine thank you.” I said taking the things from her and gulping them down.

“what happened?” I asked while handing Nicole the cup.

“you were almost raped.” Jacob growled out.

“I know that.” I said in a duh tone.

“I mean after I  passed out what happened?”

“Nathan carried you in to your room and had the girls take care of you.” Jake said.

“oh.” Was all I said I felt guilty. I was treating Nathan so bad and he helped me.

“the guys that almost raped you was torn to pieces.” Lucas said adding on.

“and who did it.” I asked

“your mate of course.” Brandon said in a duh tone.

“shut up.” I said. Everyone chuckled.

Brandon just stuck his tongue out.

“well?” the girls asked.

“well what?” I asked

“you’re not going to say thank you?” Laurene asked raising an eyebrow

i stayed quiet

“just give them a minute to themselves. Isaac said coming over by Laurene and grabbing her by her waist .

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