chapter 8: an amazing drawing

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selena is talking btw

we were finally at the school we were on the bus for like half an hour. and I kinda hated it. mainly because the boys were acting so childish. Looking at the pictures that Jacob took of me. But I knew I would get the perfect revenge on Jacob. I would just have to  wait for the perfect moment to strike.

I stood up and walked off the bus. I met my girls cristina, Nicole, Laurene, and scarlett. They all gave me a hug.

“you ready for your birthday party girly.” Scarlett said with a hint of a squeal.

“you know I am.” I stated.

All of us has developed into full sized and all the boys wanted a piece of us. Scarlett had curves like my self and what boys would say had pale angel skin that was soft. And she was fully developed.

Laurene was petite. But had soft kind of pale skin but when the sun hit her skin it would look tanned.

 Cristina had tan skin and curves that you really could notice. And she was fully developed also. She had some pretty wide hips but they weren’t that wide.

Now Nicole she looked like a goddess she was fully developed and had the hips and curves of a goddess. She had pretty light caramel pecan skin.

“how would feel if someone asked you if you’re ready for your party, knowing good and well that of course their ready for their fucking birthday!” Laurene snapped.

“well my bad little missy.” Scarlett responded. Earning giggles from everyone. Even Laurene softened up a little.

“yea Laurene you don’t have to be so snappy.” Cristina said.

“you’re worse than a crocodile.” Nicole said trying to snap her mouth shut repeatedly and trying not to bust into laughter. But couldn’t help it when everyone started to laugh.

“you’re so lame.” Laurene and I said in unison.

“whatever.” She said.

We made our way over to my locker making small talk about who should come to the party.

“I think Isaac should come.” Laurene said blushing a little.

“oh of course so you can hook up with Isaac while at MY birthday party…” I said while closing my locker facing her.

“sure, I think if you want Isaac to come then yea I mean both of you are cute together anyway.” I stated winking at her. She blushed even redder.

“thanks.” She muttered.

“selena someone’s….”

“eeekkk” a pair of hands were on my hips. I turned around to see Chris right behind me.

“hey beautiful.” He said.

“hey.” I looked down finding the floor more interesting to look at. I knew I had started to blush. He removed one of his hands from my hips and used it to push my head up to his and gave me a sweet kiss. The boys behind him were whistling while we were kissing. I heard one of my friends go over there and smack one of them upside the head.


“shut up you idiot.” She snapped.

Me and Chris soon pulled back from the kiss and he looked into my eyes. “stop being so shy.” He stated still holding my head up.

“okay.” I muttered. Smiling at him. He responded by smiling back showing those breath taking charming smile and dimples.

Me and Chris hooked up like 3 weeks after the walk in the park so we’ve had a looonnngggg relationship. But the thing that worries me is when I find my mate and he finds his will we be able to get over it. Will he reject her for me. I don’t want the poor thing to be scarred for life. The bell rung sending me out of my thoughts and sending Chris and I out of our gaze. Chris grabbed my hand and entwined it in his. We started to make our way towards the class.

“we can talk about you’re birthday party at lunch. Cool?” he asked raising both of his eyebrows.

“um.. yea sure.” I stated

we went into our 1st period which was world history. After that we had English, math, then art class which was our extra class that we all choose together.

“okay class for today’s drawing topic we are going to be doing a drawing of someone we see everyday of our lives.” Mrs. Anderson said.

“you can get started when you’re ready. I will be coming around to check on your progress.” She then sat down at her desk.

Everyone started picking out the materials they needed. I picked up my pencil and let my mind take over my drawing. It was like a half of an hour later when I looked at what I created. It was picture of a wolf. It had blue eyes with a hint of yellow in them and grey fur. I showed all the details in this drawing. The grey hair the nose the little whiskers that it had, the big grey ears the layers of fur it had. It looked like a picture of something I knew. It was a picture of…….. a picture of….Nathan?

I gasped picked up the picture and looked at the picture. It was perfectly done. I never knew I could do something this creative. I didn’t know that my teacher had gotten up and was walking towards me.

“selena let me see your picture please.” She asked sweetly.

I handed her the picture and she gasped.

“oh my gosh, selena…..selena this Is beautiful.” She looked at me and then looked back at the picture. Students was getting up from their seats and was looking at the picture. They all started to gasp and look at the picture with wide eyes.

“selena that picture looks amazing.” Chris whispered to me.

“is that Nathan?” Laurene asked.

“yea.” I responded.

“how did you do it.” Laurene asked.

“I…I….don’t know. I just thought about the person that I think about all the time. And then I zoned out and my hand started to move on the paper then the next thing I know I’m looking at Nathan.” I said still trying to take in the gift that I have.

“it’s beautiful selena. Please put your name on this.” She handed it back to me. I put my name on it

Selena Jones

I handed it back to her. “beautiful cursive you have by the way.” “Thank you” I stated

Everyone gave me compliments and I responded with a smile or a thank you. After that everyone took their seats while Mrs. Anderson went outside and posted my drawing outside on the wall.

After she came in the bell rung. “please leave you’re drawings on the easel so I can collect them and grade them. Thank you.” She said before everyone exited. I saw a few people over wall out side of the classroom looking at my picture.

We made our way over to the cafeteria. Everyone at our table congratulated me about my picture and Laurene of course exaggerated how I drew the picture. After lunch we went to  our last to periods and then we headed home on the bus. My friends were staying over at my house. When I gotten off the bus with my girls and the boys behind us I was greeted with a running dog. I bent down and gave him a friendly hug and kiss on his nose. “How was you’re day Nathan?” I asked

He nodded his head which means good.

“you stayed out of trouble” I asked

he gave me are-you-serious-look and finally nodded his head.

We made our way inside the house. I was happy that I had Nathan with me all the time he made me feel safe and complete. I would miss him when I would have to go to college and what not. But hey I think I might rent apartment where we can have dogs

Hey hope yall like this chapter luv yall and talk to ya later oh and my shoutout goes to

*drum roll*

once again 


she was the only one to say something nice and the 1st person to say something on my previous chapter 

i'm loving your character girly. :)

anyway bye talk too ya later



my pet mate (completed being edited)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant