chapter 4: date to the park

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"why are you people late!" mr. griffin snapped

he was old in his 50's i think and he was sometimes grumpy. he was naive so it was easy to tell a lie to him .

"why are you bald?" i asked calmly the class began to giggle trying to maintain their laughter.

my friends behind me was trying so hard to hold in their laughter. "i'm not bald!" he yelled "then we must not be late" i said shrugging my shoulders and making my way to the back of the classroom everyone busted into fits of laughter. Nicole sits on my right chris sits on my left. brandon sits behind me, cristina sits in front of me, and laurene sits in front of nicole. we took our seats and started to take out our things. 

"hey those were some good jokes selena." he said while leaning over and winking at me. i started to blush "thanks" i mumbled. seeing how he caused me to blush he put on his killer smile with his dimples popping out. 

if we weren't in class i would so kiss him until we were out of breath. 

i turned towards the teacher "class please turn to......" i zoned out before he could finish telling us the page to turn to. i started to think about other things like how i couldn't wait to get home and take nathan on a walk and buy him a treat on the way back, how much i feel like kissing chris and the necklace that jacob gave me.

the bell rung signaling that class was over. how long have i been day dreaming. well i don't care. i made my way out of the classroom with my friends outside waiting for me.

"well someone's been daydreaming" brandon sung 

"and i bet i know who it was about" scarlett sung too. i elbowed her in her side "ouch, friend abuse." she did everything but scream.

"i know right." nicole said

"oh shut up" i said giggling. "so, what's for homework."

"wow you have been in your own little world." chris said with amusement clearly in his eyes

"whatever." i mumbled letting my hair fall down to shield the blush that was forming on my cheeks. 

"well we have to do page 167 1-10" laurene answered saving me from embarressment. i mouth 'thank you' and then she nodded her head. we headed to our 2nd class which was math. slept through that class, next was science, was only engaged into the experiment, and then went to specials which was art. my favorite class.

the only 2 people that was in that class that i know was chris and laruene and they sat right beside me. our assignment was to draw an emotion that you feel almost everyday. 

i drew a heart with fireworks. "wow that looks good selena" laruene exclaimed

"oh, thanks" i said with happiness. 

"yea, that looks very cool and creative like you always are." chris stated also. he sent a nice dimple filled smile. 

"thanks" i said sending back a warm smile and a little pink blush formed on my face. 

"hey, um selena are you doing anything later on today." chris asked shyly. i never thought that he would be shy. 

"well, except going to the park to walk my pup no nothing else, why?" 

"i wanted.... to um.... you ask if it's okay if i......i could go with you?" he asked scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"um...sure of course you can. the park is right up the street to my house so it won't be such a long walk. do you need someone to come pick you up?"

" thanks. what time should i be there?" he asked a little more at ease. 

"around 5?"

"okay cool." he said with a small smile. even though he had a small smile you could still see his dimples. we sat there staring at each other for a while until we were called by laurene. 

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