chapter 20: the early shifters pack

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Nathan’s pov

They were more of the pack? This couldn’t be true my parents died which means most likely the whole pack dies…..unless….i’m their alpha.

“yes you are our alpha.” Austin said standing up with April and bowing to me.

“but I but……” I looked over at selena her eyes were wide looking at them.  Then she looked at me and her eyes softened.

“they are your pack lead them.” She said sweetly taking her hand in mines which sent warm sparks on my skin. I sound like a fucking girl!

“but…..i…..i can’t leave you.”

“don’t worry I will join your pack even if I do have to leave them.” She said sadly but smiled to assure me it was okay. But I wasn’t going to let it go that easily. I need to talk to Jacob about this.


selena’s pov.

I’m so happy that he found his pack but the sad thing about it is that I won’t be in my old pack anymore. I won’t be able to hang out with my friends. But I guess it was meant to be.

“well soon we shall talk about business.” Nathan said to his pack members.

“yes alpha.” They said while standing up slightly.

“if you want you can stay with us.” I said sweetly. We was going to have a party later on tonight so I was just wondering.

“no thank you. We have to inform the rest of the pack about finding our alpha.” April said.

Austin silently agreed.

“okay well you’re welcome here anytime you like.” I said smiling.

“thank you Luna.” They both said bowing slightly to me and making their way to the door and exiting.

“what was all that about Isaac asked coming in slopping on the couch

“pack business.” Was all Nathan said.

“oh.” Was all he said knowing he didn’t wanna say anything else.

“pack business? Really. By the way your saying it, it seems like it’s something more.” Nick said raising an eyebrow. He was standing where the entrance to the living room was and was leaning on my wall.

“dude just leave it.” Nathan warned.

“we just wanna know if everything is okay.” He said trying to sound concerned.

“but I really don’t want you to.”

“well you can’t just sit there and keep shit to yourself.”

By this time Nathan was shaking with anger.

“just leave it.” Isaac said trying to step in the way of Nathan’s hard glare and nick.

“no! because I said to drop it and he just keep butting in.” Nathan said

“oh really did I do that?” nick said gasping.

“just chill.” I said to both of them but they ignored me. and kept yelling at each other. I was starting to get mad.

“cut it out.” I yelled a little louder.

They kept yelling.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!” I yelled with a growl. I knew my eyes were black I hated to hear people fight and shit. It irritated me.

“selena are you okay.” Jacob said approaching me. his eyes were filled with concern.

“NO!!!!” I snapped.

“selena. Why are you eyes dark purple?” Nathan asked.

I looked at everyone and they had either fear of confusion in their eyes.

I tried calming down but it didn’t work. My head started to spin and I started to get dizzy. I saw black dots. And started to fall to the ground. But someone caught me. I looked up and saw Nathan’s gentle eyes.

‘hello.’ Said a welcoming voice.

‘who are you?’ I asked a little scared.

‘I’m Jeanette… the leopard side of you.” And with that I blanked out.

Hey guys how you like it. I know it’s short I’ll make a better chapter but selena is half wolf and half leopard. She might have another mate I don’t know. But anyway for our shout outs …….

*Drum roll*

hollywoodhunter, i_lovebacon, and keniah0080

they were the ones to comment on my chapter. Thanks guys luv yall

here is a question I need to ask you. Do you think that selena’s leopard side should have a mate? Hit me up when you have the answer anyway luv ya



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