Chapter 63

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You could feel the cold wind in your face through your closed eye lids. Thomas gently shook you awake and you opened your eyes to take in your surroundings . You were still sat on the cobble  edge over looking the sea but this time it was nearly pitch black with the exception of the distant street lamps. You must of fallen asleep you realised. You suddenly started shaking violently from the wind which was harsh against your bare skin. Thomas noticed this and took off his jacket and wrapped it around your skinny frame. You thanked him and took his extended hand as he gently helped you up to a standing position. You looked over at holly who was starting to walk back to the hotel holding Dylan's hand. Edie was too busy texting that hot tour guide she likes. Charlotte was being carried by Minho because she's been getting odd pains in her stomach but that was a side effect to the pills, it also means the baby is saying he or she is happy ( don't know what stage they can kick, don't judge 😁). You wrapped your arms tightly around Thomas's middle and buried your head sideways into his chest so you could still see where you were going whilst breathing in his sent. Your legs walked in time as all of you trailed to the hotel. When you got back you all said goodbye to your friends and left them to do whatever. You saw Charlotte get whisked away by Minho because she was crying about the fact we were leaving tomorrow. Hormones...

You and Thomas got into comfy clothes. You were both in trackies, Thomas had a orange shirt on (the one newt wears in the first maze runner film) and you had a vest top, both of you wearing slippers. You looked like chavs but you didn't care. You both went down to reception and sat on one of the sofas. There was only one other couple in the opposite end of the reception cafe talking and drinking wine. You both decided to be classy and order hot chocolates (💁🏼). You both listened to the faint music program in the background of the reception as you both sat there in a comfortable silence enjoying each other's company and the steaming hot goodness in front of you. About an hour later Thomas got a text from Dylan but he wouldn't tell you what he said. You remember the same thing happen a few weeks ago. Again .. Strange ?

Later on you both got back to your room and got under the warmth of the duvet. Just before you fell into oblivion  you felt Thomas's head snuggle into your neck and felt him spoon you. You also heard him whisper "love you, your find out why I was texting Dylan soon I promise... Night love" and then you drifted off into a dreamless sleep...

Bit 'O'fluff xx

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