Chapter 41

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It had been 3 days since the incident at Winston's house, and Edie had been discharged from hospital since she was pretty much back to normal. Thomas however was definitely not normal. His leg wasn't bothering him much anymore, but there was the slight issue that he was self harming. You decided to confront him on the issue.

As Thomas walked in the door, weary after work and trying to get Edie settled into ur spare room (she had been forced to leave Winston's house and was staying with u guys until she could afford to rent a flat), u walked up to him.
"Thomas, honey- u can't just lie to me about these cuts on ur arm. I know what they are, but what I want to know is why?!"
"Y/N," he said, brushing you off, "this is not the time to talk about this. Especially not with a guest in our house."
You shrugged, as Edie was currently out shopping for groceries.
"Thomas, it's the perfect time to talk about this!!! What the hell has provoked u to start this again?!"
U weren't angry with him- how could u be? But you just couldn't understand why he would start this again. Yes, the past few days had been hard, but it hadn't damaged your relationship, had it?
"Baby," Thomas said taking u by the shoulders, "I can't even explain it. Look, sometimes I just get stressed ok? And I just can't stand it that I'm so stressed- so I cut myself. I don't want you to see it, so I hide it. But I DO NOT want it made into a massive thing! Not when we're going to Italy soon!"
"But Thomas-"
"But NOTHING! God why can't u just drop it?!"
U stepped back, hurt and embarrassed that you'd even mentioned it in the first place. U knew he wasn't depressed- but this still made you worry. And then it made u angry.
"Thomas, what more can I do?! Do u realise how good we have it right now?! We're in a wonderful relationship in a lovely house with good money and friends that love us!! Why do u need to self harm when things are going so well?!"

Thomas stared at u for what felt like ages until he stormed out of the room, slamming the bathroom door just as Edie entered with plastic bags in each hand. She stammered and tried to leave. "Oh, y/n, I'm sorry I should have knocked. I'll just go for a walk and let u guys talk okay?"
With that, Edie lowered the bags to the ground and shuffled out of the door awkwardly.

"Oh shit," u said, smacking ur hand on your head, "why the hell did I have to mess everything up?"
U knew it was bad, but part of u hated the fact that Edie was here. It just made it 10 times harder for u to talk to Thomas and properly sort things out.

In irritation u scooped up Arthur and cuddled him close before knocking gently on the bathroom door. U could hear Thomas- he was on the phone.
"Hey there. Yeah sure, I'll be there in like 10 minutes. I just need to get changed. See u soon."

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