Chapter 26

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He smiled in return. You were then running behind the doctor into some sort of prep room you guessed. You ran into the room and what you saw brought tears to your eyes. Thomas was lying on a bed with a big cylinder tube thing over his stomach and legs. He had tubes coming out from ...well ...everywhere. His eyes darted around the room and he kept moaning  in pain with several doctors holding needles and looking confused and concerned. You turned to the doctor and shouted "what the hell did u do?! "At the sound of your voice Thomas's eyes found yours and they were pleading. You rushed to his side holding his hand but being careful not to touch  any of the wires. You smoothed his hair back and asked the doctor again "what happened!!". "He flipped out, it's our fault we told him this would be painful and he shouted out for you. "That broke your heart thinking of your baby begging for your help. You kissed Thomas's forehead. "Well I'm here now "you spoke. "Carry on I'm here and I don't give a shit about your rules. " "Ok "was all the doctor said. When the doctors came towards him with MASSIVE needles he started to shake and cry. "Shh "you cooed "shhh baby in here, your good, I won't leave your side, squeeze my hand if it hurts" you told him over his crying. You nodded to the doctor and the others came with the needles once again. One doctor plunged the needle into his thigh as another stuck another needle into his arm. At the SAME time another doctor put a needle into his neck, one into his knee, another into his ankle and one more into his lower thigh. This was horrible. They said they couldn't use pain killers on him because it interferes with the solution in the needles. They also couldn't use gel because he has an allergy to some of the ingredients in it. So his body jerked with each stab of a needle, he cried, screamed, moaned, groaned and shook in pain. His eyebrows kitted in pain and he squeezed his eyes shut but tears still leaked out of them. He squeezed your hand till it turned blue but you didn't complain, your pain was NOTHING compared to his right now. The doctors announced that the needles were done with and Thomas opened his eyes and sighed in relief but you could tell he was still in a LOT of pain. The doctors then pushed you out the way as they twisted Thomas's face VERY forcefully to face the ceiling and then pulled at his facial structures (e.g nose, ears, skin) and stuck more needles into his face. He screamed a blood boiling scream at the pain but the doctors slammed a hand over his mouth to muffle the screams. His eyes were scrunched up in pain again. You couldn't help him tho, you could only sit and watch. The doctors grabbed tunes and stuck them were the needles met the skin and the doctors stepped back and you ran to his side and grabbed his hand again. The machine on his legs and stomach was now flashing green and all the doctors nodded to each other. They then grabbed his arms roughly yanking them above his head (wow they really are not kind are they? They must just want to get it over with) Thomas tried to escape their grasp but was answered with another needle into both his armpits. He was then shoved deep into the tube and the main doctor who you hate pushed a button on the screen of the tube. You saw a flash of white light and Thomas's screams filling the room. After an hour the tube along with Thomas's screams and cries stopped. He was de plunged from all the wires and needles and was sitting up in on the bed and the doctors left the room apart from the main doctor who out a hand on Thomas's shoulder which Thomas winced and hissed in pain so the doctor removed his hand immediately. "I'm sorry son but your operation will not be as bad. "The doctor told him. Thomas only nodded. "Right your free to go but remember your appointment at the hospital in two days for your surgery, We will send you details through the post. Until then sit back, relax and rest up you will need your energy."You both thanked the doctor and headed out the door after Thomas had put his clothes on again ( cuz he was wearing a gown) and you both headed home. Your friends rang you but you both turned your phones off and went to bed early. Thomas was snuggled into your side and was already asleep. All  his energy was drained from him. You stayed awake tho unable to sleep just dreading about  his surgery. You don't think you could cope ......
It's NOT medically accurate don't sue me 😁😂xx

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