Chapter 12

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Once you heard those words leave his mouth you froze. How can he not remember you?! You started sobbing and said" its me, Y/N, your girlfriend. "He looked at you with confusion on his face, "I'm sorry...Y/N? Did u say? I really am but I don't know who you are. "You lost it when he said that, u started shaking uncontrollably, tears fell from your eyes into the ground and snot drizzled down your nose.
Dylan took you in his arms as you both shed tears over Thomas.

The ambulance came and took an unconscious Thomas , who passed out from the pain of his leg, and u asked to stay with him which they said yes to. You held his hand the whole way, Dylan and holly and Charlotte came in another car, u were all meeting at the hospital. U didn't care that he didn't remember u, it didn't stop u from kissing his forehead, hand, cheek (anything that's visible under the orange blanket and head gear he was in).

When u arrived at the hospital they wheeled him to a room and u had to stay in the waiting room. Dylan, holly and Charlotte were with u giving u smiles now and then. You had a Rhythm with tapping your foot and tapping you're fingers on the chair. When the doctor said he could have visitors u ran in with the others hot on your hills.

He was awake and staring out the window when u stepped into the room. His head shot in your direction and he smiled. The doctor then said" he has a case of amnesia, we don't know how long it will last tho, it could be permanent. "He said in a sad tone.

You just nodded and thanked him. You tried to see if he remembers anything. He didn't. 3 hours later they all went for coffee leaving u alone. U were both laughing at a joke when he saw the cuts on your arms. "Y/N please don't try this again. "He begged. "What? How did u know about that ? "U demanded to know. "Um.. Uh.. "He choked out. That's when it hit you.

"You were faking ?!"


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