Chapter 7

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U had no idea what to do. U were repulsed, horrified, shocked that anyone could ever be so cruel, so twisted as to make anyone do something like that. The thought of Henry talking to Thomas, discussing what he had made u sick to ur stomach.

Next thing u knew, u were tearing down the hallway, away from Thomas and straight up to Henry as he was slamming his locker shut... "U COMPLETE ASSHOLE!!! "the words tore through ur throat before u could stop them, the rage inside of u finally bubbling out of control. "How the hell would u making him do this...this shit possibly change ANYTHING?! "Henry just stood there, taking u in with slight horror on his ugly face. "You're sick, you're gross, you're a fucking nutcase do u hear me?! And if u think for one second that he's actually going to do ANYTHING u say, you've got another thing coming! "Sobs started to rack through ur body but u gulped them down before Henry would hear them. Then u span around on ur heels, stole a quiet glance at the mute and stunned Thomas and ran out of the building, out of the building and towards the village.

The bell rang but u didn't care, all u cared about was thinking of a way out of this mess. U were vaguely aware of a blurred figure approaching you, but u didn't have the strength to acknowledge them. That was when Dylan's voice rang into ur ears "y/n why aren't u in-" upon noticing the tears cascading down your cheeks, Dylan quickly sat by ur side "hey hey y/n what's wrong?"

U told him everything. If u were any less troubled, u might not have told the truth so harshly, but letting it out was the only way for u to cling on to some sense of sanity. When it was all over, Dylan just sat there, wearing an expression of horror, shock and disgust. He finally spoke, and when he did it tore through the air like knives. "We have got to stop Thomas now. U said it was this evening right?" U nodded ur head as u stared at your feet. "We're going down there. I know he hasn't told u where it is but we'll follow him. I don't care what we have to do to stop this y/n, but we will do it, ok?" U nodded again, the anxiety of the task ahead churning in ur stomach. "Ok... Let's go"


U followed Thomas with Dylan beside u, far enough away so he wouldn't see u but not too far for him to get away. Thomas finally stopped outside an old warehouse, pausing for just a moment to glance around, wipe his forehead and adjust the plastic package in his grip before heading into the building. "Ok let's go" u said shakily as u headed into the building after Thomas.

The building was lit dimly and was certainly no place for two 17 year olds to be at 11 at night. U caught Dylan looking around the damp warehouse with a look of utmost worry on his face. U had to be honest, u were quaking in ur shoes as u saw the dark figure in a black hoodie emerge from the shadows and point straight at u and Dylan.

"Who the fuck are u two?!" The gruff voice off the man ripped through the warehouse and made u jump. "N-nobody. We are here t-to g-get our friend and go"
"Yeah, that's not happening mate, now get the hell out of here now so I can give this lad what he wants in exchange for his services to me" with those last few words, I saw Thomas standing next to the man, his face bright red with shame.

"Wait," u said to Dylan, ur voice trembling, "it's a MAN?!"

No no no no no no no. This was not okay. U couldn't be seeing this right. Thomas couldn't s-sleep with a man! This wasn't right! Thomas wasn't gay, he wasn't bi, why the hell would Henry do this to us?!

"NO!!!!!!" Ur scream made the man glare daggers at u and begin to advance in ur direction. "PLEASE SIR NO DONT DO THIS TO HIM!!"

U didn't know if u could do what u were about to suggest, but anything was better than just standing back whilst ur boyfriend was humiliated and scarred for life in front of u. Ur voice started out quietly, addressing just Dylan, steadily rising to a yell at the drug dealer in front of u. "Dylan, get Thomas and get the hell out of here... Sir, listen to me, u can s-sleep w-with m-me, just please let Thomas go."

U were distinctly aware of Thomas' shouts and protests as Dylan dragged him from the building, but u could only hear the man as his face contorted into a menacing grin when he snarled his response
"Go on then, a deals a deal, besides, why have that bastard when I can have u?"

Next chapter may contain smut so be prepared ...

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