Chapter 42

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You quickly ran into the kitchen after hearing him hanging up the phone. Where was he going ?! You thought. He wouldn't be going to deal drugs, cigarettes, a blade? No. You shook that thought out of your head. He wouldn't ... But he has been ignoring you for days now, you don't know what was going through his head.

5 minutes later Thomas came out of the room and grabbed his phone, wallet and keys. Before he could walk out the door you grabbed his arms and forcefully kissed him. He didn't pull away but he didn't kiss back either. When you pulled back he went to leave again but you grabbed his hands again and said "where are you going?"  "Out" he replied flatly. When he went to leave again this time you let him walk away. When the door was closed you grabbed your keys and phone, locking the door and following Thomas. He didn't go in a car so you quietly trailed far enough behind so he couldnt see you but you could see him.

After a 10 minute or so walk you came across a junk yard. You saw Thomas walk into an old shack, build out of used metals and rusty nails. Curious you followed him in and round a corner. You couldn't see anything but you could hear 3 voices including Thomas's. "Oh look who showed up Ric, the old faggot is back" a rough voice said. "Yh look he hasn't changed a bit apart from he has put on a lot of weight, look at the fat, it's hanging over him" another uneasy voice spoke with a hollow chuckle. Then the first person spoke again "you've let yourself go haven't you, the weight, the stupid and dirty hair, the dark circles under your eyes and look at those pathetic cuts on his arms, what are they about whimpy?" "They are a mistake, I came here to tell you to stop calling me, stop treating me like shit. I'm treating my girlfriend like shit because I let you get to me! Enough is enough!" Thomas spoke up. Hearing what he just said made you feel so proud of him. "Ohhhh whimpy grew some guts, you even got a desperate slut of a girlfriend" the second one said. That made your clench your fists. That was until Thomas said "How dare you!, my girlfriend has a name. Y/N. She is the most caring, kind, beautiful and patient girl in the world how dare you call her a slut!" You could hear the anger in his voice. Then you heard a slap. You were about to go round to help Thomas when you saw him walk out the door but stopped to say "Oh and EVER call me again and I will phone the police!" he spat before storming out the shack. Curious you stepped round to find out what the slap noise was when you saw both men clutching their heads and groins. You smirked. That's my boy.

You darted out to see Thomas already half way home. You skidded round a corner through an alley because you knew this was a short cut home. You made it to the front door and Thomas hadn't seen you and wasn't home yet. Phew. You put the tv on and pretended you never saw anything. You heard the door open then shut. Without breaking your stare at a random documentary on t.v you felt the sofa dip next to you and heard Thomas say"Y/N?" You didnt give in to him tho, you wanted to see how long it would take for you to give in to him. This could be fun you thought. He shook your shoulder. You sat still. "I'm sorry Y/N" you did nothing. He pulled you onto his lap. Nothing was your reply. He started kissing your neck. Nothing. He trailed up to your jaw line and sucked leaving marks. You bit back a moan. He turned you around and started to kiss you on the lips. You gave in. You kissed back with lots of love. When you pulled apart you rested your forehead against his. "Does this mean I'm forgiven?" He asked. "Yes but I want to know why you self harm" you said back. He sighed but then said. "Ok it started when I was 12 years old." "WHAT!!! Why do this when you were only 12?" You asked in pure shock. He gulped and looked you straight in the eyes as he said" I don't think I told you much about my parents did I ? This is how it started..."


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