Chapter 30

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Hang on a minute what !
That was NOT a risk they mentioned. The fucking bastards!!!
The surgery went better than expected but he could never walk again. Bitches !
"When can I see him ?" you asked angrily. The nurse was taken back and that stupid smile wiped off her smug face. She coughed awkwardly and said "he's in recovery at the moment. We will wait to get a reaction out of him and then you can see him but he won't be fully awake until tomorrow. "You only nodded.

Dylan, Charlotte and holly hugged you and tried to comfort to and said to not give up hope. Hope. Hope? Hope is bullshit! Hope kills more than a knife, you were not going to hold your breathe that's for sure.

An hour later a different nurse informed you that he could have visitors now. Only one person tho, the others didn't give u a chance to speak because they were already pushing you towards the nurse.

You walked into the room and Thomas was on the lone bed unconscious hooked up to a drip and had a thick blanket covering his legs so you couldn't see anything. You sat next to him and grabbed his cold hand and whispered softly "well done Tommy, I'm so proud of you baby. You survived. You did well. My baby boy. "You kissed his head and kissed his closed eye lids gently. You smiled at him.

You were sitting next to him holding his hand. He was now on the ward and Dylan, holly and Charlotte were sitting around his bed also. The doctors came to check on him an hour ago and said he could wake up any minute but will not be fully aware where he is until he wakes tomorrow. True to their word he woke a minute after taking in his surroundings. He locked eyes with you and he kissed you full on the mouth. When you broke apart his face was suddenly plastered with fear and confusion. He then started panicking. "Y/N Y/N !" he screamed. "I can't feel my legs" he repeated. "Shh "you all tried to calm him but he wasent having any of it. They had not choice but to seduce him again. Once again he was pulled into the land of unconsciousness.

Thomas started shaking in his sleep a few hours later. He must be having a nightmare you thought. You couldn't pull him out of it though. You knew it was dangerous and rare to have bad dreams when pulled under by drugs so you got scared. He got worse and doctors and nurses rushed to his side fiddling with his tubes and machines. That's when you heard a noise than made your heart jump in your mouth.

From his machine you heard a single line that carried on and on and on.


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