"Subaru gave me this last night, he said that I have to keep this close to me in case the time comes to finish him off." I said as I held the knife close. Ayame then said,"He still thinks that he's a monster even though you're in love with him." I nodded my head and I said,"Subaru still has that violent side to him but I understood his situation besides I'm sure that time won't come I love him too much to even finish him off."

Ayame smiles and she placed her hand on my shoulder and she said,"I understand Kura, I wished I had someone in my life like that." I giggled and said,"Don't worry Ayame, I'm sure someone might come around that is if they could stand your cooking skills."Ayame frowns and says,"That's mean Kura!!"

I laughed at Ayame and I looked at the silver knife and I thought to myself,"Subaru...I will come back some day, I promise." I thought that as gripped the kinfe's grip tighter. Even though that I was no longer living with the Sakamaki brothers, I was glad that Subaru and I promised that we would never leave each other we both love each other so much and I will never let him go.


I was in Sai's office sitting on a chair and I was talking to him about me leaving the hunter's group. Sai said,"I understand, you've fallen in love with a pure blood vampire." I looked at him and said,"I'm sorry Sai, but-" Sai raised his hand to me and he said,"Don't start getting panicky, I understand what you're feeling if you really want to leave the hunter's group then so be it."

I smiled and he then said,"But remember these rules, rule one, once a hunter leaves the group they will never hunt a vampire ever again, rule two, as an ex-hunter all contacts with hunting jobs are terminated and finally rule three-"

I said,"As an Ex-hunter we will never hunt nor kill vampires ever again." Sai smiled at me and he said,"Remember to follow them Kura." I nodded my head and said,"I will Sai, I suppose I better give you this back." I said as I handed over my silver sword to him. Sai shakes his head for a no and he says,"Keep it Kura, as a reminder of your days of being a vampire hunter, well the good memories if you get what I mean."

I smiled and said,"Thank Sai, By the way, can you tell Ayame about this for me I need to be somewhere right now." Sai nods his head and I left the room. I got my stuff and once I headed out of the dorms I saw the limo and there was Reji standing there waiting for me. He said,"About time you showed up." I giggled and said,"Sorry I wanted to say goodbye to Sai first."

After I put my stuff in the limo someone said,"Kura wait up!!" I looked over my shoulder and it was Ayame and she said,"You're really leaving aren't you?" I nodded my head and said,"yeah I already told Reji about this and he said that spare room is still available so I decided to move into the Sakamaki Manor and go to the night school with them as well since I can't go on jobs anymore."

Ayame smiles and she came over to me and hugs me tightly. Ayame then says,"I'll miss you so much Kura, you're like a sister to me, I love you Kura." I giggled and said,"Yeah, I'll miss you too, you crazy fool." I said as I ruffled her hair. Reji chuckles at this and he said,"OK enough with the emotional goodbyes a certain someone is waiting for you Kura." I nodded my head and Ayame said,"I promise I'll visit you, Kura."

I said,"Thanks Ayame." Reji and I got into the Limo and we left.


Once the Limo drove away I waved goodbye to Kura with tears in the corner of my eyes. Sai came over and he said,"She's grown up a lot since she went on the job a few months agao hasn't she?" I nodded my head and I wiped the tears away and said,"She sure has, I wished she could have stayed here a bit longer but i knew that deep down that Kura was going to leave us sooner or later once she saved up enough money for going away."

Sai smiled and he pets my head and says,"Yeah, hopefully that subaru will love Kura and look after her because if he doesn't well that'll be his fault since we can't do anything about it for several reasons." I giggled and said,"Don't worry Sai, I'm pretty sure that Subaru will look after Kura no matter what."

I said as I looked up at the clouds and the snowflakes started to fall. Sai then said,"It's starting to get cold come on, Ayame, let's get inside before we catch a cold." I nodded my head and i followed Sai into the guild hall.


"Oy, wake up." Someone said as they shook me by the shoulder. I opened my eyes and said,"I must have fallen asleep, did we make it already?" I asked Reji. He says,"Yes we have, now come on quit stalling, you want to see him don't you?" I smiled and I nodded my head at Reji. I got out of the limo and the Sakamaki Manor was covered in snow like a Christmas globe.

I got my suitcase and I followed Reji inside the Manor and when I got into the living room Subaru was picking a fight with Yuma. Reji shook his head and I said,"You've still got that violent side, at least that's the one thing that hasn't changed about you." Subaru stops yelling at Yuma and he turns to look at me and he said,"Kura?!"

I smiled and then Subaru teleports away from Yuma and he flung his arms around me and he said,"You came back!" I giggled and said,"I missed you too Subaru." Everyone else and including the Mukami brothers and Akira with her new son were happy to see me again.

I may not be a vampire hunter anymore but now that I was living with boyfriend I've been tending to the night school for some hunter classes since I didn't want to transfer into a different one like Yui's classes. While I was still a part of the vampire hunters Akira gave birth to a son that she named Adam after the so called Adam and Eve project that Karl Heinz-sama came up with. Now that my days of being a hunter were now over I've finally become a ordinary girl again, well sort of, I have ancestor's blood running through my veins and I paid a visit to the takashi manor once in a while to my father and my little sister.

My name is Kura Takashi and this is my Vampire Hunter's Love.


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