Chapter 4

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After that little incident with that Richter fella, I could stop wondering why he was looking at Yui like that. In the meantime, I was outside in the daylight while the Sakamaki brothers were still asleep since they can't stand the day light well, except they don't get burnt to a crisp. I knelt down and I placed my hand on the ground because I found some paw prints. I ran my fingers over them and I thought to myself,"They're paw prints all right, but it looks like they don't belong to a dog though they look bigger, possibly a wolf."

I said as I raised my hand to look at my fingers they were covered in dirt as I rubbed my thumb and index finger together. I looked up and I noticed that trail leads on. I followed the paw print trail for a while but then it suddenly ended. I knelt down to look at the paw prints again. I moved bits of grass out of the way and I noticed that there was some boot prints meaning that the 'wolf' actually turned into a person, which could only mean one thing.

"Founders, so they've been here." I mumbled to myself.

I stood up and I looked at the direction where they could have disappeared to and I thought to myself,"From the look of the paw prints they left behind, they could passed through here either a few nights ago or possibly last night either way, the trail has gone cold not much to go on at this point."

I thought that as I looked back at the trial and the boot prints vanish after one of the founders reverted back to his human form. I looked at the tree and I noticed that there was some claw marks on the fallen branches meaning that the founders could have summoned some wolves seeing as how they can use a snake, bat, wolf and a eagle form.

I thought to myself,"I can't tell if these guys know that I'm tracking them down or if they're just covering their tracks on purpose, I better get back to the mansion other wise I'll never hear the end of it from Reji."

I thought to myself as I walked back to the mansion. Once I got back it was quiet meaning that everyone else was asleep, except for Yui. As I was on my way to my room someone said,"You're back early."

"*Gasp!* Oh, Reji!" I shouted as Reji stood there with his arms crossed. I said,"Don't sneak up on me like that! you almost gave me a heart attack." Reji pushed up his glasses and says,"Whatever, I thought you would be gone longer." I shrugged my shoulders and said,"Well it's not easy tracking down the founders, I was able to find a trail of paw prints but the trail's gone cold when I had a look at them, there wasn't much to go on anyway so I came back a bit early than I said I would."

"All right, you may do as you please but do not interrupt everyone else's sleep." Reji warned my and I said,"Don't worry I don't intend to, I know how 'precious' your sleep is to you vampires."

I said as I headed upstairs. Before I left the entryway Reji said,"Tell me something." I came to a halt and he said,"You're a vampire hunter and yet you haven't tried to kill any of us, why is that?"

I turned to look at him and said,"I already told you before, you guys are not my target but there's also another reason why I haven't attempted to kill you guys it's because some of the other vampire hunters are sworn to never hurt or kill a pure-blood vampire because we believe the pure-bloods should be treated with respect and if we did try and kill your type then that would mean certain death or exile from the group."

"I see and I take it you follow that vow." Reji asks me. I then said,"I said 'some' vampire hunters believe we should treat you with respect and that includes me, but there are some hunters out there who refuse to treat the pure-bloods with respect."

"What about you?" Reji asks me again. I then said,"Me on the other hand I too have sworn to never kill you guys but there are one or two vampires who are a little bit annoying." I said as I thought about those two. Reji knew the people I was talking about he says,"You mean Laito and Ayato?"

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