I put down the knife I was using to cut some carrots when I hear Nash's phone buzz twice.

Glancing over at it I take in the black phone lying face down icon the kitchen table.

Why is it face down? It never is. He says he doesn't like it because dust from the tables gets all over the screen and makes it dirty. So why is it all of a sudden face down?

Ugh this is what I mean I'm becoming paranoid and everything is be aiming 10 times more prominent.

I shake my head trying my attention back towards the chopping board about to cut into the carrot in my hand when I hear another buzz.

Instantly dropping the knife I slowly walk over to his phone lifting it up to see and iMessage to a group chat.

What? He made it so you can't see his texts. What's going on?

I slowly look through the fort into the hall and towards the stairs. Sighing when I hear the shower running I casually slide my thumb across the screen and entering his password unlock his phone.

Clicking on his messages I open the tab which is labelled with all the boys names.

I frown in confusion not realising they had a group chat.

I suddenly stop what I am doing and think about whether this is a good idea or not.

I'm invading his personal space, his privacy.

It's probably nothing bad. I'm just over reacting?

I stall for a minuet going over my thoughts until I say fuck it and start scrolling.

Reading all the messages I slowly become very confused.

It's just a whole lot of 'meet here' 'meet at this time'. But one text catches my eye.

'I don't feel good about the Cameron, I can't keep lying to Neve it's getting hard keeping such a big secret from her. What if I got hurt and she didn't know what happened! I couldn't do that to her and out baby'.

My stomach flips as my head races and fills with the possibilities of what he could be hiding from me.

I continue to read to try and find an answer and put my head to rest.

'Nothing will happen Nash I promise you I wouldn't let anything hurt you Neve or your baby. I know this is risky but if you trust me and we all work together we can easily kill off everyone in that fucking gang and all go back to our normal lives. It's not like we haven't been through a little gang war before'.

My whole world came crashing down.

What? Why? Why would he do this? He can't be! He can't put himself at risk again. Not now! Too many things are on the line. He wouldn't.

I feel his phone slip out of my hands and crash on the table. But to me it's a muffled sound because everything is slowly fading out around me.

I hear low thumps coming towards me and a hand that I can barely feel on my shoulder because I'm so numb turn me around.

I get turned full around so that I can see Nash now standing before me with a worried look on his face.

Again||Cameron DallasUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum