Chapter 27: I'm so mean

Start from the beginning

“What?” I asked my voice hoarse.

“The nurses pleaded us to take him home but he wouldn’t budge. He said that he’ll never leave your side again. He kept on reasoning that he wants to be the one to know when you wake up. We were lucky enough when he went home to shower, but he instantly came back after 2 hours,” mom chuckled. I smiled at the thought of him getting all riled up.

“I don’t want to feel guilty for upsetting him,” I groaned and covered my face. I almost cried when my hands made contact with my face.

“I won’t touch your face if I were you,” mom scolded me but I can see the pity in her eyes.

“I don’t think I would want to see my face right now, based on your reaction,” I huffed. She only smiled at me sadly.

“So what will you do now? You know, with Daniel?”

“I really don’t know. But I think I’ll continue this. I can’t come back to him instantly and act like everything’s normal. I was… really hurt with what he did. Plus, I’m making fun of him,” I laughed a bit, being conscious of my broken ribs.

“Hey, you alright now?” by her tone, I could tell that she wasn’t referring to my injuries.

“A bit shaken up but I’ll survive,” I gave her a lopsided smile.

A knock on the door interrupted us. I instantly put the wall back up and act like I don’t know a thing in case it was Daniel. When an old man dressed in white stepped in, I relaxed and exhaled the breath I didn’t even know I was holding.

“So, Ms. Dixon, how are you feeling?”

“Very sore,” I muttered.

“Ahh, well that’s normal. You’re injuries are pretty bad.”

“Don’t you think I know that already?” I snapped but then realized that it was wrong. “Sorry, I’m just still…”

“I know. You know, I’ve encountered patients like you. I’ll say you’re very strong. I’ve seen your past record and… Just keep your head up no matter what, okay?”

I smiled at him. He’s very nice unlike other grumpy doctors, “thanks.”

“And by the way, I’ve talked to your father about your said ‘amnesia.” Don’t worry, I’ll keep it and won’t inform your boyfriend about that. Sure is weird but you have your reasons,” he smiled at me once more before leaving the room.

“Sweetie, I’ll go down to get you some food, will you be fine here alone?” her voice alone is a giveaway that she’s very worried that I’ll break down in any moment.

“Yeah, I’ll live. Just please buy me a decent food,” I pleaded making her laugh.

I was about to close my eyes when I heard a faint knock on the door.

“Can I come in?”

It was Daniel.

Act cool Sam, act cool.


“Uh… Y-yeah,” I stuttered. Can someone please hit me with a vase on the head.

“I uhm,” he cleared his throat, “I brought some tapes with me in case you get bored with the shows. I know that you don’t like news so I thought of bringing you your favorite show, The Vampire Diaries, remember?” he cracked a smile.

 My favorite smile where his dimples show but his smile is small. I used to call him cute because of that but he got mad saying that I deflated his ego.

I raised my eyebrow to make my acting more believable, “I’m sorry I don’t…”

His smile immediately dropped and his entire face looked gloomy.

“Yeah, you… Sorry,” he whispered.

“No it’s fine… Can you uhm, plug it in?” I offered him a smile. He returned it but I definitely know he’s faking it.

He moved to put it on. It was the first episode of the first season. We were in the scene wherein Elena and Stefan bumped into each other, when they first knew each other. I can feel Daniel’s gaze at me the entire time and it’s making my stomach twist in every angle possible. I’m trying so hard to pretend that it’s not affecting me but I don’t think I can hold it for 1 more hour.

“You look beautiful,” he said out of nowhere making my head snap at his direction.

“What?” I asked making sure that what I heard was right.

“Sorry I’ll just... go out for a while,” Daniel whispered in my ear making me shiver. I mustered a small nod, not trusting my voice. When I heard the door closed, I slumped down on the bed and tried to calm my racking nerves.

“What am I doing?” I asked myself before closing my eyes.

For the 3rd time, I was gonna close my eyes when a knock on the door interrupted it.

“For fuck’s sake come in!” I grunted.

“Oh my gosh you’re really awake,” Katie muttered in disbelief.

“How are you?” Brent rushed to my side.

“I brought food!” Ian hollered the 3 words I’ve been wanting to hear since I’ve woken up.

I was munching on my cheeseburger carefully while all of them told me what happened the past weeks.

“So… You’re awake but why was Daniel crying his eyes outside?”

“He what?” I choked violently.

“I saw him slumped down and shaking by the garden,” Brent shrugged as if the information was nothing.

“I have never seen a boy cry like that Sam. It was a heart breaking sight. What happened?” Katie searched for my answer but I feel like I’m the meanest person in the world right now. I have never seen him cry.

“It’s just… I pr-pretended that I uhm, lost my memory?” my voice getting smaller and smaller each second.

“You what?!” Ian jumped from his seat.

“You are so mean,” Brent stuck his tongue out acting really mature.

“But he hurt me,” I huffed like a child.

“Don’t you think pretending that you lost your memory is too much of  a revenge?”

“I know. It’s just a spur of the moment thinking,” I snapped, “sorry it’s just getting me all riled up.”

“I’m not saying it’s fine but it’s your decision. Just please don’t take it too far because he looked so broken when I saw him. His eyes are bloodshot and his face is wet with tears,” Katie sighed.

What will I do now?



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