"Typical." Hayley muttered and I smirked. "Alright, thank you. Go home and get cleaned up, it's the end of your shift anyways." She ordered me.

"Alright, see you tomorrow." I called back to her. She looked up and waved goodbye.

As I was walking out, Josh just so happened to be coming in. He muttered, "Move fag." And shoved passed me. I just sighed and rolled my eyes, annoyed with the whole situation.


After I got my shower I decided to go down to the music store they had on campus. Vic was at the dorm and I didn't want to have another round of words with him like I did when I saw him there. It ended when I stormed out of the room and down the stairs out of the building.

What's a better way to avoid Vic then going to a music store? I loved music, and I almost considered working here, but they weren't hiring. When I walked in the store I was smacked in the face with a blast of cold air, it was really humid tonight.

I started wondering around the endless columns and stacks of CDs and albums, this place was huge. They had everything from Slipknot and Disturbed to Toby Keith and Carrie Underwood, and I loved it. I didn't really listen to anything but rock music, but it's always nice having the choice there.

"Hey Kells!" A voice from behind me yelled, over the Nirvana song that was currently playing. I turned around to see it was Alex, I didn't know he worked here.

"Oh hey Alex. I didn't know you worked here." I said as I walked closer to him.

"Yeah, I just started like 3 weeks ago so." He explained. I just nodded my head, turning back to the CDs, looking at a Blink 182 CD.

"You listen to them?" Alex asked once he saw which CD I had in my hand.

"Yeah dude, they're rad." I said to him and he smiled.

"So do I, you can actually take that CD if you want, I'll pay for it. Think of it as a welcome to Clairemont Boarding School gift." Alex offered.

"Oh no, I'm fine. I don't want you paying for my stuff." I told him truthfully. I hate when people pay for me because it makes me feel bad, I've always been like that.

"This isn't an offer, it's a gift. Now take the CD before I shove in your underwear or something, then you'd have to take it." Alex threatened, although it wasn't a real one, he was just kidding. I chuckled, amused with his tactics.

"Alright, as long as you promise not to shove anything in my underwear." I joked some more with him.

"Alright, deal. Now come on." He ordered and I followed him. Once we got to the cash register he scanned it, and took the security tag off of it. I thanked him and made my way out of the store, walking back to my dorm.

It was about 8:00 now, and as much as I hate to say it, I was pretty tired. I worked 7 hours today, I went at 10:00 this morning. So I decided that I would just go to bed once I got back.

Once I reached my dorm, I unlocked the door and walked and the scene in front of me made me so unbelievably mad. There was Vic, trying to get my box open. He must've gotten in my bedside table and took it out, because I didn't.

"Stop!" I screamed at him and ran over to him, bag still around my wrist, and grabbed the box from his hands. "I told you not to fucking touch this, ever! What part of that don't you understand?!" I screamed in his face. I was so mad. I don't touch his stuff, so why does he insist on touching mine?

"I know what you said, but I want to know what's in the box. Why is it such a secret? What could you possibly be hiding that you don't want me to see that bad." Vic interrogated me with questions.

"It's none of your fucking business what's in here, so drop it! Got it? Great." I told him and stormed into the bathroom, with the box in my hand, and put the box in the bottom drawer of my side.

After that I walked out and relieved to see that Vic was at his desk on his computer, it sounded like he was talking to someone. Skype maybe?

"How's school victor?" The person on the screen said, her Mexican accent thick.

"It's good mamma." Vic said back to I'm guessing who was his mom, I heard a male voice, but I couldn't tell what he said. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that was his dad. So he's a mamma's boy? Huh. I smirked and shook my head.

I turned to my drawers and got changed into some sweats and a regular t-shirt. My back was turned to him, so he couldn't see the scars on my thighs if he was looking at me.

I decided that I wanted a monster so I went to the vending machine downstairs and got one. Luckily there was no one down there that I knew, just some other people in my flat. But Samantha from earlier was down there with a few friends and she waved, being her usually friendly self.

When I walked back into the room Vic was still talking to his parents. He looked up for a split second and then looked back down at his computer when he saw it was just me.

"Who's that?" His dad said, did he not tell them he got a roommate? I'm not surprised, I didn't even know how close he was with his parents.

"Just my roommate." Vic explained.

"You didn't tell us you got a roommate, let us talk to him." His mom said, she seemed friendly and gave off a good vibe. Much different from Vic.

"No mamma, he's busy." Vic argued with her. I rolled my eyes, annoyed with his resistance.

"Nonsense, don't argue with your mother." His dad ordered sternly. Vic sighed in defeat and waved me over, scooting over so I could sit on the end of his bed.

"Mom, dad, this is Kellin." Vic said as cheerfully as he could with a fake smile. I ignored it as focused on the two Mexican couple in front of me.

"This one’s a cutie Victor." His mother complimented and I blushed awkwardly and smiled.

"Mom!" Vic scolded her, annoyed and probably just as embarrassed as I am.

"It's fine." I said with a chuckle. "Thank you ma'am." I thanked her. I was good with parents, I was polite and respectful, something that my parents and Aunt taught me.

Her mom chuckled and shook her head. "Yeah Victor, its fine." She shot back. He just rolled his eyes and smirked a little bit, I could tell right then he was close with his parents.

"Now I trust Vic hasn't been giving you a hard time, because if he has then there will be some punishment." His father threatened, I chuckled and saw fear flash through Vic's eyes. I decided to be nice, saving Vic from whatever punishment would be given if I answered truthfully.

"Nah, he's been really nice. We're pretty good friends and he's a good guy." I lied straight through my teeth. I bumped into him slightly with my shoulder and smiled a fake smile at him, and he smiled a fake smile back.

"Oh that's lovely to hear." His mother said cheerfully.

"Looks like Vic finally has another friend aside from Tony and Jaime." His father teased and chuckled, along with his mom and I. Vic just huffed and rolled his eyes.

"I should probably get back to my homework now, it was nice meeting you two." I lied again, I was really tired and I just wanted to go to sleep.

"It was nice meeting you too, and let us know if Vic gives you any problems!" His mother told me.

"Okay I will, I promise. Goodnight." I told them politely and waved to them as they waved back.

"Goodnight Kellin!" They both said in unison. I look at Vic and he mouthed a thank you to me, while I just nodded my head.

I took my pill, crawled into bed, and put my headphones in to block out Vic and his parents voices'. I let sleep consume me as the sound of music lull me to sleep.

You Stole My Heart With Your Diamond Blue Eyes (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now