Chapter Fourteen* A Classic drunk

Start from the beginning

"Good morning Nadia." He walked towards me and smiled.

 "What the fuck?" I fake cried.

 "Now now." He tutted and caressed my face, I moved my face and looked down. Due to my actions, he took offense to it and slapped me. Not reacting to it, I just laughed and spat in his face.

 "What is this?" he bent down and picked something up.... Oh shit. In his hand he held my ear piece. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. I spoke too soon. 

"SHE'S ONE OF THEM." He screamed and turned his back from me to walk out. "KILL HER, KILL ALL THE GIRLS." screaming he ran out with 2 body guards into hiding. I smiled and eyed the room. Come on guys, you know what I'm about to do. Step one...Analysis. There you go. I remained currently hanging by two chains on my arms in the air, so I used the rest of my body as a weapon. The first guy ran to me but before he could attack I wrapped my legs around his torso and squeezed. Luckily he was as thin as a twig so he struggled and collapsed. 

Two others ran but I twisted myself and kicked them, bla bla bla. A couple of kicks, blows and flips later, the 3 men were on the ground and I was still hanging by the chains until. BANG. 

A loud noised popped causing all the walls and the ceiling to shake. A classic wall bomb. Go on 910 alpha team, I smirked. That's how I knew my guys were here. Using the shaking ceiling to my advantage I pulled with all my strength down until I felt the chains getting loose. Until finally I dropped onto the floor. As I did this, two men ran in and I attacked. 

 (A/N Watch the scene from nikita! I'm not copying the scenes so this is all original, the scenes just fit in a tad with what I wrote, so it's nice to watch it to kind of get a feel to what's happening). 

"NADIA...NADIA." I opened my eyes to the happy scenes of being back in the bar. I was obviously smashed out of my head, as was everyone else. "I think you drink me a owe." I stumbled my words.

"I think you drink me a owe." I stumbled my words.

 "Ayyy classic drunk talk!" one of the 21 year olds on their mates stag do laughed.

"She's still talking, so she's not drunk enough!" his mate pipped in.

"Get her another drink." The 3rd musketeer joined in waving his money around. 

2 hours later I was now slumpt outside of the bar on the pavement, I was sat there crying yet laughing at the same time. I could hear something vibrating yet decided to ignore it as I knew it would be someone wanting to shout at me. I was now all alone sat next to a pile of puke...oops.

 My whole body was itchy so I scratched and scratched until my nail hit something hard, my watch. I had forgotten this was on as it was super light. Starring at it, I activated it and decided to call the only people I wanted to talk to. 

"Hold on, I will connect you to your pack." An automated voice erupted from the watch with a slight ringing tone followed. 

"Alexandra." Jay and Dawson synchronised greeted.

 "I...wanna....go....home." I cried

 Before they could reply my watch flashed and a message popped up *PLACE WATCH NEAR A FLAT SURFACE* taking it off, I threw it next to the wall I was slumped on, and a screen/video chat appeared onto it. coooooool. 

I could see all of the guys; Jay, Mack, Ian, Dawson, Brennon and the other soldiers gathered around facing me/their screen.

 "FUCKING....HOME....NOW" I slurred

 "You're drunk?" Ian sighed disappointed

 "Why did you ship me off?" I cried

 "It's for the best! You're vulnerable at the moment." Dawson soothed. 

"Fuck your vulnerability." I made no sense at this point, but they gathered what I was saying as it was not the first time they've dealt with a drunk Alexandra. 

"Baby cakes; call Derek to pick you up from wherever you are." Mack mocked me

 "He tried to kill me....they all did." 

"What?" Ian listened in. 

"He told his little police buddies to lock me up, and attack me until I showed respect." I snitched on my uncle like a little child would. 

This caused everyone to laugh. 

"So basically, they pushed you about to see how far you would go?" 

"EXACTLY! WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?" I cried frustrated

 "Come on Alexandra, that's nothing compared to what we do to you. Think about it. We always attacked you, in the worst way possible to train you!" Ian responded 

"You should be immune to whatever basic training they did to you." Brennon joined in

 "Yeh, your advance training taught you to kill a man 3 times your size." Mack lectured 

"You're being over dramatic." Dawson laughed. 

"Fuck ... your sympathy" I growled still slurring

 "Isn't it your first day there?" one of the men in the background spoke 

"And they already got you pissed and sitting in a pile of puke?" Brennon laughed

 "Go home Alexandra." Ian ordered dead serious now. 

"It will get better over time baby girl, just go easy on them." Jay smiled and blew me a kiss. 

"Thanks...anyways, where are you?" 

"Same place where you left. No news on him yet, still got teams searching. But we can't discuss it any further on this call." Brennon warned as the call could be tapped. 

"Love you all." I slurred once again. 

"Goodnight, love you too, shut up dork, don't fall, don't piss yourself, go home." They all responded, waved and with that the short motivational call ended. 

I got up and started to... 'Follow the yellow brick road', I shut my eyes and repeated "There's no place like home" 3 times attempting one final method of waking up from this nightmare to be home with my parents. Opening my eyes to reveal the same dirt empty road I sighed and started to walk.


Hey!! To anyone who is still reading this! Thanks for the read! let me know what you think! 

I promised a long chapter so here it is! its currently 5:30AM and I have just finished writing this chapter so I have not edited it yet so don't hate on any grammer mistakes as I will fix this later on! Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter !!

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Thank you!!

-Irum Bashir

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