
I'm sorry I didn't get to tell you goodbye in person. Don't worry – I haven't told anyone what you told me. I'll be back before you know it. Until then, you'll be left in very capable hands. Keep what you saw to yourself until I return. The fewer people know, the better.

Stay safe.


You're not sure how long you sat there staring at the letter, reading and re-reading his words. After awhile, everything bleeds together into an unintelligible mess. What does this mean? Are you in danger, stuck here with Sephiroth? Vanitas' words also run through your head, his warning of Shinra...

With a sigh, you drop your head. This secret clearly can't stay a secret much longer.


"You okay?"

With a jump you sit up straight in your seat, glancing up at the sudden intruder to your thoughts. Standing before you is a beaming Yuffie, a bright red apple clutched in her hands as she stares down at you.

"Of course! Why?" you ask, picking at your eggs as she leans a palm on the cafeteria table.

"You look all depressed," she points out with a scrunch of her nose. "I figured you'd be happy! You've been trying to get more action since the moment I've met you. Now look at you – a genuine fighter!"

You roll your eyes, though you can't hold back a small laugh.

"I guess. Felt more like dumb luck," you admit, shrugging lazily. "I mean... I defeated a sea creature while she was away from the ocean. Not really anything too glamorous," you add with a smirk.

Yuffie grins, slinking into the seat in front of you as he takes a comically large bite out of her apple. She munches loudly, watching you carefully.

"What, is there something on my face?" you finally ask, patting around your cheeks and mouth.

Yuffie shakes her head, swallowing the bite.

"No, no. You've just been so secretive since coming to Shinra."

She leans forward a bit, resting a hand over yours. Her dark eyes are watching you carefully, eyebrows raised in silent reassurance. You release a pent-up sigh, dropping your head slightly as you break her gaze.

"If there's something you knew, something really important... something no one else knew... something that could change the course of this war... Would you tell anyone?"

You're greeted by silence. You slowly peek up, your heart sinking when you realize Yuffie's frowning. Almost immediately she breaks out in a grin, leaning back in her seat after gently patting your hand.

"Well, you know my motto – there's no secrets between friends!"

You hum a bit as you raise a fork-full of eggs to your mouth. Nodding, your gaze darts over to her.

"Yeah," you agree between chews of egg, "friends. Huh."

A knowing smile grows on Yuffie's face as she places her half-eaten apple on your plate. Something about her expression is making you nervous. Nothing good can come of a prying Yuffie.

"You're pregnant, aren't you?" she guesses with a sigh.

"What?!" you ask with a laugh, quickly shaking your head. "Are you serious, Yuff? No way!!"

"Good," she sighs, playfully pretending to wipe sweat from her forehead, "because I am not ready to be an Aunt!"

From the look on her face, you know she's kidding. And for a moment, you truly forgot the secret weighing on your heart. You smile, taking another bite of eggs.

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