Day 85

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  I woke up to the annoying sound of my ringing phone.
It was 8 a.m. and Austin already left for the morning interview and afterwards to OM&M practice. For me it's pretty early and if someone call's me so early probably it's something important.
The number on the screen was unknown and I began to wonder about the identity of the caller.
At first I was too lazy to answer the call but because the phone kept ringing I had to pick up.

"Hello, I'm Dean Winters from LA university. Is it Summer Smith?"
"It's me"
"I'm sorry for disturbance but we need to discuss about your financial status in the first semester"
"What do you mean?"
"We got a message that you won't attend our university this year since you didn't pay", when he said it I began to panic.
"Sorry again and see you next semester"

I was too shocked that it happened at all. The panic attack began to rise inside my stomach and before I could to break down I've decided to make sure it's not a mean joke.
"Hello,how can I help you?"
"Yeah hello, can you transfer me to the fenancial department of the university?"
"Yes,just wait a second"
Before I could take a deep breath I already been transfered to the department and the very familiar voice answered.
"Hello, I'm Dean Winters. How can I...", and before he could finish I hang up the phone and threw it as far as I can.
I took my clothes and changed as fast as I can, put on my Vans and left the house to catch the bus to my house.


"Don't worry,just take your stuff and go", Austin tried to relax me.
"I'll try my best"
"You sure you don't want me to come with you?"
"I'm pretty sure,I'm already a mess and I don't want to drag you with me"
"Shut up and just go", he said and opened me the door and pushed me to go outside the car.
I walked slowly to door,taking deep breaths to make sure I won't ran away.
When I already was standing in front of the door I took last breath and knocked gently on the door. At first I stood there in complete silence,waiting for someone to open.
After couple of minutes I heard foot steps and the key turn around inside the lock hole and finely the door opened.
"Summer? what are you doing here?",my mom look's the same way she looked always,pretty with her bleached hair and perfect make up.
"I came to take my stuff", she had a question in her eyes but she already asked the question before I could answer.
"You moving somewhere?"
"I take my stuff because I'm leaving for collage"
"And where you live now?"
"At my boyfriend's, Austin"
"That musician which older than you?"
"He's only 27 years old mom"
"He still grown up man, and too old for you Summer"
"Well, I'm not a kid anymore and I don't need to hear you stupid preaching", at this point I began more and more angry at her.
"I'm your mother! It's my job to keep you safe!"
"Where have you been when my ex raped me and made me get an addiction and depression? you were fucking with other man!", now we both were screaming at each other.
"Don't you dare blame me for your own mistakes!"
"You and dad ruined my life and then sent me to god for saken hospital and even didn't visit me once", I was crying and my mother stood there with a cold smirk on her face,knowing she hurted me.
"Take your stuff and go the hell away from here. And don't excpect us to pay for your collage!"
"You won't dare! Jeramy is the one who gave you the money!", her eyes just burn with rage and her hand pointed on two boxes.
"Take them and don't come back"
I couldn't look at her, I was ashemed to call her my mom. I picked up the boxes and left the place which made my life horibble.


When the bus stopped next to the station which was near my house the morning sun was already shining and the sun glasses covered my red and fluffy eyes. The street was quite and just few old lady's sat on the banches next their houses.
When I knocked the door someone began to talk behind me.
"If you want to find this rude woman it hopless,she and her husbend left a week ago"
"What do you mean?"
"They left after she fought with her dougther. Her husbend made a scene,they packed everything and the next morning they left", I nodded and thanked the woman.
"They sold the week it's going to be a park", I nodded again and left the place.

What will I do now?  

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