Day 7

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"Summer! Summer, please don't do this to me...",a voice told me,I could hear that this man began to cry. "Someone call 911,fast!!!".

When I woke up my head hit at the bunk which was above mine.Well shit,my head gonna hurt like hell today...
I opened the curtain of my bunk and was on way to check if there any blue marks. I need ice. The remains of the dream, or more nightmare, still gave me goose bumps and I decided to write them down, maybe this will be necessary one day. It's! It would keep my legs on the ground.
After I've attached the package of ice to my forehead I made myself a coffee. Just a minute after Hannah pulled her curtain and jumped to the floor of the bus. I guess that we already made our way to the next destination-Spokan, Washington. I know that I had almost five hours ride,but where we were right now I don't know.Half hour later we stopped to fill some gas so I had a chance to smoke some cigarettes,drink something and talk with Hannah.
When I lit a cigarette Hannah sat next to me and covered her face with her hands. Because the sun was stroking on our face we both were with our shades on. "Can I have a cigarette?", "are you sure that you want?", she only nodded and waited until I handed her one. When she sucked the cigarette she started to coughing and I saw a little tear go down her check. "It's fucking disgusting,how do you smoke this shit?", "you get used to it,but I don't recommend you to start smoking", she nodded again and berried her face again in her hands. "Why did you took me with you? I'm no one,a loser who ran away...", "When I saw you the other day it felt that you are an amazing girl who got into some trouble", instead of denying she laughed sarcastically. "I don't need your charity help, just bring me back to Cleveland", now it's was my turn to laugh. "You really want to go back to the place you ran away from? You really want to hurt yourself? You can work here,my uncle said it's okay", but Hannah was stubborn. "Think about this,please? ", and finely she agreed on something.

"Sky,promise me you'll come to Spokane. I need you...", we needed to leave and I was hopeless without her, especially when me and Austin had a date in two days. "I'll come, don't worry. I'm a journalist and we are everywhere! But I'll miss you though". I love this girl. "We'll see each other in three days, right after the gig,when the hometown bands will join and there will be more job to do". We knew she'll be traveling with wraped all summer and thanks to that I was calm.
"See you soon babe",she said to me and gave me warm hug.

We were on the road again and Hannah was inside her bunk listening to music. I wish I could help her but she don't want help. I took deep breath and started to listen to music as well, OM&M, of course . My head was beating with pain and I've decided to take some pain killers. I could see a huge and blue mark on mine forehead and it looked horrible.fuck,now I'll need to use makeup... tonight I have a date with Austin and I don't know what he's planning. I was little bit afraid because the last time I was dating someone he changed me and used me and I can't let this happen again. It was almost afternoon and we were near to Spokane. The gig was planned for tomorrow night so the bands had night off,but the else had to build up all the electronic stuff, put guards in the enterance to the parking lot and some other shitty stuff that was above my understanding because I was responsible on the bands,if they had night off- I had night off. My head was spinning with excitement and I couldn't decide what to wear,but because Hannah was the only one who knew about my date with Austin she agreed to help me and cover on me,it was too soon for my uncle to find out that I was going on a date with a man who is six years older than me. The others (Alan,Aaron,Tino,Phil, Oli and his guys and Vic and his band) was planning to go clubbing so I asked Vic if he can take Hanna with them even though she was too young to drink,but she needed some distraction and someone like Vic or matt Kean.
Austin came to my bus and then we heading to our destination, where it I don't know. "You look amazing!",I didn't feel that I was looking amazing, all I wore was a simple tee and pleated skirt (and some makeup to hide the blue mark on my forehead ). "So... where are we going?", he had the sweetest smile when he tried to hide this. "Eventually you'll find out but not now". We entered to a cab and started to ride,the driver even didn't ask where we are going. Spokane is a small city but very beautiful one with her green lawns and with some old buildings. Finely, our destination was the cinema. When we came in he handed me the ticket and I saw that we're going to 'Deathpool',Austin's favorite super villain. I laughed a little and he smiled to me. We entered the cinema hall,found our sitts and Austin went to buy some popcorn and sodas. The movie started as Austin camme back, like every detail was planned to the second. At the middle of the movie Austin did the famous yawn move,such a cliché, but I let him do this because it wasn't harmful. At some point we started to hold our hands together, and I could feel my belly filling with butterflies which tickled my heart and soul. Still,I was afraid and insecure.

The way to the parking lot was quite and no one spoke the whole time,I found the silence little bit awkward and unpleasant. Very fast the night ended and we already was near to my bus,but still, Austin insisted to accompany me till the bus. When we were facing the door I gave Austin quick hug and opened the door. "Summer? ","hmmmm?" ,at this moment he twisted me back to his warm arms. He pushed me gently to the bus wall and very quickly his face was next to mine. I could feel his breath on my face,our noses touched each other and he wispere-"let me do this", it was hard to breath because of the exciting moment. "Just do it before I regret", I wispeted him back. His lips touch mine,first just pressing them on mine but after that he asked without words to enter his tounge to mine mouth, and I just let him. He had popcorn taste. Our toungs were like dancing with passion. Because I wasn't usual to kiss someone with tounge I let little gigle to sneak out. "Good night", all I said, leaving him surprised.  

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