Day 4

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It was already today,I mean it's 1 a.m. and since we got on the highway I could'nt get any sleep. It was sleepless night. The crave for a cigarette was irresistible and my mind went creazy.Every ten minutes I've asked the driver when we going to stop and after few times he found me too annoying so we had to stop in empty gas station. The second the bus stopped I jumped out and was on a search for a perfect place. The smoke of the cigarette gave me some relaxation to my bad thoughts and made me more comfortable. "I can't believe that a little princess like you is smoking",a voice said behind me. "If you want I can give you one...".Because I've already figured out who was there I did'nt was surprised.
"So what are you doing here?", stupid question. I was smoking my troubles.
"I'm here to smoke like you already saw. The big question is what ARE you doing here...", Alan took my lighter and lit his cigarette. while the smoke was going out of his mouth he said-"Everyone is sleeping so I was bored and when I saw your buss stops here we stopped here".
Even though it was complete darkness I could see his red hair shining. "Are you coming to our party today?",shit. why you're asking this..."I don't know...we have alot to do".
"so? everyone want to hang out with you, get a chance to hit the new girl",you son of a bitch.
"No thanks, I'd rather keep my job", Alan's face became grumpy and I saw the start of a puppy face. "fine, I'll come. Fuck, I hate you", he gave me a hug, threw his cigarette and went back to his bus.

At the morning, when everyone woken up I've got my missions for today.
1)Babysit the grown up man
2)take them to the interviews
3)make the monsters food
4)send them to practice
5)bring every band to the show

The day started with waking up BMTH,PTV and OM&M.Like it was yesterday the boys were tired and I found it difficult to do this mission. when everybody was ready I texted them and asked them to meet me in a park,where they're going to perform tonight.
"for the next hour you're going to give interviews to the reporters,be nice". Everyone nodded and went to diffrent directions. when I was left alone I've noticed one girl who was alone and a little afraid. "Hey, is everything okey?", she nodded her head and took deep breath. "I don't know. It's my first interview and I fucked up", her voice were trembling and for a moment I felt sorry for her."what's your name?", "I;m Sky. from Alt press". she tried to smile but I could feel her fear."I'm going to check something, I'll be right back". because of this poor girl I've decided to interupt one interview and take one band to her. I'll take Alan,he's nice.
I could see OM&M laughing and so the interviewer. "Alan, can I borrow you and Tino for a minute?", they tried to understand what happened but I kept my mouth shut.
"can you do me a favor and have an interview with that girl,Sky?",I thought they will be fissed off but instead they smiled and agreed.
"Sky! look who came for an interview with you!",Sky was greatfull when Alan and Tino dragged her with them.
while the interviews I could give myself a couple of minutes and smoke a cigarette. "never could imagine you smoking",Austin said and sat left to me. "well, you don't know me at all, I can do more things", "I would be happy to know this things". my body stiffened and a cold shiver went through my body. "I don't realy want to talk about it", I stood up and left him wondering about me.

"Hey you! can you stop for a second!". Sky screamed behind me. My anger and frusteration filled my whole body but I tried my best to hide this.
"would you come to eat lunch with me? I'll pay for your food,just a little thanks for today". Sky was red headed girl with many freckles on her face,she had pink chocker and some neckleces. "you don't need to thank me! it's okey". But Sky insisted and finely we went to eat some Sushi.
After we said our goodbays and changed phone number I've got a text from Alan.

you coming to the party! invite friends

He's not going to leave me alone with this,I'll ask Sky if she want to go with me.

hey! It's Summerhey! how are you?I'm fine,but I need a friend to a party tonightk. u want me there?yes!!!where and whenwhere we met today b4 the interviews after the showI'll be there


I've met sky when the last band finished their last song and the crowd started to exit. "let's go to my bus and I'll get ready", she agreed and we headed towards my bus.
"who's party we going to?", "of OM&M party", she was in shock but very fast she started to mumble about how cute is Oliver Sykes.
I took fast shower and put some mascera and eyeliner,as usual, and wore nice skirt and black tee.
when we entered to OM&M bus there was no place, even though thre was only three bands me and Sky. after a while I felt a little bit claustrophobic and left the bus to smoke. everybody was drunk and only me and Sky (who was amazed by Oli) stayed sober.
"why are you here?", "Austin,you drunk. go inside before my uncle will run here","but there nothing to worry about, we did'nt do something illegal...".
before I could respond him he pulled me into a hug ans wispered into my ear-I want a chance,I don't care how broken you're...
I pulled myself out of his arms and run to my bus,lletting all my fears slowly fill my body.  

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