Day 72

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  Every one had left Austin's home somewhere at 2 a.m. just because Phill felt that I need some sleep. Well, I played myself tired to get some time with Austin but he was truly tired and fell right on the sofe,making little snores.

An hour later I was laying on the bed,looking through the window and wishing the sleep would come faster. I felt lonely in the huge bed, and all I wanted is to hug someone until we both fall asleep. Finely I've decided to leave the bed and go for a walk. I was looking for my shoe's when the door to the room opened.

"Where are you going?", Austin asked with concern in his voice.
"I can't sleep,thought that some walk will help", I know that he had hard time to believe me since all I did my whole life is to run away. To make him feel better I asked him to join me.
"Want to go with me?", his eyes lit up and he nodded excitedly.
"Just let me grab my shoes and jacket!", I'm so happy that I called him when I was in trouble.

When we got out of the house I finely got the chance to see better the street even if it was fitch black. Austin locked the door and put his jacket on my shoulders.
"Don't worry about me,I'll be fine", and I belived him because he had this melting smile which every girl would dream to get.
We walked only two minutes and Austin already put his hand over my shoulder and pulled me closer.

When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
I will try to fix you

Austin sang me quietly,trying to make me feel better. I know that he's trying his best to help me and fix me but it takes time and won't happen so fast.
"Thank you...", I whispered him, raising the biggest smile I can afford right now.
We walked through the street and cold wind blew in the hot wheater of California,and like in the song that Austin sang me before the lights guide us on our way.


When we got back home I was realy tired and happy that finely I can sleep,but I don't want to sleep all by my self. Austin went towards the sofe,making himself as much as possible comfy in there.
"Come sleep with me", I said with hasitation in my voice.
"You sure?"
"It's your bed,so it's not fair that you would sleep here", I said and pointed on the sofa he was sitting. A huge grin rose on his face and he jumped really fast on his feet, picking me up when I was the least ready for it, and grabbing me into the bed.
After the surprise left me I began to laugh and became as excited Austin was.

His lips collided with mine, passing the taste that was uniqe to Austin. The kiss was passionate,bringing chills over my body. Since Austin felt that he moved to my neck,kissing it softly and then bitting it (god,tommorow I'll wake up with huge marks). One loud moan left my mouth and I could feel that he enjoing it as I'm. Austin moved to my collar bone, bitting it lightly. It passed over a month since we had sex but every second worth it because it was so amazing! We almost ripped each other clothes,kissing and bitting every body part we can. When finely we both were naked to the skin, Austin looked into my eyes and said me the thing that never will get old or pass in our relationship-"I love you so much...I just want to feel you as part of me..."
"I love too,and I can't wait until it finelly happen...",before I could finish he just entered to me,making me feel home and safe with the right amount of pleasure.

Before falling asleep in each other arms Austin whispered into my ear what I always want to hear before I go to sleep-"I want to do this until we both fall asleep,make everything dissapear around us,because I breath you like air...", and to response I've decided to ask the obious,"always?"


The morning sun hit my face just the same way it did the day before,and the memory just brought a smile to my face.
"I want you wake up with a smile every day"
"It's all because of you...",his words made my heart to stop when he talked.
"I wish we could lay in the bed all day and night,just be happy", I know that feeling. That feeling was more intanse after that time apart.
"Promise me that we'll wake this way as long as we can"
"To forever...",he whispered before kissing my lips.
"...and beyond", I completed his words.

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