Day 3

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It's was early when I woke up. I could hear the crew's deep breaths and some snores. When I looked at the time it was 5 a.m. so I decided to take a short shower and find something to drink. While taking off my clothes I looked at my scarred legs. There were deep scars on my thights and they went down my legs.
God,I hate myself...
no! I can't think that! I'll find myself cutting again.
I found some tisshues and wipped my eyes.The warm water washed all the worries and my mind could rest for a while.
After the quick shower I did my makeup and changed to black Skinny jeans and BMTH shirs I've got couple years ago.Because Starbucks were not far away from our parking lot I decided to get some coffee. In the short walk I was listening to some music,my little escape...
My phone bipped few times and disturbed my morning. who can text me so early?

hey! It's and some guys saw you going to starbucks,do you mind if we join you?Yeah! but come fast couse I need the coffee realy fast...Just stand there. we're just a minute from you

I was sitting on a banch,waitting to find who is coming.I saw four man going with their shades on,even though the sun just started to rise,and hoodies on.
"Hey there Summer!" Alan shouted and waved to me. Vic from PTV was there.Austin (of course...) and Oliver from BMTH.
"Hey! good morning girl" Vic said while giving me a hug. The other gave me hugs and greeted me with good morning. I tried to smile to them,but I could'nt.
"I can see that you're a fan of my band",Oli said with happines and winked me, and I could'nt resist a smile. We entered to the Starbucks shop and the guys ran to find menues,and I was left with Oli."how things is going between you and Hannah?" stupid quastion.fuck.
"As everyone knows already we're going to marry","When you planning to marry?","Probably after the Wrapped,but who knows what will happen maybe we decide to marry next summer". Oli was realy nice,and it felt like my dreams are coming true.
"Lets find a seats and wait to them,we can order after", I agreed with a little nod with my head.While I tried not to freakout Vic,Alan and Austin came to our table. "Are you fine? It's looks like tou going to faint" Vic asked me and put a warm hand on mine shoulder. "you see guys, I've never saw my heros for real, never imagined to meet them or work with them", they just laughed on me and sipped their drinks.whuich remainded me that I need to buy coffee.

After the little chat we came back to the parking lot and tried to start new day of work,but before everyone went back to their bus Austin invited me to a party they're were planning to do on the next city and I promissed to think about is.

"Where have you been?" my uncle asked while he drank RedBull. "Is'nt it too early to drink energy drinks?","No it's not too early. Where have you been?" I was annoyed and gave up very fast. "I went with some guys here to coffee...", "Okey,it's not big deal you could told me". With a nod of a head I changed the subject.
"where our tour is headed today?"," go and wake up my bands,they have alot to do today", "I'll do this". We said our goodbays for now and everyone moved to their work. my uncle went to shout on some workers and I'm was going to babysitt some grown up men.

The first bus which I found was my firs stop. Pierce the Veil.Inside the bus was total quite and I wondered where Vic gone. "wake up! you have a job to do today",while talking you could hear their disagreement. "Five minutes! I didn't slept all night..",Tony whispered to the air. "It's your problem, but mine is to Babysitt you", after I saw that all of them was drinking coffee or energy drinks and dressed up I could leave.

After I woked up everyone I sent them to practice and after that to pack the instruments.The day was full of yellings but when it was noon we entered to the busses and left LA for the next three monts.

can we talk when we get to Seatle?yeah! find me when we stop.GoodnightGoodnight Austin...

120 days of SummerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon